Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 419 I want to ask you to be my model

If they remember correctly, Wang Ziyuan was on Ster Lee's side in the previous "Hua Xiangrong" incident, right?

Is it possible...

Even contemporary masters cannot guarantee character!

He obviously didn't point it out, but he managed to make the suspicion break out.

Facing these questioning gazes, Wang Ziyuan didn't speak, but frowned.

This kind of expression, in the eyes of others, has no meaning.

"Could it be that what Ye Liuqing said is true?"

"No way? I thought Wang Ziyuan was a master and would never do such a thing!"

"Who knows? Maybe what's said on the Internet is true, and the Shangguan family is actually innocent..."

But who would have thought that the first to speak out was not Wang Ziyuan who argued for himself, nor Ster Lee who was accused of plagiarism, nor Xu Qingzhi who wanted to defend the two on stage.

Rather... SILI.

"This...Miss Ye, right?" SILI narrowed her eyes, with a thoughtful smile on her lips, "You said just now that the fabric of this work is copied from 'Paradise Feather'?"

"Yes." Ye Liuqing said, "I have always admired Teacher SILI, so I have done a lot of research on your designs. When I saw this fabric, my first reaction was 'Paradise Feather', but I quickly I found that this is very different from 'Paradise Feather'."

"It follows that... Ster Lee, I'm afraid..."

Having said that, everyone understands the meaning behind it.

Ye Liuqing originally thought that Ster Li and Xu Qingzhi would definitely become angry and stand up to argue if she had spoken to such an extent.

At that time, I just need to pretend to be pitiful and sell myself miserable.

Unexpectedly, from the beginning to the end, neither of them had the desire to speak.

Ster Lee was expressionless, while Xu Qingzhi had a faint smile on her face, but stared at Ye Liuqing with shrewd and bright eyes.

That look... made Ye Liuqing taste an unknown flavor.

"So, you mean, the fabric used in this design by Ste Lee copied my 'Paradise Feather', right?" SILI finally spoke.

Ye Liuqing felt relieved: "Yes."

It's just that when the words came out, she felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness in her heart.

"Well, I understand." SILI nodded, "Ster Lee, did you make the fabric for this design yourself, or where did you get it?"

"I made it myself." Ster Lee broke out an incredible answer.

Everyone had guessed that she would take this opportunity to blame her, but they didn't expect that she would admit it!

Isn't this an admission of plagiarism? !
SILI stared at Ste Lee's indifferent face, and after a few seconds, the woman actually smiled.

"Well, in fact, at the beginning, I was a little reluctant about your pass." SILI smiled, "But now, I admit that you are eligible to have this pass."

Everyone's eyes widened.

Especially Ye Liuqing, her eyeballs almost popped out.

They had expected various scenarios... but they never expected that SILI would have such an attitude!

how come?
Doesn't she care that her work is plagiarized?

"Master SILI..." Ye Liuqing panicked, "About plagiarism..."

"When did I say that this fabric copied my 'Paradise Feather'?"

SILI's words are like thunder.

Ye Liuqing stayed where she was.

"At first glance, this fabric looks like heaven feather. At first, I also mistakenly thought that there was something strange in it, so I chose to go on stage to observe."

"However, I soon discovered that the two are not the same."

SILI said.

"The two are indeed somewhat similar, but the reason they have the same appearance is that the lighting and the fabric are too light and thin, which leads to a similar feeling. 'Paradise Feather' is an extremely slender fabric, and the production process is much more difficult than ordinary fabrics. Ten times. It is made of all kinds of extremely thin silk threads. Although it can achieve a pure and flawless aesthetic effect, it is extremely difficult to operate and cannot be processed too carefully."

"However, the fabric used in the Steer Lee design is different,"

SILI stretched out her finger and pointed lightly.

"As you can all see, this design looks like it's made of feathers, but it's really just the fabric cut into the shape of a feather. The feathers are so finely cut that it's easy to destroy them with 'paradise feathers' Feathers, which cause the threads to be broken and messy, can't do this kind of layered effect at all. But... this fabric does it."

"I have observed carefully on the stage. The production process of 'Paradise Feather' is meticulous, but this fabric has achieved a combination of thickness and thickness. It not only achieves the effect of fine appearance, but also maintains the production of the design."


Speaking of this, SILI sighed.It's just that there is no unwillingness or hypocrisy in her expression, on the contrary, she reveals extremely sincere emotion and appreciation.

"This fabric is better than my 'Paradise Feather'."

If we say that the plagiarism was revealed before, it just surprised everyone.

So now, what SILI said directly blows people's minds into a trance.

That's SILI!The world famous master... unexpectedly, said that there is a work better than her?

"Ster Lee, right?" SILI stood up, took out a business card from his wallet, and handed it to him, "I heard about your reputation a few years ago, and I wanted to have I got to know you by chance, but you suddenly quit the circle, which makes me feel sorry. But now, welcome still haven't disappointed."

"This is my business card. If I have time, can I invite you to communicate in private?"

A top master like SILI showed such a humble attitude that the jaws of the onlookers almost dropped.

Since Ster Lee didn't plagiarize, then... wouldn't Ruth lose completely?

As for that Ye Liuqing who kept saying that Ster Lee plagiarized... Everyone cast their eyes inexplicably.

The deity said that he didn't plagiarize, but you, a fan, actually said that he plagiarized?By the way, they remember that Ye Liuqing is Ruth's fan, right?Could it be that he was jealous because he saw that Ster Lee got the pass?Deliberately framing someone?
Then the thing about Ste Lee plagiarizing Ruth... Could there be other secrets behind it?
"By the way." SILI turned her head suddenly, this time, she actually looked at Xu Qingzhi, "I admire you very much, you are one of the most unique and beautiful Chinese women I have ever seen, I see it in you Some inspiration, I wonder if there is a chance to cooperate? I would like to ask you to be my model."

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