Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 402 As long as you can beat Ah Zhi, that position belongs to you

Eseria turned a deaf ear.

Liu Yiwen could only bite the bullet and said: "Although the focus is on the music, the backup dancers also need to fit the music. Mr. Eseria, our performance should have been flawless, if it was because of a woman—a backup dancer Mistakes or wrong choices lead to flaws in our performance, so it is unforgivable for both the audience and you, right?"

At this point, Eseria finally had a reaction.

He raised his eyelids and squinted his eyes.

This kind of gaze became recognition in Liu Yiwen's eyes, and he felt joy in his heart, and then he stumbled and said: "Mr. Eseria, I think that only people who know music can be qualified for this position, so I invite My cousin..."

Liu Yiwen turned slightly sideways, revealing a female figure who had been standing aside.

That person is obviously Liu Yan.

That's right, the reason why Liu Yiwen's surname is Liu is because he is a child of the Liu family, and he and Liu Yan are cousins.

I haven't seen her for a while, but Liu Yan's appearance remains the same, but there is something called sinister in her temperament.

"Mr. Eseria, hello, we have met before." Liu Yan said, "I am Liu Yiwen's cousin. I heard about your needs, so I came here. I think I am qualified for this position."

In some respects, Liu Yan could indeed be called tough.

Even though he was beaten by Esseria many times, he was still able to stand up stubbornly.

This kind of spirit made Xu Qingzhi amazed.

Seeing Liu Yan, Eseria frowned: "Is it you?"

Before Liu Yan's eyes could light up, the man said coldly: "Liu Yiwen, is this the person you said is qualified to play our music?"

"Anyway, it's my cooperation band this time. Don't you even understand my standards?" Iseria said coldly, "You should be thankful that I have listened to her trash music, otherwise, I wouldn't dare Imagine, if I really agree, how our stage will be destroyed."

Liu Yiwen paused: "Mr. Ai, Aiseria, what do you mean?"

"Isn't my point obvious enough? As you said, people who are not strong enough are not qualified to step on my stage." Eseria said, "Do you think that your cousin has enough strength?"


"There's nothing wrong with it, I won't choose her." Aseria said, pointing to Xu Qingzhi, "I've already decided on the candidate this time, so I'll decide on her."

This action successfully drew the hatred to Xu Qingzhi.

Countless eyes fell on the woman's body, and various emotions intertwined, making Xu Qingzhi's nerves tense.

"Mr. Eseria, are you joking?" Liu Yiwen was a little annoyed.

If my cousin was rejected, wouldn't that be slapping myself in the face?

After all, Liu Yan was recommended by him!
"I don't know if you have any opinion on me or my cousin, but you would rather choose a layman than a more suitable cousin?"

"If you make such an absurd decision for your own selfish desire, then you will disappoint me too much!"

Liu Yiwen said with righteous indignation.

Those fierce words seemed to accuse Iseria of being a selfish villain.

"Disappointed?" Eseria's expression remained calm, but there seemed to be something surging under those blue eyes, "What are you? What right do you have to be disappointed with me?"

Liu Yiwen was dumb: "I..."

Under that sharp gaze, cold sweat seemed to drip down his back.

"Of course, you can be disappointed in me, and I won't stop you on this point." Aseria said, his voice became colder and colder, "But if you question my decision, you can get out now Here. It's just an accompanist, if you are missing, some people will make up for it."

"Or do you think that you are an irreplaceable existence?"

Every word of Iseria's bite was exceptionally clear.

That condescending attitude, that arrogant posture made everyone think of it belatedly.

Standing in front of them is not someone else.

It is the tyrant and dictator of the music industry.

Musically, this man doesn't allow anyone to fight against his decisions.

Liu Yiwen's original arrogance was instantly extinguished. He knew Eseria's identity, and he also knew that it would be a great honor for him to stand on the same stage with Eseria—even if it was just an accompanist.

If he was really kicked out of here, it is estimated that within the next day, his rumors would spread throughout the circle.

Seeing that Liu Yiwen had stopped talking, Liu Yan angrily cursed a trash in her heart.She took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Eseria, we don't mean to refute your decision. It's just that this matter is very important, and we are inevitably a little worried."

"The one you chose...I know her, Miss Azhi, right?" Liu Yan looked at Xu Qingzhi quietly, "I remember that Miss Azhi is from the design industry, right?"

Ah Zhi's reputation is not small recently, Xu Qingzhi nodded.

"A person in the design field must not have much research on music, right?" Liu Yan said, "At least, I have studied music since I was a child, so I am not inferior to a layman."

"I think even Mr. Iseria has to admit it, but from a musical point of view, after studying music for so many years, I am better than a layman, right?"

Eseria said nothing.

He just squinted his eyes and looked at Liu Yan thoughtfully.

This kind of look has become the tacit approval in the eyes of others.

It also made Liu Yan's heart skip a beat:
"So, I think...Mr. Iseria can think about it, maybe I am more suitable than the person you chose."

She has studied music for so long just to be able to stand beside Eseria.

How could she be willing to give up when she finally had a chance?

What's more, was defeated by a person whose aura was inexplicably familiar to her and disgusted her?
She is not bad in terms of appearance, temperament, and skills, so how can she not compare to a layman who dare not show her face?

"It seems that you are very confident in yourself?"

The air fell heavily for a long time before Eseria finally spoke.

His voice brightened Liu Yan's eyes, as if she saw hope: "Yes! At least... I don't think I am worse than Miss A Zhi."

"Oh, is that so?" Eseria squinted his eyes, and there seemed to be light in his azure jewel-like eyes, "In this case, let's compare the two of you."

Now, even Xu Qingzhi was stunned.

"Since you keep saying that people who understand music are needed to complete this performance. Then, I will give you a chance to compete."

Azeria glanced over.

"As long as you can beat Ah Zhi, that position belongs to you, how about it?"

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