Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 58 The psychological haze brought by Yu Yanchen

Yu Yanchen took a deep breath.

"Xu Qingzhi, what are you doing?!"

The man's roar lingered above the elevator, and this woman jumped on him like crazy and bit his shoulder!

"Xu Qingzhi, are you crazy?"


She didn't.

Xu Qingzhi's thoughts were chaotic, and her brain seemed to have lost the right to think.When those memories rushed into her mind, she only knew fear, only fear...

Even the body subconsciously made a defensive posture.

"Xu Qingzhi!"

Another roar sounded, and Xu Qingzhi's body trembled.

And at this moment, the light above the head that had been off turned on again.

The brightness seemed to dissipate the fear brought by the darkness, and Xu Qingzhi's dilated pupils condensed again.

She came to her senses belatedly, and only then did she feel the heat coming from every corner of her body due to the contact.

What did she... do?
She looked down, and at the same time, she leaned her whole body against the man.And the mouth was like a wolf cub biting the opponent's shoulder, clearly through the thin fabric, but there seemed to be a faint smell of blood in the jaws.

"Xu, Qing, Zhi!"

A male voice gnashing her teeth came from above, causing her to pause suddenly, and then quickly withdrew her body.

"What the hell are you going crazy about?" Yu Yanchen scolded angrily, but the next moment, his pupils shrank.

He couldn't see the woman's face because the light was off before, but now that the light was restored, the other's face was exposed in his field of vision without any disguise.

Two lines of clear tears burst out of Xu Qingzhi's eyes at some point, her peach blossom eyes were red, and faint tears stained her plain face.

In the indifferent and indifferent eyes from both sides, the fear has not dissipated, but it is impossible to see everything behind them through the eyes.

"I..." Sensing the man's strange gaze, Xu Qingzhi touched her face subconsciously, and sure enough, her fingertips got wet all of a sudden.

She actually... cried?
"What are you doing?" Yu Yanchen withdrew his gaze, his eyes were full of disgust and some incomprehensible emotions, "Or are you really down to this point, never let go of any opportunity, actively Do you really want to throw yourself in the arms of a man?"

"Do you really think that if you do this, I will be tempted?"

Xu Qingzhi paused, then wiped her face with the back of her hand vigorously.With the tears wiped away, the woman completely lost the panic just now. If it weren't for her slightly pale face, it would be difficult to associate her with what happened just now.

"Mr. Yu, are you a bit too self-indulgent?" She said lightly, "It's nothing, I just thought of something I shouldn't think about."

No one noticed that when she said this, her fingertips pierced the flesh of her palm.

"I'm really curious, what is it that can make you go crazy." Yu Yanchen sneered, "It turns out that thieves sometimes have guilty consciences?"

Xu Qingzhi paused.

Casually, she smiled casually: "Yeah, I just don't know, some bastards, do they have the self-knowledge of being a bastard?"

"Xu Qingzhi!"

He yelled out her name again.

Unfortunately, the elevator door just opened.

Several waiters and stewards stood outside the elevator door, and the steward rubbed their hands awkwardly: "Mr. Yu, I'm so sorry, there was an accident in the elevator just now, but it has been resolved now. Are you two okay?"

As the steward spoke, he glanced at the man's shoulder.

There, there seems to be a... tooth mark?
Then he looked at Xu Qingzhi thoughtfully.

Are men and women so stimulating and open now?
Seeing someone, Yu Yanchen also restrained his anger just now, leaving only indifference on his face.He responded lightly, and then glanced at Xu Qingzhi with a knife-like gaze.

The woman is unimpressed.

He remembered that it was that face, just a few seconds ago, that was full of tears, as fragile as a glass doll.

For some reason, his heart began to become restless.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yu, our hotel will definitely make compensation for this unexpected incident..."

Before the manager finished speaking, Yu Yanchen interrupted him coldly: "Take us to the room."

There is no meaning of pursuing it at all.

The steward breathed a sigh of relief and nodded repeatedly.

Although Xu Qingzhi was brought by Yu Yanchen, and she was also a "female companion" in name, they still lived in a room separately.

Xu Qingzhi walked into the room, and the moment the door closed, the pretense of bravado disappeared in an instant.

Her body went limp, and she fell limply on the velvet bed.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but there was a faint pain in the wrist that had already healed.

Looking at the faint pink scar on her wrist, Xu Qingzhi closed her eyes in pain.

When Yu Yanchen questioned her, at that moment, how much she wanted to blurt out.

She wanted to ask him, Yu Yanchen, what are you pretending again?
Didn't you bring everything she endured?
Five years ago, it wasn't him who dragged her into a dark room, cursed and humiliated her, and cut off her tendons with a knife? !
She couldn't forget the pain that caused the blood to flow like a river, and she couldn't forget that Xu Xiaochen was born under the pain that went deep into the marrow of her bone marrow.

At that time, even the doctors were shocked.

This woman who had her hand tendon broken did not die!
But Yu Yanchen would never know that at that time, she really thought that she was going to die!

If it wasn't for that person, if it wasn't for that person who saved him...

Xu Qingzhi couldn't imagine that she might have turned into a cold corpse five years ago.

Xu Qingzhi clenched her hands tightly, she buried her face in the pillow, and let out a sneer full of pain.

It's okay, Yu Yanchen.

One day, I will beat you.

I will take revenge for all the pain I have suffered... one by one.

Xu Qingzhi rested all night in a daze, and the next afternoon, a waiter brought over the changed clothes.

Xu Qingzhi opened it and saw that it was a swimsuit.

After asking the waiter, she found out that this hotel near the beach is going to hold a beach party tonight, which can be regarded as a communication banquet for the rich local people.

Presumably, Yu Yanchen brought her here for this reason.

After the waiter left, looking at the bare swimsuit in her hand, Xu Qingzhi's head hurt a little.

After all, there are some things that she doesn't want people to see.

After thinking for a long time, she finally took off her clothes and underwear, and put on the swimsuit.

It was a classic three-point style. When she put her hands around her back to fasten the button, she heard a click, and the door of the room was suddenly opened.

She was startled, turned her head in surprise, and met her gaze.

And the moving hand also froze in mid-air.

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