Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 31 I am atonement, are you satisfied?

Just as Xu Qingzhi stepped through the door, a cup slammed down on her feet.

There was a crisp breaking sound, followed by a man's angry voice: "Xu Qingzhi, do you dare to come back?!"

She looked up.

Yu Yanchen was standing in front of the sofa, the living room was dimly lit, but the man's angry face could still be outlined.

That knife-like gaze seemed to cut her into pieces.

She pursed her lips, and then said, "You bought me for a month at the beginning. If that's the case, I will obey your orders within this month."

"It seems that you still remember?" Yu Yanchen stepped forward, he pushed the woman against the wall, and then looked down at her who was a head shorter than him, "Then, tell me, who gave it to me?" How dare you do that to me?!"

He has lived for so many years, and this is the first time someone dared to do this to him!
That person is still the woman I hate the most!
Xu Qingzhi seemed to be in pain, and her brows frowned.But unexpectedly, the woman didn't show any anger, but her face was very calm: "I know you hate me."

"So, no matter how much you torture me, I will not resist."

She raised her eyes and met the man's gaze: "Yu Yanchen, you can take revenge on me however you want."

Yu Yanchen paused.

It was the first time he saw Xu Qingzhi who was so obedient.

Like a rose whose thorns have been pulled out, it is a beauty that has lost its aggression.

But soon, contempt reappeared in his eyes: "Stop pretending to be in front of me, tell me, what do you want this time?"

He didn't believe that this woman would admit her mistake for no reason!

Sure enough, Xu Qingzhi's eyes flickered.

After a while, she took a deep breath: "Yu Yanchen, as I said, you can treat me whatever you want."

"However, I hope that after you finish taking revenge on me, you can pay me the promised 100 million in advance."

"Don't worry, even if I get the money, I will continue to obey your orders as agreed..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was severely interrupted.

"Sure enough, Xu Qingzhi, I guessed it a long time ago, if a woman like you doesn't have something she wants, how can she bow her head like a dog?" Yu Yanchen sneered, "100 million? Are you here again?" Lack of money? What is the reason this time? Is the lover I am entrusted with running out of money, or is a relative terminally ill?"

He knew that everything this woman did had a purpose!

Xu Qingzhi froze: "You don't need to know so much, I just beg you to give me the 100 million in advance..."

"Dream!" Yu Yanchen said angrily, "It's been less than a month, you don't even think about getting that money!"

"Why?" Xu Qingzhi said, "I deserve the money! I just want to get the money in advance!"

"Just because the money is in my hands now." Yu Yanchen said coldly, the disgust in his eyes was evident, he looked at Xu Qingzhi as if he saw garbage.Then, with all kinds of disgust, he turned his shoulders, "As long as I want, let alone now, you will never get this money in your life."

"Yu Yanchen!" Seeing the man's cold back, Xu Qingzhi shouted, "What do you want me to do?!"

This money is Xu Xiaochen's only hope.

For Xu Xiaochen, for her own children, she can give up anything.

Even if it's...your own dignity.

Suddenly there was a slight sound behind him, and Yu Yanchen turned his head impatiently.

Immediately afterwards, his pupils shrank.

Xu Qingzhi knelt on the ground.

She looked up at him, there was no trace of humiliation on her always proud face, only pleading and hope.

She almost said in a panic: "Yu Yanchen, give me the money, I can do anything."

Yu Yanchen fell into a daze for a moment, but soon, he showed a disgusted expression again: "Do you think I will soften my heart if you do this?"

Xu Qingzhi trembled.

"Since you want to get the 100 million, I can give you a chance." Yu Yanchen turned around again, no one could see his expression, only the cold and cruel voice could be heard.

"Atonement for everything I've done."

"Until I'm satisfied."

After half an hour.

Yu Yanchen sat at the desk in the bedroom, he flipped through the books in his hand, but for some reason, no matter how much he put his mind to it, he couldn't read a single word.

He closed his eyes irritably.

What comes to mind is not the words, but the scene of the woman kneeling on the ground in the living room.

This was the first time, the first time he saw Xu Qingzhi kneel down on his own initiative.

Take the initiative to compromise with yourself...


After a while, Yu Yanchen sneered.

He underestimated this woman. For money, could he do this?
What a greedy and stupid face.

Yu Yanchen closed the book, at this moment, the door of the bedroom was knocked hastily, and then a servant came in: "Mr. Yu, Miss Xu invites you to her room."

Room?Yu Yanchen raised his brows in disdain.

This is to find that bitter tricks don't work, and you are ready to sell your body?

It's just a pity that he doesn't have the heart to play those tricks with her: "Tell Xu Qingzhi, if you continue to make trouble like this, I don't mind driving her out of here."

This means rejection.

"But..." The servant frowned, and then said slowly, "Miss Xu asked someone to bring a lot of buckets of ice water to her room... I can't stop it no matter what."

"Mr. Yu, you should go and have a look, otherwise I'm afraid that Ms. Xu will..."

Yu Yanchen's eyes froze, and an incredible thought flashed through his mind.

He suddenly slapped the table and got up, rushed out of the door, and walked towards Xu Qingzhi's room.

The door of the woman's bedroom was knocked open. As soon as Yu Yanchen entered, he heard the sound of running water and the terrified voices of the servants: "Miss Xu, please stop!"

"Miss Xu, if you continue like this, you will get sick!"

"Miss Xu..."

The bathroom door was open, and in the small space, Xu Qingzhi was standing by the bathtub.

She was barefoot, her hair was disheveled, and she had clothes that she hadn't had time to change out of.Water was spilled all over the ground at the feet, and several buckets were scattered around.

Then she bent down and picked up a bucket full of ice water and poured it on her head.

There was another sound of water.


Yu Yanchen subconsciously spoke up.

Probably hearing the sound, Xu Qingzhi looked over.Countless amounts of water wet her body, the drenched cloth stuck to her body, and the unmelted ice cubes slid to the ground, one can imagine the biting chill.

"Yu Yanchen, you are finally here."

Xu Qingzhi spoke, her voice was hoarse.

"Now, are you satisfied?"

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