Xu Qingzhi was no stranger to this person.

She nodded: "Long time no see, Assistant Ivan."

Ai Wen is Yu Yanchen's special assistant, and has been by his side for several years.When Xu Qingzhi was still the wife of the Yu family, she often inquired about Yu Yanchen through Aiwen.

After all, Yu Yanchen seldom goes home, even talking to her is rare.

However, Aiwen was not much better, and every time he answered her questions, he always answered her questions with a cold and businesslike attitude.

Thinking of this, Xu Qingzhi inevitably laughed at herself.

That's right, neither the Yu family members nor the people around Yu Yanchen thought of themselves as a serious Yu family's wife, did they?

After all, that man married him back then to humiliate her, didn't he?

"Miss Xu, please get in the car." Assistant Aiwen said, "Boss asked me to pick you up."

Xu Qingzhi responded and sat in the back seat of the car.

When Ai Wen stepped on the accelerator, he suddenly remembered Xu Qingzhi from five years ago.

Dressed noblely, beautifully and calmly, if the deep affection for Yu Yanchen in those eyes is erased, it will indeed live up to everyone's expectations, a veritable daughter of everyone, just like a pearl that cannot be reached.

As he thought so, he glanced at the woman in the back seat through the rear mirror:

Wearing the simplest white shirt and jeans, the whole body may not exceed 300 yuan.Long hair scattered, dressed in clear soup noodles.

However, that face is full of beauty.It is the beauty without makeup, with the tails of the eyes raised, with natural elegance and charm.

She was looking out the window with a calm expression on her face.

It seems that the five years of imprisonment did not damage her dignity and pride...

The car soon arrived at Yu's house.

Xu Qingzhi got out of the car, and when she stepped into the door of the villa, she heard a heart-piercing cry:

"Mr. Yu, please, I know I was wrong, Mr. Yu..."

Xu Qingzhi's shoulders trembled with fright at the earth-shattering voice of weeping ghosts and gods.

The crystal chandelier on the top of the living room seemed to shake for a moment, and then, a thick dark figure rushed towards Xu Qingzhi, staggering and falling to the ground.

And now, Xu Qingzhi also saw her appearance clearly:
Who is this person, not Wang Ma?

However, unlike the arrogance of the previous few days, the current Wang Ma can be described as a mess.The clothes on her body became crumpled, and there was obvious panic on her face.After seeing Xu Qingzhi, her eyes lit up, and then a pair of experienced hands grabbed the woman's trousers: "Miss Xu, you are finally back!"

Xu Qingzhi was taken aback, when had she seen Wang Ma like this?

After all, as an old man in the family, no matter it was five years ago or five years later, she never gave herself a good look.

"Miss Xu, I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong!" Wang Ma stumbled and said, "Please, help me beg Mr. Yu! I swear, I will never dare to do those stupid things again! "

"Miss Xu, I beg you, please forgive me..."

Yu Yanchen?
Xu Qingzhi grasped the word sensitively, she raised her head, and she really saw the man standing a few steps away.

Yu Yanchen was also looking at her, and the eyes of the two happened to meet.

Her gaze seemed to be scalded, then she quickly moved her eyes away and frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Xu, Ms. Xu!" Wang Ma didn't know what she had experienced, and now she couldn't even speak clearly, "It's all my fault, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Yu! Don't misunderstand Mr. Yu!"

Has this man, in order to shirk his responsibility, already done this?

Xu Qingzhi frowned even tighter.

Did she really think she was a fool?Do you really think that if he catches a scapegoat, he will believe it?
What a joke!
"Let's be honest, the dignified Yu Clan's rulers do things in such a devious way?" Xu Qingzhi sneered, "If there is nothing else, I will go upstairs to rest. As for Mr. Yu, there is no need to do so much, After all, I am very clear about what is right and what is wrong.”

Wang Ma was shocked: "No, Ms. Xu, all of this is my own thought, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Yu..."

"Enough." Yu Yanchen interrupted coldly, he looked at Xu Qingzhi, "I'll leave her to you."

Xu Qingzhi paused, then quickly regained consciousness.

Just for a moment, she actually felt that Yu Yanchen might be avenging herself.

But soon, she rejected this idea.

I even feel that this idea is too ridiculous!
"Mr. Yu is really a good trick." Xu Qingzhi's eyes were clear, she took a step, bypassed everyone, and went upstairs slowly, "If you just want to kick the ball at me, it will make me more annoying , I think, you don't have to toss so much."

"After all, it's not just her." Her footsteps paused, "The whole Yu family doesn't pay attention to me, does it?"

"And Mr. Yu, you are the leader of this family."

Xu Qingzhi's figure gradually disappeared to one side of the corridor.

Yu Yanchen's eyes became deeper and deeper, and the expression on Wang Ma's face, who was kneeling on the spot, became more and more desperate.

After a while, she tremblingly said: "Yu, Mr. Yu..."

Originally thought that Xu Qingzhi might soften her heart and help her.As a result, that bitch was so cruel, it was useless at all!
Yes, she hurriedly begged Yu Yanchen, after all, she was an old man who had been in Yu's family for many years, maybe he would soften his heart and forgive her?
Thinking of this, Wang Ma's eyes lit up: "Mr. Yu, I really know I was wrong, and I won't dare to do it again next time. For the sake of my many years in the Yu family, can you..."

"Shut up." An icy male voice sounded, and what Wang Ma greeted was an ice-like gaze.

Yu Yanchen glanced at the corridor in confusion, then put his hands in his pockets: "Drag her out."

"From now on, she is not allowed to step into the Yu family."

"No! Don't! Mr. Yu!" Wang Ma yelled in horror, but no matter how much she begged for mercy, she couldn't receive the man's mercy.

In the end, she was thrown out of the villa by several servants.

Wang Ma looked at the closed door of the villa, her face was ashen.

The Yu family is a big family in the capital, so they are naturally not harsh on their servants. As an old man, she stayed in the Yu family happily.And now, she was kicked out!

She was kicked out by the Yu family, what other way to survive?I'm afraid other places would not dare to take her in!

Her way of life!It was cut off abruptly!
Wang Ma covered her face in pain. If she had known this would happen, she would not have tortured Xu Qingzhi because of her own selfish desires, and even used Mr. Yu's banner, which offended Mr. Yu's majesty...

Otherwise, how could Mr. Yu fire himself for that unworthy bitch?
Wang Ma thought indignantly.

Unfortunately, everything is too late...

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