The two women couldn't help holding their breath, and looked intently at the source of the sound.

The grass and trees seemed to shake a few times, which also made Xu Qingzhi hold the wooden stick in her hand a little tighter.

Crash——finally, the sound of chaotic branches and leaves sounded.

Xu Qingzhi's hand that was about to raise froze, and An Xiaona, who was about to scream, also froze her throat, only her eyes were wide open, looking at the person who came out in surprise.

The person in front of him was wearing a shirt and trousers, the cuffs of the shirt were rolled up, revealing his strong forearm, and on his wrist was a golden watch that was obviously worth a lot of money.

Although the outfit wasn't troublesome, it could even be called simple, but because he came from the inside of the jungle, there were still some leaves on his skirt. Although it was just scattered, it still added a sense of mess.

But this kind of mess is not ugly, and even has a different taste.

But... this feeling actually appeared on Yu Yanchen.

Yes, that Yu Yanchen who is meticulous at all times.

He actually appeared in front of the two of them in such a posture.

Xu Qingzhi silently glanced at the wooden stick in her hand.

For a moment, she didn't know whether she should throw this thing away, or just stick it up unceremoniously? In the end, she sighed and dropped her inner thoughts.

If I offend the investors, I will definitely be kicked out of SUMA, right? "Mr. Yu?" Xu Qingzhi's face was calm, but An Xiaona couldn't suppress her surprise, and exclaimed in surprise, "Why are you here?" This is the investor of SUMA!The gold master with gold on his face!Shouldn't he just rest at the villa and wait for the result of the game?Yu Yanchen didn't say anything, his cool gaze swept over Xu Qingzhi's face, then he took out a listing card from his pocket, and threw it into the woman's hand without saying hello.

Xu Qingzhi had no choice but to catch it, and the two went up to have a look.

In addition to the SUMA-specific competition logo printed on it, there are several printed characters: N, PC.

Well, everything is explained.

An Xiaona was furious, and her eyebrows frowned, she didn't know whether it was surprise or rejection: "Dangtang Yuyanchen... unexpectedly came to be an NPC? The staff didn't tell us that there is such a thing as an NPC.

"" Not saying it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. After all, the staff said that some things depend on luck.

"Xu Qingzhi said lightly.

She is calm on the surface, but no one knows the turmoil in her heart.

She had a strange feeling that Yu Yanchen appeared here for herself... But soon, she suppressed this self-righteous thought.

"Since there are npcs, there must be some special opportunities, right? For example, reminders or something?" After being surprised, An Xiaona became excited.

Although she was a little apprehensive in the face of Yu Yanchen's cold face, she couldn't bear her inner curiosity, so she rubbed her little hands and asked softly.

"Mr. Yu, since you are an npc, will you provide us with any help? For example, maps, props, etc..." "No.

"It seems that you don't have anything on you, it should be a verbal reminder... huh?" "Yu Yanchen finally looked at her.

It was just an understatement, fleeting: "Nothing.

"Then what's the use for you? An Xiaona was at a loss for words for a while, but fortunately, her reason suppressed her impulse.

She doesn't want to be kicked out of SUMA after offending investors.

Xu Qingzhi regained her thoughts, and looked up at Yu Yanchen's cold face: "Since Mr. Yu can't give us a hint, then you appear here..." Before she could finish speaking, the man answered without thinking : "I am only responsible for following you.

"If it weren't for the fact that the other party is the patron, An Xiaona would probably show her disgust on her face.

Since you don't know anything, what's the use of you as an npc?On the contrary, Xu Qingzhi was troubled in her heart, she couldn't help but clenched her hand holding the wooden stick, her nails seemed to have pierced a shallow mark on the bark: "If it's SUMA's rules, then Mr. Yu will be wronged.

"She didn't know why the man appeared here, and even the absurd premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger.

At the same time, it also made her look away.

No, no.

Xu Qingzhi bit her lower lip with her white teeth, as if she wanted to use a little pain to cover up the ferocious absurdity in her heart.

That's Yu Yanchen, you can't think too much.

She persuaded herself so.

Originally, I thought that with an npc, it would be much easier to find things, but I didn't expect this npc to be like a waste, which made An Xiaona, who had finally seen hope, faint again.

A few people along the way were still unlucky, and still didn't find any good things.

At the end, An Xiaona seemed to have given up completely, and even stopped looking for materials, and went to admire the flowers and plants beside her.

Not to mention, although this mountain road is difficult to walk, there are plants that are rarely seen in the city.

An Xiaona has always liked beautiful things, and when she saw beautiful flowers and plants, she would happily pick them off and look at them.

Xu Qingzhi, who was looking for something, squinted and saw the woman picking a small white flower with great interest, so she kindly reminded: "The kind of peanuts are sweet and greasy, they are the easiest to attract insects.

If you are afraid of bugs, I suggest you don't touch it.

"An Xiaona's delicate body trembled when she heard these words, she hurriedly threw her hand away, and even wiped it a few times, lest she would get a bad smell all over her body.

"How do you know?" Then, she blinked her eyes, and pointed to a small flower not far away, "What about that?" Xu Qingzhi took a look: "That's not that dangerous, but it stinks easily. Think you won't like it.

" "Then what do you look at this?" ""I suggest that you don't pick flowers and plants casually, some plants are inherently poisonous.

"Xu Qingzhi's persuasion made An Xiaona shake her whole body, and hurriedly threw all the flowers she had picked aside, and even kicked them away a little, as if she had encountered some scourge.

She rubbed her skin, only thankful that Xu Qingzhi reminded herself early, otherwise she would be unlucky if she got hit... When she finished all this, she saw Xu Qingzhi bending over and picking a tree root. Put a purple-green herb into the bag: "Didn't you say that these things are not safe? Then why do you pick these things?" That's all.

"Then what do you pick these for?"Is it possible to use it in design? "Xu Qingzhi didn't admit it, but just smiled leisurely: "As long as it is used properly, it can be used anywhere.

"That mysterious attitude made An Xiaona confused.

She didn't even realize that her feelings towards Xu Qingzhi had slowly changed since she didn't know when.

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