Ouzi trembled all over: "What do you mean?" "You are doing this kind of thing for the first time. When you came out, you looked flustered and hurried. It was obvious that you didn't have the guts and thought to deal with your own lies.

The red dye comes in a bottle, and when you open it, your fingerprints are bound to get on it.

Presumably you didn't wipe the fingerprints on it before you left? "After all, if I did it, I wouldn't let the dye stain my hands.

Ou Zi's pupils shrank, and she subconsciously had an urge to run back to the production room and throw away the dye bottle she had touched.

In the end, Xu Qingzhi said lightly: "Although I don't know which dye you used, it's probably from our side.

But just to be on the safe side, I have had all the red dye sent away for fingerprinting, and the results will probably come out in a short time.

"" I just don't know what excuse Miss Ouzi can come up with at that time? "If it was before, people would have doubts about Xu Qingzhi's words.

Now, seeing the expression on Ouzi's face, anyone with a little brain can understand.

"Ou, Ouzi..." Xiao Ke said tremblingly, "Why did you do this?" In her opinion, although Ouzi has a bad temper, he has a good nature... She never thought that the other party would do this kind of thing.

"Shut up!" Ouzi's nerves jumped, as if she had been touched by a sore foot, she said angrily, "It has nothing to do with you!" Why did you do this?Of course it's jealousy!Even if she never admits it, she still has fear of Xu Qingzhi in her heart!Lest the other party surpass himself!Therefore, after seeing the near-perfect work, I couldn't help but do this kind of dirty thing!It's just... how could it be discovered?She thought that she would be lucky and wouldn't be discovered... She suddenly raised her head and glared at Xu Qingzhi unstoppably: "It must be you, everything was planned by you, right? It's just to get revenge on me..." "I'm just stating the truth.

"Xu Qingzhi said coldly, "If you don't do it, no one can take revenge on you.

" "No, it's all your fault, if it wasn't for you, no one would find out!" ""enough! "An angry shout sounded from the judges.

"I didn't expect such a low-quality player to appear in the SUMA competition!" The judge growled, and he slapped the table angrily, "Look at this, there is no intention of improving at all, we don't need this player at SUMA "Staff, kick this contestant out, there is no need to deal with today's matter! Since you have done something wrong, you must be prepared to be known by others!" This passage is like giving Ou Zi got the death penalty.

It also made Ouzi's eyes completely dim, as if he had fallen into darkness.

SUMA is a prestigious competition in the industry. If she is kicked out of the competition, everyone will see her as a joke!Similarly, what she did today will definitely be known by everyone in the industry!At that time, don't talk about being famous...I'm afraid, it will be even more difficult to survive in the design world!Even before that time came, Ou Zi saw his miserable future!She has been completely sentenced to death! "No, don't!" Ouzi said hoarsely, she held her head and scratched her hair with her fingers, "It's not my fault...you can't do this..." She just wanted to destroy a rookie's work, Why do you say she was wrong?Besides, that's not Xu Qingzhi's work, is it?Since it wasn't her work that was damaged, what right did she have to blame herself!With these words, Ou Zi wanted to howl.

It's just that everyone's strange eyes made her instinctively bury these words in her heart.

However, the resentment in her heart that has nowhere to vent is not so easy to eliminate.

When the staff grabbed her arm and were about to take her away, Ou Zi suddenly raised his head.

She looked at Xu Qingzhi with red eyes, that resentful gaze seemed to want to penetrate the woman's body.

"Even if you expose me, so what?! Up to now, you are only No.3!" Speaking of this, Ou Zi smiled suspiciously, "In the end, you can't beat Ye Liuqing... ...Because you don't even have the qualifications to participate in the final!" After speaking, Ouzi raised his jaw, full of satisfaction.

So what if you expose me?So what if you surpass me?In the end, you are still the loser of this gamble!After all, you are just a lost dog like me! "Who said she can't participate in the final?" Suddenly, a clear female voice came.

People paused for a while, and then turned their heads to look at the source of the sound.

It was An Xiaona who was standing on the stage who spoke.

Even Xu Qingzhi was stunned for a moment after looking at the woman.

An Xiaona smiled at her, then turned around and bowed to the judges: "Judges and guests, I have a request here.

""I said before that this work, without A Zhi's help, would have been impossible to complete.

To put it bluntly, this work can stand on this stage because of her.

""So, I decided..." Xu Qingzhi finally realized what she was going to say. Before the word "no" could be said in the woman's mouth, An Xiaona on the stage dropped her voice: "I hope, I can My promotion spot is given to Ah Zhi.

"There was a moment of silence at the scene, so quiet that you could even hear a needle drop to the ground.

"Contestant An Xiaona, do you know what you are talking about?!" The judges' faces were full of anger, "This is SUMA, not a place for you to play games! Letting go of the final spot? This kind of thing is thanks to you I can figure it out!" "I tell you, I will never agree to such absurd thing!" "Ah... really can't agree?" An Xiaona sighed, "In this case, I can only retire.

The judges paused: "What?" ""As long as I withdraw from the competition, the place in the final will be given to Ah Zhi logically because of the order, right?" "An Xiaona smiled, "In the end, it's all the same result, but the method is different.

""you……! "The judges became incoherent, obviously speechless with anger! When have they seen this kind of situation! After all, this is SUMA, where everyone wants to be on stage! How could anyone not be willing to advance, even To give up the spot to the opponent? This is probably something that people can't even dream of! It's just nonsense!" "Xiaona! "Xu Qingzhi couldn't help but rushed to the stage, she grabbed the woman's hand nervously, "Do you know what I'm talking about?"Hurry up and apologize to the judges!This is not what you should say! "

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