"Mr. Yu, what are you doing here?" Aseria's expression darkened, he stepped forward, subconsciously protecting Xu Qingzhi behind him, like an old hen protecting its cubs.

This kind of behavior naturally fell into Yu Yanchen's eyes unstoppably.

Yu Yanchen's eyes sank a little.

He has long known that the relationship between the two is not simple. When did the relationship become so good?
"Come to observe, isn't Mr. Eseria welcome?" Yu Yanchen said coldly, "However, I didn't expect to see the members of the Yu family being bullied as soon as I came in. It's really a pleasant surprise."

Liu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, my cousin came to support me!
"A member of the Yu family?" Eseria sneered, "One willow, one Yu, when did you become a member of the Yu family? It seems that Mr. Yu is not as tall as the rumors, and no relatives can accept him." error."

"These are family matters, and it seems that it's not your turn to point them out." Yu Yanchen's voice was even more hostile, "Why, seeing Mr. Eseria's appearance, is he refusing to give me an explanation?"

"Confession? What do you think I have to explain?" Eseria replied, "It's just that some people refused to admit defeat and lost their temper. I don't know who gave Gui Qianjin the illusion that I am a good-tempered person. people?"

Indeed, Eseria, the dictator of music, keeps his word... If there is no moment, let Liu Yan drive Liu Yan out, it is still to save face.

It's just that when he said these words now, he was obviously making trouble with Yu Yanchen.

Sure enough, Yu Yanchen narrowed his eyes, which seemed to be flickering in danger.

"It's not like that! Cousin!" Liu Yan said in a panic, "There is a reason for this!"

Liu Yan explained the ins and outs of the future, but she obviously picked herself out in the middle, instead implying that the reason why Xu Qingzhi won was because of collusion with Eseria.

On the contrary, she became an innocent and pitiful little girl.

"Mr. Eseria, how do you explain this?" Yu Yanchen said, "Or do you think our Yu family is a bully?"

"I just made a judgment that I think is correct." Eseria replied, "Besides, Mr. Yu only listened to his own opinion, and made a conclusion on this matter? It's too ridiculous, right? ?”

The confrontation between the two also made the onlookers gasp.

Immortals fight, little devils suffer!

"Really?" Yu Yanchen nodded slightly, "In this case, please come up with convincing evidence."

"Eseria, you should understand that it is easier to ask the gods than to send them away."

Eseria's eyelids twitched, when did I ask you?

He was obviously displeased with Yu Yanchen, and he continued to speak aggressively, but Xu Qingzhi suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped him.

"Sir." Xu Qingzhi nodded to him, "Since Mr. Yu wants to see the evidence, I'll give it to him."

Eseria froze for a moment, wondering if it was because she didn't expect the woman's reaction.

After all, Xu Qingzhi has never been a showy person.

Only Xu Qingzhi knew that the moment she saw Yu Yanchen appearing, she was originally calm, but suddenly her heart began to surge.

It seemed to come from the unwillingness and struggle of the soul.

"Excuse me, everyone." Xu Qingzhi turned her head and looked at the group of violinists, "Please look through the music scores at will, and randomly pick out the tunes played, and I will hear whether it is correct or not."

"Thirty people can come together."

Hearing this brazen speech, a group of people also began to be shocked by Xu Qingzhi's conceit.

After all, they didn't fully believe that a layman would be the rumored absolute pitch.

With Azseria's tacit approval, the musicians followed suit.

After randomly picking out the score, thirty musicians began to play simultaneously.When the music started, Xu Qingzhi closed her eyes.And when the music fell at the last second, the woman opened her eyes instantly.

At the same time, there was a cold female voice: "The penultimate person in the first row, the attack is half a step lower."

"First place in the third row, 0.5 seconds faster at the end of the third paragraph."

"The fourth row..."

The woman spoke neatly, without the slightest hesitation throughout.

In her eyes, there is only confidence and determination.

However, the musicians whose seat numbers were reported by her nodded their heads one after another.

By default, her answer is correct.

"Impossible..." Liu Yan stared at this scene dumbfounded, she murmured softly in disbelief.

How could this woman really have absolute pitch?
"If Ms. Liu doesn't believe it, you can continue." Xu Qingzhi waved her hand and let the musicians continue to choose music.On the way of picking, she turned her eyes sideways, and the light in her eyes shuttled by, she didn't know whether she was looking at Liu Yan or Yu Yanchen who was beside her.

"I could do it all the time."

"Until you believe it."

Inspection continues.

And every time, Xu Qingzhi could give the answer exactly.

This also made everyone realize that the woman standing in front of her had a genuine sense of pitch.

She is truly a genius favored by God!

In the face of this kind of talent, Liu Yan's previous doubts and conceit have become a joke!

After three consecutive tests, Xu Qingzhi stopped temporarily: "Miss Liu, do you believe it? If you don't believe it, do you need me to continue?"

Liu Yan was slightly stunned, she felt stares from all directions falling on her body, which made her extremely embarrassed.

These eyes seemed to be mocking her.

What I did before was just a joke!

"Enough." Yu Yanchen said suddenly, "Miss Azhi, you really brought me a surprise."

Xu Qingzhi remained silent.

It was Liu Yan who was struggling to say something: "Cousin..."

"Go back." Yu Yanchen interrupted her, "Or, do you want to stay here?"

He obviously didn't change his tone on purpose, but Liu Yan felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy, and her whole body began to feel cold.

She knew that her cousin was angry.

Why?Because she embarrasses him?
But... she didn't do it on purpose!How did she know that that woman had an absolute sense of pitch?

If she had known it a long time ago, she would never have challenged it, never...

However, the world does not give people a chance to regret.

Under the eyes of everyone watching a theater, Liu Yan was staggered out of the exhibition.

As the daughter of the Liu family, it was the first time she felt such a clear shame.

After walking out of the venue, Liu Yan felt that her breathing became much easier.

However, she didn't forget Yu Yanchen, so she looked at the man cautiously: "Cousin..."

Since the cousin appeared here and brought himself out, shouldn't he blame himself too much?

After all, she is his cousin...

However, before Liu Yan's thoughts came out completely, she met a cold look.

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