Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 626 No. 25's Scheming Routine

"Number 6... I know you don't like me, but there's no need to wrong me like that, right? Number 5 is my teammate, why did I deliberately fall and frame her?" Xia Ying sighed, " Forget it, after all, you are still young, just a child..."

Liu Liuliu: ...

Xu Qingzhi on the side frowned. She looked around and quickly determined Xia Ying's intentions.

Audiences always only believe what they see with their own eyes. From the audience's point of view, it was No. 5 who "threw down" Xia Ying.Now that Liu Liuliu suddenly appeared to uphold justice, in their eyes, it was undoubtedly nothing to find fault with.

Even if you don't have to think about it, you can guess that the barrage must be full of curses now.

Xu Qingzhi was about to step forward, but someone grabbed her hand.

Looking back, Qi Yan appeared by her side at some point and shook his head at her.

That clear look made Xu Qingzhi instantly understand: "They..."

"It's not the first day that something like this happened." Qi Yan said in a low voice, "I don't know how No. 25 reached an agreement with No. 5, and planned to step on one of them to favor the other. But their effect That’s right, you haven’t looked at the rankings for the past few days, so you don’t know that No. 25 has been occupying No.1 in the rankings.”

"They did this for the audience to see, and they didn't care too much about our players, but we don't have the means to expose it."

"So most people don't see it... After all, if they charge up like Liu Liuliu..."

Even if you don't explain it clearly, the meaning in the words is self-evident.

Liu Liuliu was so impulsive that he rushed forward before Qi Yan could stop him.

Now, it has completely fallen into the vortex of public opinion.

After all, Xia Ying is not a soft-hearted person, and Liu Liuliu is her rival, so how could she not take the opportunity to step on someone?
Even Qi Yan, who is more arrogant than ordinary people, has to think that in this respect, Xia Ying must not be offended... Even though she is a young girl, her methods in some respects are too dirty.

"You'd better not go." Qi Yan said, "You and No. 6's recent rankings are not ideal. If the two of you are involved together again... I don't want to see you at the bottom."

Xu Qingzhi understood Qi Yan's worry.


She broke free from Qi Yan's restraint, and shook her head regretfully.

Liu Liuliu was her friend, so she couldn't sit idly by.

Seeing her determined expression, Qi Yan was angry and speechless: This guy is really disobedient as always!

I shouldn't care about her!Waste of saliva!

And Liu Liuliu was shocked by Xia Ying's shamelessness.

Although she was young, she was by no means stupid, and now she quickly realized what kind of thing she was involved in.

It's just that it's impossible for her to let go now.

Just when she was struggling, Xu Qingzhi's voice sounded: "I'm sorry, the 25th and 6th are still young, so it's inevitable that I will speak impulsively."

A tall woman stepped forward and shielded No. 6 behind her without a trace.

Xia Ying paused, and then, joy flashed in her eyes.

In her view, both Liu Liuliu on the 6th and Xu Qingzhi on the 19th are her enemies.

Especially Xu Qingzhi... In her dreams, she wanted to trample this woman under her feet!
At first, I thought that I could only pull No. 6 into the water, but I didn't expect Xu Qingzhi to come up with such a blind eye!

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