This place was once Xu Qingzhi's nightmare.

Here, she has gone through torture... her hands were broken, her tendons were snapped, and she even almost lost her own child.

It was also here that she completely hated that man.

After taking everything from her, he still refused to let her go.

At that time, Xu Qingzhi was thinking: Yu Yanchen, will you be willing only if I die?

At that time, she thought she was really going to die.

However, one person appeared.

She couldn't see his face clearly, she only knew that he was a man, and he stretched out his hand and quietly wiped away the bright red bloodstains on her face.

Then, the man said: "Xu Qingzhi, I can take you away."


Xu Qingzhi woke up from her sleep.

She couldn't remember how long it had been since she had such a dream.

Or, how long... have I not recalled the past.

She opened her eyes and realized she had been rescued and was now in the hospital.However, he obviously did not return to China, and there was a foreign nurse standing beside him.

"Are you awake?" Seeing her waking up, the foreign nurse subconsciously spoke in a foreign language, and then remembered that the patient in charge of her was a Chinese, so she might not be able to understand foreign languages.

Just when she was struggling with how to talk to this foreign patient, she heard the woman speak weakly: "Can you give me some water? Thank you."

What the woman spoke turned out to be fluent in foreign languages.

Although the voice was hoarse, making some words ambiguous, it still surprised the foreign nurse.

However, her professionalism brought her back to her senses quickly, and she handed someone a glass of water.

Xu Qingzhi stretched out her hand to take the water, and when she woke up, she noticed that she didn't seem to be seriously injured, at least her limbs could still move freely.

The nurse hesitated and said, " didn't suffer much other injuries, but your face was scratched by stones. The scars are too deep. I'm afraid there will be scars even after you recover."

As a female nurse, she naturally understands how important the face is to a woman.

Looking at the Huaxia person in front of her, she has exquisite eyebrows and eyes, even if she has different aesthetics, she can still feel beautiful.

Such a beautiful person has been disfigured...

Xu Qingzhi was stunned for a moment, and then understood the meaning of the other party's words.

I...was disfigured?
She subconsciously stretched out her hand and touched her face lightly with her fingers.

However, what the fingertips touched was not the delicate skin, but layers of gauze.

Even though Xu Qingzhi didn't care too much about her appearance, she was still stunned by her sudden disfigurement.

The nurse hesitated to speak, because at this moment, the door was knocked open.

Jiang Shuitian walked in.

"Xu Qingzhi, are you awake?" Seeing Xu Qingzhi, Jiang Shuitian's eyes lit up, but she saw the wound on Xu Qingzhi's face again, and her voice suddenly became hoarse.

Before she came, she heard from the doctor... Xu Qingzhi, I'm afraid she's going to be disfigured.

"Well... are you okay?" Jiang Shuitian stammered, "You should have heard the news from the nurse, right? But don't worry, since I brought you here, I will definitely be responsible for you... After you recover from the injury, I'll take you for plastic surgery, and the scar can always be removed."

She stumbled and muttered a lot, but got no response: "Xu Qingzhi?"

Xu Qingzhi said hoarsely: "Give me the mirror."


"Give me the mirror."

He was obviously a sick patient who was extremely weak, but his tone was unquestionable.

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