"Is it you who told Ye Liuqing my real identity?"

The voice stopped abruptly.

The pupils of the woman's eyes shrank invisibly.

The two unexpectedly maintained a quiet confrontation. In the end, under Xu Qingzhi's overly calm eyes, Li Qingjiu was defeated: "Who told you? Are you suspicious of me?"

"It doesn't matter who told me this. As for doubt...it's not, but conviction."

Xu Qingzhi said.

Her hands landed on the carved porcelain cup, and the white mist rose from the cup, blurring her face.

In fact, she had suspected it a long time ago, but she just refused to believe it.

Until Zhang Ruoyun put the evidence in front of her, all her assumptions finally became reality.

Li Qingjiu didn't answer right away.

Xu Qingzhi just waited quietly, and after an unknown amount of time, the woman sitting across from her let out a slightly dejected chuckle.

After a while, Li Qingjiu raised his eyes, and the kindness and gentleness that he pretended to be in his eyes had long since disappeared: "Who told you this?"

Xu Qingzhi: "Is it very important?"

"I just didn't expect that you would find out so early." Li Qingjiu said, "That's right, I told Ye Liuqing about it."

"This woman looks dignified and elegant on the surface, but she's actually not a smart guy. I just told her about it and hinted at it, and she was dazzled by anger and revealed your identity."

"But I have to admit that she gave me a lot of convenience by doing so."

When it came to the end, Li Qingjiu even had a feeling of giving up on himself: "Isn't it? Because of her, you fell from the altar. Otherwise, with your ability, you can stand on a higher position."

The premise is that everyone does not know that Ah Zhi is Xu Qingzhi.

Xu Qingzhi pursed her lips: "I want to know why you did this."

Obviously, the person who first created the identity of "Ah Zhi" was Li Qingjiu.

Unexpectedly, in the end, she became the culprit who exposed everything.

"Xu Qingzhi, now, are you still pretending not to understand?" Li Qingjiu's voice suddenly rose, her fingers were holding the handle of the teacup, and her fingertips suddenly exerted force, as if to crush it, "Everything It's all for Azeria!"

Obviously, she was the first person to know Eseria.

Obviously, she was the one who was with Eseria first.

But why, the one standing on the tip of that man's heart became Xu Qingzhi?
Li Qingjiu didn't understand, and couldn't figure it out, and even with this feeling, he let jealousy go to his head.

"Xu Qingzhi, do you know how jealous I am of you?" Her voice became more and more bitter, even if she drank the coffee in the cup in one gulp, her dry throat could not be moistened, "I used to think, He's going to like me."

The encounter between her and Eseria was a coincidence.

At that time, she was still a little-known little designer, but Eseria had already become a well-known musician.

She participated in the music exhibition in Eseria with her teacher. She had no interest in music, but was instantly conquered by the man holding the violin on the stage.

In her eyes, Eseria like that is a real god.

Later, she managed to become Eseria's temporary stylist, just to get closer to this man.

After getting along with each other for a long time, she finally got closer to her sweetheart.

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