Ambiguous, thick.

It seems that all nerves have been invaded, and all emotions and thoughts are enthusiastically disturbed.

The passionate kiss fell, followed by that man's familiar and lingering voice:
Like, I love you.

It's like, in this life, I only like you as a woman...

"Mommy mommy!"

An immature child's voice broke into the ear, breaking the dream.

Xu Qingzhi hurriedly opened her eyes, and what came into view was not the dim and crazy room in her memory, but the white ceiling of the hospital with the lingering smell of disinfectant.

And beside her, a four-year-old boy was sitting on the hospital bed.The little guy was sculpted in pink and jade, and now he was looking up at her with a pair of black and white eyes full of worry.

Xu Qingzhi muttered to herself: "Did I fall asleep just now?"

"Yes." Xu Xiaochen blinked, "Mom took care of me all day, and she was so tired that she fell asleep. Just now, Chenchen saw that her face was covered in sweat. She must have had a nightmare, so she woke her up."

Saying this, he frowned, and blamed himself all over his face: "In the end, it's all because of Chenchen's fault, and I need my mother to take care of me so hard..."

"What nonsense!" Xu Qingzhi quickly rubbed the little guy's furry head, "Mom is fine, what you have to do now is to take good care of your illness, you know?"

"Mom, don't worry, Chenchen knows about it." Xu Xiaochen said, his watery eyes were full of determination, "When Chenchen recovers from her illness, she will be able to earn money to support her mother, so she won't have to work so hard."

Xu Qingzhi couldn't help but chuckle at the child's innocent words. Seeing that it was getting late, she comforted the child to take a good rest and left the ward.

The door of the ward was slowly closed, and the gentle smile on the woman's face disappeared immediately.

Xu Qingzhi closed her eyes, only to feel that there was something stuck in her chest.

She actually dreamed of that man again.

Although five years had passed, the scenes of that night always broke into her dreams from time to time.

On that day, Yu Yanchen took the medicine.This man who married her but hadn't touched her for a whole year forced her for the first time and violated the last layer of defense.

She cried and struggled, but the man forced her while calling Wan Ruo's name.

That was the time she was pregnant.But before he could tell Yu Yanchen, he was sent to prison by the other party himself.

Even after five years, she still can't forget the despair she once had, and the heart-piercing pain of being torn apart by the other party's own hands.

no, no...

Xu Qingzhi gritted her teeth, severely suppressing the pain in her heart.

Now she has no time to grieve at all.Now that she has Xu Xiaochen, it is equivalent to having happiness.But this time, she will definitely protect it, the only light in her life.

"Qing Zhi?"

Just when Xu Qingzhi's thoughts were in chaos, someone spoke and pulled back her confused rationality.

She hurriedly turned her head, and saw a handsome man in a white coat walking towards her slowly: "Doctor Xia?"

Because of being a premature baby, Xu Xiaochen has been weak and sick since he was a child, and half a year ago, he was even diagnosed with a heart attack.

This doctor Xia is Xu Xiaochen's attending doctor.

"Are you going to work?" Xia Mingxuan's brows and eyes were gentle, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard work." Xu Qingzhi shook her head, "As long as Chenchen's illness can be cured, this little bit of hard work is nothing."

Looking at Xu Qingzhi's stubborn yet gentle expression, Xia Mingxuan hesitated to speak.In the end, he sighed: "Although I know you are working hard, I don't want to rush you. But the hospital will come down and let you pay the medical expenses as soon as possible, otherwise..."

"I know, Dr. Xia, if it weren't for you, the hospital wouldn't have tolerated us for so long."

Xu Qingzhi said quickly.

A few years ago, she brought Xu Xiaochen to this strange city, where she lived as an orphan and widow.If it wasn't for Xia Mingxuan's help, Xu Xiaochen wouldn't have been treated smoothly in the hospital.

"You have helped us a lot, don't worry, give me a few more days, and I will be able to pay the money."

Perhaps it was because Xu Qingzhi's eyes were too clear, Xia Mingxuan's expression was slightly moved: "Okay, I believe in you, and I will try my best to help Chenchen find a matching heart."

After hearing this, Xu Qingzhi thanked her repeatedly.After saying goodbye to Xia Ming, she left the hospital, took a taxi, and came to her work place.

Under the dense night, a resplendent building stands under the neon lights.

It was a nightclub called the Golden Rose.

In order to treat Xu Xiaochen's illness, Xu Qingzhi did not hesitate to come here and became the hostess of the nightclub.

She wants to make money, make a lot of money.Only in this way, her favorite child can survive!

As soon as Xu Qingzhi stepped into the nightclub, Li's mother, who was in charge of serving the drinks, hurried over: "Mrs. Rose, you are finally here. There are a lot of big customers coming to room S901. Change your clothes and go quickly, so as not to make the guests wait!"

You know, even though Xu Qingzhi has not been here for a long time, she still drinks with her without selling herself.But who told her to be good-looking, especially her pair of peach blossom eyes, which seemed to be able to seduce people, so she was welcomed by many guests as soon as she came.Coupled with her cool demeanor, in just a few months, she became the famous "cold rose" in the nightclub.

Xu Qingzhi quickly agreed, and she quickly changed her clothes - it was a very close-fitting and sexy service uniform, and then stepped on five centimeter high heels, and walked to the front of the suite with catwalks.

The boxes in nightclubs are divided into grades, among which the S-class boxes are the most expensive.One can imagine how honorable the guests are today.

As long as things go well tonight, Chenchen's medical expenses might be settled.

Thinking of this, Xu Qingzhi took a deep breath, and a formulaic smile appeared on her delicate face.Although the corners of the mouth were curved, it was astonishingly cold.

She knocked on the door.

"Hi sir, I am the lady you ordered tonight..."

Before Xu Qingzhi finished speaking, the moment her eyes fell, all her voice stopped abruptly.

At that moment, there seemed to be ice wrapped around her back, causing her whole body to tremble uncontrollably.

Why is this man here? !

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