Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 538 Where did the $1 come from?

"Yan Chen?"

The woman's cautious voice seemed to have brought back the man's mind, and he lowered his eyes and responded in a low voice: "Don't be afraid."

Su Wanruo's back was still tense, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Now, what else do you want to say?" Yu Yanchen raised his head and looked at Xu Qingzhi again.

From the beginning to the end, the woman's spine remained straight, as if she had an unyielding arrogance.

It also made Yu Yanchen feel a little glaring.

It seems that since a long time ago, this woman will not bend her spine.

She maintained her pride from beginning to end. The only time her waist was broken was when Xu's father died a few years ago and she was dragged into prison.

At that time, she was down and out, and she was no longer the eldest lady of the Xu family.

"I have nothing to say." Xu Qingzhi said lightly, "Since someone wants to harm me, they can forge evidence in advance."

Yu Yanchen sneered: "You mean, you suspect that someone hurt you?"

"Otherwise?" Xu Qingzhi raised her eyes, "I'm poor and white now, where can I get 100 million dollars to buy money?"


Silence for a while.

Seems like it really is.

They almost forgot that the current Xu Qingzhi is pitifully poor.

Perhaps a few years ago, $100 million was a drop in the bucket for her.

So now, it is undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

Jiang Shuitian felt that she had been persuaded, and even became confused because of this: Xu Qingzhi seemed to say...not wrong?

But isn't the money coming from her account?
Yu Yanchen said coldly, "Are you refusing to plead guilty?"

"It's not my crime, so I naturally don't admit it." The woman said, "If Mr. Yu insists on making me plead guilty, then let his subordinates continue to investigate and see if they can find more definite evidence. Otherwise, I won't will bow."

Jiang Shuitian blinked her eyes in a daze, always feeling that there seemed to be a magnetic field between the man and woman that outsiders could not penetrate...

Wait, isn't this looking for a murderer?Why does she have such a weird feeling?

"Boss." Ai Wen suddenly received a call, and after he hung up the phone, he said, "There is a new message over there... It is said that the transfer was found, not from Ms. Xu's account."

Jiang Shuitian: "What?"

"It should be that someone has tampered with and transferred money from Ms. Xu's account."

It's really not Xu Qingzhi?Jiang Shui gave a sweet meal: "Then can I find out whose account it is?"

"Yes..." Ai Wen hesitated, he glanced at Su Wanruo, and then sighed, "It's from Miss Su's account."

For a moment, there was no sound.

And Su Wanruo was also stunned.

"No...impossible." Su Wanruo couldn't believe it, "I didn't do anything, and I didn't know these two men at all, how could it be possible... and these two foreign men also kept saying that they knew Xu Qingzhi ..."

"If you can really bribe people, it's not that there is no possibility of instigating people to frame you." Ai Wen said.

Su Wanruo's eyes immediately turned redder: "Assistant Aiwen, are you suspicious of me?"

She seemed to be hit, she took two steps back, her breathing became short of breath, and she seemed to be on the verge of collapse: "I really didn't... Yan Chen, you believe me..."

Even in a blink of an eye, tears floated to the eyes, and the tears were about to burst out.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qingzhi was amazed.

She finally knew why she couldn't beat Su Wanruo all the time.

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