"I will reveal my identity at that time, and everyone will see that No.1 is actually such a beautiful woman as Yingying, so I must be your fan."

"Yes, yes, yes, Yingying will definitely become a big star by then, and even the man just now may fall in love with you."

The little sister's words undoubtedly moved Xia Ying's heart.

After all... that kind of man is not something you can meet normally.

Besides, she also likes the feeling of being flattered.If she can win the competition, then beauty and strength coexist, how will the Internet praise her then?

Thinking of this, Xia Ying swept away the gloom before, raised her chin and said proudly: "Of course I will participate in this competition, just wait and see, I will definitely win the ranking!"

Scene transition.

Xu Qingzhi and Jiang Qiyun found a quiet place to sit down.

It was a coffee shop.

"What can I do for you?" Xu Qingzhi asked.

Jiang Qiyun didn't answer immediately, but smiled at the waiter beside him: "A cup of cappuccino, add three teaspoons of sugar and milk, thank you."

"When did you start drinking this?" Xu Qingzhi raised her eyes in surprise.

"I don't drink it, I'll give it to you." Jiang Qiyun said, "Don't you like it very much?"

Xu Qingzhi paused.

She has never liked the bitter taste of coffee, but wealthy people always touch coffee.Whenever this time, she will add a lot of sugar and milk.

This habit was born when he was very young, and Jiang Qiyun also knew it.

Jiang Qiyun likes bitterness, so seeing her who always adds a lot of sugar, sometimes she will tease her maliciously: "Qingzhi really can't bear bitterness."

At that time, Xu Qingzhi also thought so.

She is the daughter of the Xu family who was spoiled and spoiled. Even though her father was strict in education, she grew up in a honey pot.

This kind of self, with poor endurance, must not be able to endure hardship.

However, in the past few years, I have endured everything.

I'm afraid, the original self never dreamed of it.

I would actually endure the scourge of prison, the pain of broken bones... I endured it, my heart felt like it was being torn apart.

"I didn't expect you to remember." Xu Qingzhi quickly recovered and said with a smile.

"I remember everything about you."

Jiang Qiyun's tone was very slow, and his eyes were extremely affectionate.

"But, Jiang Qiyun, people will always change." She said, and then said to the waiter who hadn't had time to leave, "No need to add sugar, it's too sweet, it tastes a bit strange."

Now she is no longer the Xu Qingzhi who couldn't bear the hardships back then.

The waiter returned with the order, and the coffee came out not long after.

Xu Qingzhi took a sip, surrounded by bitterness: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Jiang Qiyun smiled wryly and said: "No matter how you change, you are still as direct as before. I want to ask why you didn't go back to live during this period of time."

"Aren't you very clear?" The woman put down her glass, "I live in Yu's house."

"Why do you want to go back?" He said, "That man hasn't caused you enough pain?"

"A Zhi, are you still reluctant to part with Yu Yanchen?"

"However, Su Wanruo is already awake. You finally stopped being a 'murderer' in people's eyes, and that man finally let you go. Why do you still want to get involved?"

"Obviously, you can have a better life..."

Not a "murderer"?
Will Yu Yanchen let her go?

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