[I have to admit that it will be easier for the professional models to be drawn, and the scores will probably be higher then. 】

[Didn't it mean that these contestants are all masters from various places?It is not difficult to design clothes for ordinary people, right? 】

[Upstairs, it's really not difficult to design good-looking clothes for ordinary people, but don't forget that this is a competition, surrounded by excellent players, do you think ordinary designs can win the competition in this high-pressure environment?If you can't achieve the full score effect, you will be eliminated easily!
Why do designers like to find models for catwalk shows?Because the body data, expressive power, etc. of professional models are superior to ordinary people, they can show the beauty of clothing to the maximum extent.There are a lot of show videos on the Internet, you can probably understand if you go and watch them. Those beautiful and excellent designs on the models, if we ordinary people wear them, they are probably sacks! 】

Anyway, both the audience and the contestants understand!

As long as you choose a professional model, you can get twice the result with half the effort!
So, with everyone's thoughts, the lottery was quickly completed.

When the host announced that the lottery was over and models could be found, Xu Qingzhi looked at the number plate in her hand and found the model with the corresponding number plate.

Although I had made psychological preparations in advance, after seeing the model, I still felt that my luck was a little bit bad.

What she drew was an ordinary person.

Even...the kind of ordinary people with the worst conditions.

Her model is a woman who looks quite young, probably a college student. I don't know if it is because of the influence of puberty that her face is full of acne marks.He seemed a little timid, and looked at her with cramped and reserved eyes.

On top of that, the model is in terrible shape.

He is 1.6 meters tall, but he is obviously obese, and his whole body is fleshy, like a snow-white steamed bun.

You know, the most taboo thing for models is obesity!
But Xu Qingzhi quickly calmed down, and asked softly, "What's your name?"

"I...my name is Xiaozhuan."

The female student who called herself Xiaozhuan was overly nervous, and even stumbled when she spoke.

"Don't be nervous." Xu Qingzhi comforted, "I am your designer, I hope we can get along well in these three days."

"Okay... okay."

Xiao Zhuan is the fattest model in the audience, so it is easy to attract the audience's attention.Seeing that Xu Qingzhi was the one who picked her, the barrage filled with emotion.

[It's the 19th, isn't the 19th too unlucky? 】

[It's not discrimination against obesity, but the model's figure is too bad...it will restrict many designs.Here I am envious of No. 25, who actually got the most awesome supermodel!Meet Ouhuang! 】

[The model is not good, even if the designer is skilled, it's useless, right? 】

[People didn't say anything on the 19th, what are you guys talking about? 】

[+1 I think the attitude towards models on the 19th is quite good, maybe they don't care who the models are at all? 】

[Please, this is a live broadcast, and the camera is facing it! Of course I have to act on the 19th, otherwise what should I do if I get scolded?Maybe I have scolded this model to death in my heart. 】

In this world, there are quite a few bullies who maliciously smear others.

However, these star-point criticisms could not affect Xu Qingzhi.

After the models are assigned, each contestant will have their own private studio. Except for private places, each studio is equipped with cameras and can conduct live broadcasts 24 hours a day.

Each contestant has a dedicated live broadcast room, and viewers can choose the live broadcast room they are interested in to watch.

For this reason, the audience was also diverted.

The best supermodel in the audience this time was No. 25, a girl who looked very young.But seeing No. 25's clothes, Xu Qingzhi recognized her - Xia Ying.

I didn't expect her luck to be so good. I heard that she is a high-achieving student from the design department, and I guess the final score will not be bad.

And Qi Yan was lucky, he got a professional model. At a professional level, as long as he performs smoothly, showing off his style is not a problem.

This is a 24-hour live broadcast, and the audience is naturally more interested in those professional models, so they chose the live broadcast room of the contestants who have drawn professional models. On the 25th, Xia Ying even got the sweetness of supermodels and became the current online model. Most Viewed.

As for the rest of the ordinary models... With all due respect, most of the online viewers are ordinary people. Who is interested in watching the 24-hour live broadcast of ordinary people?Isn't supermodel good?

Even if you want to see the results, can you wait until three days later when the competition is scored?
Therefore, although Xu Qingzhi received a lot of praise at the beginning, after some operations, not many people clicked into her live broadcast room.

Even her traffic is at the bottom.

Fortunately, she didn't know the current situation, but even if she knew, she probably wouldn't care.

The moment the contestants step into the studio, the game begins.

Xu Qingzhi didn't dare to waste time, and quickly measured the data for her model, Xiao Zhuan. As expected, the measured data was extremely unsightly.

While recording, she quickly crossed some designs in her heart.

The audience is right, the figure of the model restricts many design styles, and also limits the room for designers to play.

And Xiao Zhuan was extremely nervous from the beginning to the end, her character was obviously introverted, and when Xu Qingzhi was drawing designs in front of the workbench, she also sat obediently on the side, not daring to move.

Didn't even dare to breathe heavily.

After more than ten minutes, Xu Qingzhi resolutely gave up the design for the time being.

Ste Lee once said that she is a gifted designer, and designers of this type may not have solid basic skills or experience, but they can always create inspirational designs after they get inspiration. Refreshing design.

But now, she has no inspiration at all.

Three days is too short, she didn't dare to delay, so she put down her pen and said, "Xiao Zhuan, let me teach you how to walk first."

After all, the way of scoring is to watch catwalks, and model walking is also a very crucial part.

Xiao Zhuan nodded timidly.

Fortunately, Xu Qingzhi used to be a model, which can be regarded as half a career.Under her guidance, Xiaozhuan walked stumblingly.

Because of his obesity and being a novice on the road, he stumbles and stumbles when he walks. Not only does he not look like a model, but it is extremely funny.

Xu Qingzhi was patient, but no matter how many times she taught her, Xiao Zhuan didn't make any progress.

At the end, Xu Qingzhi didn't say anything, but Xiaozhuan looked like he was about to cry: "Yes...I'm sorry."

Xu Qingzhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What are you sorry for?"

"I... I know I'm terrible, I'm in poor shape, and I can't learn anything well. Designers like you definitely don't want me to be selected in the lottery, right?"

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