Clance knew that the moment he hesitated, he lost.

But... 3% profit, how many people are willing to give up? "Brother, don't hesitate!" Finally, Elland said impatiently, "Just agree, anyway, I will definitely win!" She had seen Xu Qingzhi's driving skills with her own eyes just now, and she felt that even if she let the other party [-] Minutes, I can win!Besides, how about my own driving skills, doesn't my brother understand?As a dude, Elland is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and is also very accomplished in racing cars. Few people can beat her.

She didn't believe that she couldn't beat a Chinese woman.

Looking at the irritable younger sister, Klance had a headache: "Mr. Yu, after all, this jam belongs to Elland and the others. Is it not good for us to bet suddenly..." "Then we will participate.

"Yu Yanchen walked to the red sports car that belonged to Xu Qingzhi. Under the gaze of the woman, he opened the co-pilot's door and sat on the seat neatly, "I will follow the race.

"Xu Qingzhi: ...There is absolutely no room for people to refuse.

Crans didn't bother anymore, after all, [-]% of the benefits were too tempting.

He nodded in agreement, and got into the car belonging to his sister.

The contestants are in place.

Xu Qingzhi concentrated her mind, and finally let her thoughts return.

She held the steering wheel with both hands, and stared out of the car window to relieve her depressed mood.

It's just that someone sensitively noticed her displeasure: "Are you very unhappy?" Nonsense.

"Mr. Yu is really a good method.

"Xu Qingzhi said coldly, "As expected of a businessman, he refuses to let go of any chance.

"It's just a game, and it can be used as a means of profit by him.

Being used by this man in vain, Xu Qingzhi was inexplicably upset.

"It seems that Mr. Yu trusts me very much? Do you think I will win?" Xu Qingzhi raised her eyes and said coldly, "Aren't you worried that I am not as good as you imagined?" "If you lose this game... I'm afraid you have lost a lot, right?" When she said this, she was a little moved.

It was actually a bit of an urge to deliberately lose the game.

Yu Yanchen raised his eyes and glanced lightly.

That cold and sharp gaze seemed to easily see through her petiteness.

"You can try.

He said, "Since you know that I am a businessman, you should understand that if I really lose these benefits, I will definitely make up for them with other things.

"Miss Azhi, do you think I will make the culprit pay the price?" "Xu Qingzhi clenched her teeth, almost making a sound between her teeth.

threaten!This is a threat!At this moment, she almost wanted to throw him out of the car!This man, even before he got in the car, planned to use her thoroughly!However, he didn't know what to say: "I hope you won't let me down.

"Xu Qingzhi was speechless, only her fingers gripped the steering wheel, almost crushing it.

off the field.

A group of people craned their necks to look at the two sports cars that were ready to go. The interest that Xu Qingzhi drove away because of his old age was rekindled just now.

They could hear the conversation just now![-]% profit, this Chinese man is too generous!If they hadn't seen the trial run before, they would even have suspected that the female companion was actually a super expert! "Is that Huaxia man crazy?" Someone asked, "Did he see the test run before? Ninety percent of the profits are exported? Isn't he afraid of really drifting away?" "Could it be that the female companion was Are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? Didn’t you say that Chinese people are very sinister? You can’t say for sure!” However, before this guess was completely settled, it was denied by someone: “Impossible!” The person who denied it was the former Zi dress.

"It's not like you haven't seen this woman's test run. Even if she really hides her strength, how can she beat Miss Elland?" The purple dress raised her jaw and said, "Don't you know Miss Elland's ability? Is it? So I conclude that this competition must be won by the Smith family!" With the purple dress, some people also nodded.

That's when the referee's gunfire finally rang out!A gunshot exploded in the night, and in the blink of an eye, two sports cars rushed out like arrows off the string!The speed is so fast that even the exhaust gas has no time to disperse! "Oh my God!" exclaimed!They originally thought that even if this Chinese woman really concealed her strength, she would definitely be inferior to Elland!But now, the facts far exceeded their expectations!The red sports car is extremely fast, completely different from the previous test run!Even tied with Ireland!The two cars subtly tandem, changing positions every few seconds, but catching up even faster.

This scene made everyone hold their breath involuntarily.

Even the purple dress that had sworn before was frightened, and only a pair of eyes were fixed on the screen monitoring the track.

A group of people were watching the game outside, but inside the car, Xu Qingzhi's attention was turned to the highest level!Even because of his concentration, the whites of his eyes began to be covered with thin red bloodshots.

The position of the co-pilot is usually to assist the racing driver, but Xu Qingzhi did not have any expectations for this man.

Even though she was familiar with the feel of the test run before, she didn't dare to neglect it in the slightest.

Because Ireland's speed is too fast.

If you don't pay attention, you will fall behind!Xu Qingzhi felt in her heart that this young lady was not simple, but she didn't know that Ellan in the other car was also full of surprise.

She knew her level well enough that not even her older brother Clance could beat her in the car.

And now, a Chinese woman is equal to her!This realization made Elland's vigilance almost rise to his throat.

The two cars were biting each other tightly, and neither would give half of the other, and people were also watching the car intently.

As time goes by, they are finally coming to an end! "The last lap!" Who knows who couldn't help hoarse, and even successfully ignited the atmosphere.

Who will win this game?Before the game, people believed that Ireland would win.

So now, this is the question everyone is wondering!Xu Qingzhi's palms were already dripping with sweat, and the man's previous words were still vivid in his memory.

She knew that she had to win this game!However, at this moment, an accident happened!Xu Qingzhi's heart skipped a beat, almost subconsciously wanting to step on the brakes, but reason still didn't allow her to stop the car.

The car was still driving, but her panic quickly condensed and even reached its peak.

No one expected that at the critical moment facing the end, there would be a problem.

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