Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 409 The Two of Us Have Broken Relationship

She wants everyone to know that this so-called champion is nothing but a murderer!How could a murderer compare to her?

This young lady who was once proud and self-confident has completely abandoned her baggage and is completely insane.

However, Xu Qingzhi didn't seem to hear her roar.

The woman instinctively turned her head and looked at Yu Yanchen in the auditorium.

Obviously her eyesight is very good, but at this time, she couldn't see the man's expression clearly.She couldn't see his brows and eyes clearly, and she didn't know how much haze would be buried in his dark eyes.


Xu Qingzhi looked at him from afar.

At the same time, I clearly realized one thing in my heart.

Her dream should be over.

Ye Liuqing was still shouting, and after a moment's silence, discussions arose from the audience.

"What's going on? That's Xu Qingzhi, right?"

"It's Xu Qingzhi! Back then, she was a student of Eseria, and she was very famous in the music industry."

"Five years have passed, and she was indeed released from prison. But I heard that she can't play the violin some time ago? How could such a useless person stand with Eseria? And it became what Eseria said. Muse?"

"Tsk, I think all of this is fake! Because she is my student, so Iseria will favor her? After all, what kind of unselfish Iseria is just a joke."

"I still admired Eseria can a person who has a murderer as a student be any better?"

What happened to Xu Qingzhi back then was well known to everyone.

But now, everyone has forgotten the astonishment that Xu Qingzhi brought just now, and cast all their malice on this woman.

Xu Qingzhi stood on the stage blankly, in a daze, she seemed to have returned to a few years ago.

At that time, she was also aiming at such great malice.



Finally, a voice belonging to Iseria broke these imbalances.

"The concert is over, kick this group out!"

The security guards used to maintain order in the venue ran over and evacuated the guests.

Before Ye Liuqing was taken away, her eyes were full of madness.

There was still a voice that seemed to never stop: "Xu Qingzhi, you are a murderer!"

"No matter how high you stand, you are still a murderer!"

"Xu Qingzhi, you will never be better than me, you will never be able to..."


Azeria's concerts were already well-regarded.

In just 10 to [-] minutes, what happened at the concert has become known to everyone.

Everyone knows that the emerging designer was the murderer back then.

For a time, public opinion on the Internet rose.

"Oh my god? That woman who defended 'Hua Xiangrong' turned out to be a murderer? It's a shame I liked her before!"

"How can a murderer be trusted? I'm starting to wonder if the Hua Xiangrong incident was her trick. In fact, Shangguan's family and Ye Liuqing are innocent?"

"No way, after all, it is Master Wang Ziyuan's guarantee."

"Eseria clearly knew that she was a murderer, but she said she was her muse. You know, a murderer can still be Eseria's student! Who can guarantee that Wang Ziyuan was not bought by the murderer?"

There are not a few people who have this idea, and Eseria and Wang Ziyuan are big names in the industry, and they have many fans, and they immediately become one on the Internet.

In a short period of time, it even formed a topic that made Xu Qingzhi get out of the design circle and go back to jail.


Xu Qingzhi didn't know what happened online, but she still clearly realized that a certain path of hers seemed to be over.

"Azhi..." Li Qingjiu hurried over, "Don't worry, I already know what happened back then, and I believe you are innocent!"

"Give me some time, I'll help you clarify..."

"no need."

At this time, Xu Qingzhi had a little difficulty even laughing.

Even she didn't find out the truth back then, how could she find out now?

She took a deep breath: "It's...too late."


Li Qingjiu hesitated to speak, but Eseria looked at the listless woman with guilt in her blue eyes: "Sorry, it was my negligence..."

If he had stopped Ye Liuqing in time, Xu Qingzhi's identity would not have been exposed.

In fact, the moment he saw Ye Liuqing take off her mask, he felt a sense of joy in his heart.

At that time, he began to feel that when everything was exposed, maybe Xu Qingzhi would return to him.

He suppressed these weird thoughts with difficulty:

"I guess there are reporters around outside. I'll find someone to sneak you out and hide from Yu Yanchen. If that man catches you, maybe he will do something to you..."

Xu Qingzhi nodded with difficulty to Eseria's proposal.

Eseria deliberately sent Xu Qingzhi away secretly, but there were only a few exits in the exhibition hall, and people squatted at each exit.Even though Xu Qingzhi deliberately concealed her identity, she was caught by the reporters who were stationed there.

The woman was surrounded by crowds, and the dark cameras formed a circle, as if they were going to punch her in the face excitedly.

The flashing lights almost dazzled Xu Qingzhi's eyes.

"Miss Xu, may I ask why you are hiding your identity?"

"Miss Xu, do you have any explanation for Hua Xiangrong's matter? Is Hua Xiangrong really the third master Liu's? Or is it all your conspiracy? The Shangguan family is actually innocent?"

"Miss Xu, do you have any explanation for the car accident that year?"

Xu Qingzhi was in a hurry when asked, Eseria rushed forward and protected her behind her: "Get out of the way!"

Who knows, this move made the reporters even more excited:

"Mr. Eseria, you clearly know that your student is a murderer, why do you still claim that she is your muse?"

"Back then you kept mocking her, why did you accept her now? Could it be that everything before was just acting?"

"Mr. Eseria, because of this incident, your reputation in the circle has been affected, what do you think?

"Get out of the way!" Eseria repeated, only this time, there was more force in her voice.

However, what ushered in was only the joy of the reporters.

"Mr. Eseria, are you defending Xu Qingzhi? In your eyes, the crime of murder can also be exposed? The so-called ghost in the music industry is just a selfish person who shields the murderer?"


This time, it wasn't Iseria who interrupted the reporter.

It was Xu Qingzhi.

"This is my business, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Eseria!" Xu Qingzhi said suddenly, and she stood in the center of the crowd, "I have not been his student for a long time, and the two of us have broken relations."

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