Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 427 You Kneeled Voluntarily, What Has It To Do With Me?

The cigarette was lit, and the butt shone with a burning orange-red light.

When he took off the cigarette, a hazy gray smoke ring spit out from his finely lined lips.

"Is this the way you beg for help?" Yu Yanchen finally said, "Kneel down and talk."

Xu Qingzhi froze.

"Mr. Yu?" Xiaojiao was taken aback, and hurriedly wanted to speak, but was stopped by Xu Qingzhi.

She took a deep breath, bowed her head, and bent her knees.

Kneeling on the ground with a bang.

Yu Yanchen paused holding the cigarette in his hand, squinting his eyes and looking at the woman kneeling on the ground with her head bowed, his eyes couldn't let go of the intensity: "Look up."

When Xu Qingzhi heard this, she raised her head silently.

Her eyes were calm, just looking at her, it seemed that what she was doing was not too humiliating.

It's a... trivial thing.

Yu Yanchen's fingers suddenly squeezed hard, and the cigarette that was originally intact was cut off.

"It seems that you have knelt a lot in the past few years, so it's easy to kneel now?"

He opened his mouth.

"Oh, I almost forgot, five years ago, you also knelt like this."

There was undisguised malice and sarcasm in the man's voice.

Xu Qingzhi's shoulders stiffened.

Yes, five years ago, I knelt like this too.

Under the pressure of this man, he knelt down completely.

Yes, Yu Yanchen, you forced me to kneel down.In this case, why are you pretending to be noble?
Xu Qingzhi clenched her teeth and swallowed all the rebuttals abruptly.

For Xiaojiao, she had to bow her head.

"Yu Yanchen." She said in a calm voice, pretending to be calm, "I have done what I have to do. If you want to humiliate, you can continue to humiliate. But I hope you let Xiaojiao go first."

Yu Yanchen let go of his hand, and the extinguished cigarette fell lightly to the ground.

"Is she important to you?"

"...she is an innocent person."

"Really?" Yu Yanchen said lightly.

A few seconds later, he suddenly waved his hand.

Xu Qingzhi realized that she instinctively wanted to protect Xiaojiao.However, before she could move, the servants behind her held her limbs tightly.

"Yu Yanchen!"

She screamed, but still could only watch helplessly as a few servants stepped forward, grabbing Xiaojiao's black hair with a few hands.

"Yu... Mr. Yu?"

Xiaojiao cried out in pain, she wanted to struggle, but when she was struggling, the top of her head suddenly loosened, and she fell to the ground.She gasped in pain and wanted to get up, but before she could straighten up, a fist landed hard on her body.

The fists didn't stop, one after another, unceremoniously.

The servants who did it were all strong and strong, how could Xiaojiao, a little girl, bear this? !
"Xiaojiao!" Xu Qingzhi's pupils constricted, she looked at Yu Yanchen in disbelief, "Yu Yanchen! I have done everything you want to do! Why are you still refusing to let her go?!"

"Let it go?" Yu Yanchen sneered, "When did I say I would let it go?"

"You made me kneel..."

"It's just kneeling." He sneered, "You kneeled voluntarily, so what does it have to do with me?"

It was as if a handful of cold water had been poured on Xu Qingzhi's head.

The coolness pervades, seems to pierce the spine.

Xu Qingzhi wanted to stand up, but the servants beside her pressed her tightly.She could only kneel on the ground, the skin of her knees was rubbed against the rough ground, and there was a faint pain from the scars from the wear.

Xiaojiao was still being beaten, and the pain made the little girl cry:
"Please, stop beating, please...Miss Xu, I'm in so much pain..."

"Miss Xu, help me, help me..."

However, her cries couldn't stop everything from happening.

Those fists still fell, again and again, one after another.

And Xiaojiao's voice became weaker and weaker.

"Xiaojiao..." Xu Qingzhi's voice trembled.

It was obviously her fault, why did she treat Xiaojiao like this?

Yu Yanchen, why are you doing this?
Why do you refuse to let go of even an innocent person?

Yu Yanchen!
"Stop it all! Stop it!" Xu Qingzhi roared suddenly, her voice seemed to be cut by a sharp knife, hoarse and torn.

Her eyes were already red, and thin threads of red blood covered the whites of her eyes.

"Yu Yanchen! I know I was wrong! I know I was wrong!"

"You can do whatever you want me to do! I'm willing to do anything! As long as you let Xiaojiao go... let her go..."

The bones of Xu Qingzhi's body became weaker and weaker, and her eyelashes drooped tremblingly.

"As long as you let her go, I promise you anything."

Yu Yanchen, I admit defeat.

In the end, I... can't beat you.

The last syllable of the woman dissipated into the air.

Yu Yanchen looked down at the woman kneeling on the ground, and after a while, he waved his hand.

The servants who were originally moving finally stopped.

The strength on Xu Qingzhi's body also loosened, her heart skipped a beat, and then she rushed forward and hugged Xiaojiao.

At that time Xiaojiao had already passed out, and the scars on her body hurt Xu Qingzhi's eyes.

"Take this woman down for treatment." Yu Yanchen said coldly.

The servant stepped forward again, but this time, Xu Qingzhi did not stop him.

She watched Xiaojiao's figure disappear.

"As for you..." Yu Yanchen looked down at Xu Qingzhi, the woman was completely immersed.

She was like a puppet without a soul, sitting there blankly, even her eyes were extremely empty.

For some reason, Yu Yanchen's hands hanging by his side tightened.

But soon he looked away: "Take it away."


After so many days, Xu Qingzhi was taken out of the villa for the first time.

She didn't know where Yu Yanchen was taking her, nor what he was going to do.When she came to her senses, the car had already stopped.

She got out of the car and saw a strange clinic in front of her eyes.

Xu Qingzhi didn't know this place, but she looked around for a while, and after seeing the things hanging on the bulletin board of the clinic, she suddenly realized.

This is a common private clinic.

Because of his personality, Chang Yuzhi is unwilling to go to work in other people's hospitals, and he calls it that he doesn't want to be controlled by rules and regulations.

So much so that in the end, Chang Yuzhi got his degree and became a famous medical scientist, but he didn't see a doctor.

The Chang family felt that this was not good: after all, their descendants stopped being dudes and climbed to the position that everyone looked up to.In the end, is he still a stubborn dude?

So the Chang family waved their hands and bought a hospital.

As a result, there is still no misuse, and Chang Yuzhi still does its own thing.Even if he was forced to go to work, he still spent three days fishing and two days drying the net.I didn't go to work well, and I molested the little nurse a lot.

The elders of Chang's family were desperate: Forget it, you can do whatever you want, as long as you don't break the law.

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