Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 397 Can't trust an unknown person

Xu Qingzhi forgot when she started, and gradually fell in love with this busy feeling.

I like people coming and going, I like people being busy, I like to blend into this bustle.It seems that only in this way will it appear that I am not so lonely.

An Xiaona quickly spotted her, turned her head, her face was full of surprise: "A Zhi, you are here!"

The name Ah Zhi can be described as thunderous.

Everyone here is from the design industry, so why haven't you heard of this new designer who is so popular right now?
The busy group of people hurriedly looked towards the door, and they saw a thin and tall woman standing there.

The woman wore a mask on her face, so she couldn't see her face, but she could see a delicately curved chin and a bright red lip.

Although he was wearing a simple white shirt and trousers, his skin was white, and he had a noble temperament, but he didn't look too alienated, which made people look at him curiously.

This person is Ah Zhi?

Many people blinked their eyes. Although they had heard of this name, most of them had never seen a real person.

In their impression, this kind of person who made a lot of troubles when he debuted is definitely not a simple character, and he probably has a mean appearance.

But I didn't expect to see it now... It looks like a clear lotus, so beautiful that it makes people's heart beat.

"Did I disturb you?" Xu Qingzhi asked.

"It's okay, it's okay! Not busy!" An Xiaona waved her hand quickly, "Why don't you come over to help us too? We're all in the same circle, so you can always do some chores, right?"

The commander directed with confidence.

Xu Qingzhi laughed softly, of course she knew that An Xiaona had no malicious intentions and just treated her as one of her own, so she spoke casually.

So she nodded.

"It seems that you have a conscience, hey, come with me, help me organize these things..."

Before An Xiaona could finish her sentence, she was interrupted.

"Wait, Xiaona!" A person stood up, "After all, she is an outsider, so it's not good for you to let her participate in the work?"

The person who spoke was a woman Xu Qingzhi didn't know, she was pretty, but her face was slightly sour.When she looked at Xu Qingzhi, her eyes were full of guard and alienation.

Doesn't seem to like her.

"Zhu Shasha, I just asked my friend to do some logistics, and it's okay." An Xiaona said, "This is my friend, and she can be trusted. Besides, I didn't let her get in touch with things that are too deep, just let her do it for us. It's harmless to organize things in the logistics."

"Even if it's your friend, we don't need to trust him!"

"I've said it all, it's just logistics!" An Xiaona frowned, obviously getting angry, "There are not enough people in the first place, and everyone is very busy. Isn't asking for help to save us time?"

"I don't care." Zhu Shasha said impatiently, "Anyway, I just can't trust an outsider, and you let her come backstage! Who knows if she will do something bad. Don't forget, the 'Hua Xiangrong Incident' some time ago , she is the protagonist."

"Why are you so unreasonable?" An Xiaona's expression became even uglier, "Hasn't that matter been clarified? It wasn't her fault that she said it! It was the Shangguan family who robbed things first! Ah Zhi is innocent !"

"So what? Who knows what the truth is?" Zhu Shasha said, "Who knows if there is something hidden in it? Anyway, I just can't trust a person whose background is unknown..."

Zhu Shasha's reason is a bit untenable.

Looking at her erratic eyes, An Xiaona immediately reacted.

Although this exhibition was organized by her and a few friends, it was not without the participation of a few other designers.And Zhu Shasha joined in through her friend relationship.

Zhu Shasha is a little narrow-minded, and doesn't like people who are more prominent than herself.And An Xiaona happened to be one of the people with the most say in this group, so Zhu Shasha always disliked An Xiaona.

However, he knew how to cover up before, but now that he was stimulated by Xu Qingzhi's arrival, he even forgot to cover up.

After all, Xu Qingzhi is currently the most popular newcomer designer, even though she is the champion of SUMA, her strength has been recognized.But some people still think that she just became popular by "hype".

Zhu Shasha is clearly one of this group.

"Okay, Sasha." The designer who brought Zhu Shasha in said bravely, "It's just for logistics, there's no need to be so fussy, and isn't it helping us?"

"Yeah, it's about to start, and it's just right for someone to help, otherwise we really can't be busy."

"He is Xiaona's friend, and he is also famous, so he can't do anything bad to us, right?"

A group of people persuaded, after all, An Xiaona's face darkened, and this group of people were most afraid of An Xiaona's anger.

Her arrogant temper is not easy to coax.

Surrounded by a group of people, even if Zhu Shasha felt unwilling, she could only keep her mouth shut.

An Xiaona snorted coldly, and then led Xu Qingzhi to the side: "Don't worry about her, she is just jealous of your fame and doesn't like you. I have long been unhappy with her, but because she is a friend of a friend, I always Nothing more to say."

"This kind of person, like the reincarnation of lemon essence, is sour and bubbling. When this exhibition is over, I will never cooperate with her again. It's so disgusting."

Seeing An Xiaona's angry appearance, Xu Qingzhi smiled lowly.

An Xiaona didn't arrange any work that was too confidential or too difficult for her. She just organized the scene and did logistics.Xu Qingzhi was quick-witted and quick-witted. With her joining, the staff soon felt a lot more relaxed.

For this reason, it was discussed:
"I thought she must be very proud because she is so famous. I didn't expect that she is such a nice person and helps us do these things."

"The hands and feet are also very fast. I was worried that she would delay our progress! It seems that I was overthinking!"

"It seems that Zhu Shasha's worries are unnecessary. Let me just say, if you can't do it well, how can Xiaona ask her to help? This guy is the most strict on weekdays."

Zhu Shasha could naturally hear these words.

Listening to those words, her face became darker and darker.

Just as An Xiaona guessed, the reason why Zhu Shasha targeted Xu Qingzhi so much was indeed out of jealousy.

She had also heard about Xu Qingzhi, she hadn't been in the industry for long at all, but she was lucky enough to become a student of Ster Lee, and then relying on the hype of the "Hua Xiangrong Incident", the name became famous.

If it wasn't for hype, how would the design circle know about her?

Maybe, even the title of SUMA champion was obtained by some improper means!

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