The lively crowd suddenly fell silent.

"What are you arguing about here?" Qi Yan's face was cold, and the posture made a group of staff members shiver. "I think you are too free, so you have time to gossip behind your back?"

"No, sister Qi Yan..."

"Enough, don't you know what to do? What are you still talking about here? Why don't you go back to work soon?!"

Qi Yan's voice was too loud, and this sentence directly shocked people.

How could the small employees dare to oppose her, so they could only return to the office with embarrassing faces.

But... it's still lunch break!

Only Qi Yan was still standing in the tea room, no one knew what she was thinking.

Xu Qingzhi didn't know about the turmoil in the tea room, and when the time came, she went back to get off work step by step.

Because of the time difference between the two countries, they made a video call with Xu Xiaochen before they had time to eat.

It was Xu Xiaochen's rest time, so the little guy quickly connected the phone.

Seeing the mother's familiar delicate face in the video, the soft little dumpling raised a beautiful smile: "Mommy!"

During this period, the mother and son maintained a video frequency of once every three days.

Seeing Xu Xiaochen, Xu Qingzhi's expression eased: "How is your study recently?"

"Mommy, you don't know, Chenchen is amazing!" Xu Xiaochen gave himself a thumbs up, "The instructor is praising me!"

Of course Xu Qingzhi believed it.

Xu Xiaochen has never learned a foreign language, and when he first arrived abroad, he still needed an interpreter, but within a few days, he was able to have a simple conversation.

After more than a week, the direct conversation flowed smoothly.

By now, the interpreter has long been dismissed.

At the same time, the training base recruits top medical experts to take care of the children's bodies.In the base where he lives, Xu Xiaochen's health is gradually getting better. Although it is impossible to be like a normal child, at least he will not suffer from serious and minor illnesses.

"Chenchen is amazing, she's smarter than mom."

"That's not true, because Mommy is smart, she gave birth to a smart child like Chenchen." Xu Xiaochen blinked, "By the way, Mommy, let me introduce you to my little friend!"

After speaking, he waved his hand in one direction.

Within a few seconds, two small faces squeezed into the screen frame, and Hua Xiawen, who was squatting at the screen, said in unison: "Hello, sister!"

Xu Qingzhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she didn't need to think about it, she knew it was taught by Xu Xiaochen, that little ghost.

Xu Xiaochen mentioned two little friends, one is a black boy and the other is a white boy.The black man's name is Tim, he is 12 years old, has curly curly hair, eyes on the bridge of his nose, and looks like a schoolmaster.

The white guy is called Arthur, 13 years old, but looks like a little angel, but his personality is more lively than the restrained Tym, and his biggest ideal is to be an NBA player.

In the end, I don't know what went wrong, I didn't get into the basketball club, but into MIX instead.

The three of them often play together, and they are called the Three Knights of Justice in the base.

It is said that Arthur chose this name by referring to ancient novels, and Xu Xiaochen expressed his dislike for it.

Seeing that Xu Xiaochen had her own little friend, Xu Qingzhi finally felt relieved.

Her greatest hope is that Xu Xiaochen can grow up happily and not be involved in her disputes.

After hanging up the phone, Arthur held his baby's chubby face and said with a baby voice.

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