Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 353 Such a high price is all because of you

Xu Qingzhi was dumbfounded.

Wait, isn't that... "Isn't that a craft handed down from your village?" Xu Qingzhi asked dryly, after all, that's what they all said back then.

"What handcraft? Although everyone in our village has the surname Liu, they are all separated! When it comes to weaving, only our family knows how to do it.

"Liu Sanye stared and stroked his beard, "The handicraft handed down in our family is 'Hua Xiangrong'!"The fabric she gave you is not a handicraft at all, but a work of her own design! "At the beginning, I taught this girl to learn 'Hua Xiangrong', but she stopped learning halfway through it!"It's meaningless to say anything.

The results of it?In the end, I made something I didn't know what to play with.

"Xu Qingzhi was shocked.

That fabric is excellent both in terms of texture and craftsmanship, and it was actually designed by Liu Liuliu himself?Liu Liuliu squatted aside, and raised his head when he heard this.

Her small face was wrinkled, as if she was recalling: "I don't want to lie to those people~ Those people said they were going to have a competition, find some fabrics, and I'll show them! They really believed it was If the craftsmanship is passed on, then I can't do anything about it.

In the words, there is a sense of pride of "it's their stupidity and don't blame me".

Xu Qingzhi: ...if the SUMA group knew about it, they would probably be scared to death.

A few days later, Ste Lee returned.

It's just that her complexion is ugly, and there is an air of repulsion all over her body.

And the most noticeable thing is the frustration in her eyes.

Xu Qingzhi was a little worried, and once asked her what happened, but was sent back by Ster Lee.

Anyway, he refused to say a word.

Even Liu Sanye went to ask, but he didn't find anything.

Until one day, she received a call from Azeria.

The phone was left for Azeria when she said goodbye last time.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would actually call.

Xu Qingzhi hesitated for a moment, and finally pressed the call button.

"Hi... Mister Iseria.

"" Ah Zhi.

"Iseria's voice came from the phone. His tone was naturally cold, but with a kind of softness, "Long time no see... It's not right, I saw you unilaterally last time in the auction house.

"The auction house? Xu Qingzhi paused for a moment, and then thoughts flashed through her mind: "Are you the one in box three? ’ Eseria responded.

It turned out that she heard correctly.

"I saw you and Stuart Lee came to the auction house and guessed that you wanted 'Paradise Feather'.

"Iseria said, "It's a pity that it was snatched away by Yu Yanchen.

Although I heard that in the end he gave you the piece of cloth.

"Xu Qingzhi pursed her lips: "So when you auctioned it, it was just for... me?" "It's absurd and flattering at the same time.

Hearing this, Eseria froze for a moment.

Judging by her appearance, shouldn't you know?Well, that matter - the reason why Ster Lee's work was able to bid for such a high price was entirely because the original model was Xu Qingzhi.

I'm afraid she doesn't know either.

But it's okay not to know... Eseria's eyes sank, and her face was a little ugly.

After all, these two things were snatched by Yu Yanchen back then.

Xu Qingzhi didn't know what the two of them were thinking at all, and fell into astonishment.

In the end, she took a deep breath and said, "You came to me just to tell me this?" "Of course, not..." Sensing the woman's resistance, Eseria quickly said, "I think about that, Sis Te Li probably didn't tell you, right?" Xu Qingzhi reacted quickly: "Do you know what happened to the teacher?" Aseria felt a little bit stuck when Xu Qingzhi called him "teacher".

At the same time, there are some unspeakable secrets.

After all, back then, the only person she called a teacher was herself.

After all, he pushed her away with his own hands.

Under Xu Qingzhi's hasty voice, Eseria suppressed the pain in her eyes: "You should know about Ster Lee's participation in GR International, right?" "Just a few days ago, Ster Lee was announced not to participate Gr.

""Why? "Xu Qingzhi exclaimed.

She knew very well how much energy and time Mrs. Li had spent on this competition.

As a result, you are suddenly unable to participate in the competition now? "It's not clear, the news came suddenly, it should be an order from an insider.

You also know that in international competitions like GR, their interior is not simple.

It is also easy to disqualify a person.

said Eseria.

"But don't worry too much, I've dragged someone to find a relationship, give me some time, and I'll let her regain her qualifications.

""But..." Xu Qingzhi said, "If I remember correctly, GR will start in two days, right?" ’ Eseria fell silent.

"You are a member of the music industry after all. In this regard, there is no way to interfere too deeply, right?" Xu Qingzhi forced herself to calm down, "Besides, it is not easy to ask GR to suspend the teacher directly, no matter how you look at it. ?” “It’s just a matter of time…” “I know, but what we need most now is time.

Xu Qingzhi took a deep breath, "Mr. Eseria, thank you for your kindness, and I hope you can continue to help the teacher."

But on this side, I will also find a way to solve it myself.

"She is very clear about the truth that she cannot put all her hope on others.

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Xu Qingzhi put down her phone, her head drooping.

No wonder Mrs. Li didn't want to tell her, because she didn't want to worry her?Now that she knows everything, she should do something about it.

Xu Qingzhi opened the wallet and took out a note from it.

This is what she found from the bottom of the box containing "Tiantang Yu", and Yu Yanchen's number is written on it.

She was once married to the Yu family, so she knows the strength of the Yu family very well.

Especially now, five years have passed, Yu Yanchen's power may have already reached an immeasurable level.

And only he can help Ster Lee.

But... Xu Qingzhi's fingers tightened.

Once, she thought that she would not get through this number.

Even presumptuously want to sever the relationship between the two.

But, now... She closed her eyes.

Bit by bit of the experience with Mrs. Li came to her mind.

If it weren't for the teacher, she wouldn't be able to get to where she is today.

For ster Lee, for his teacher... After a few seconds, Xu Qingzhi opened her eyes.

She hit the button.

- the next day.


The sound of the violin is melodious.

A man in a suit with bloated limbs was standing in the center of the crowd. I saw this middle-aged man holding a goblet. His face was full of European features but couldn't stop the signs of being fat. Just by looking at this proud posture, one could guess Out is a successful person.

And it is.

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