Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 259 Xu Qingzhi is an evil mother-in-law who abuses her daughter-in-law?

The training camp will take two to three months once it is set up. As a mother, she naturally wants to say goodbye to her child.

"Morning, wait a minute.

"Xu Qingzhi said, "Mom will get up now, and then I will have breakfast with you, and take you and Mr. Yu out..." "Mom, I have good news for you, Mr. Yu is not here today!" "Xu Xiaochen shook his head and said, "Sister Xiaojiao told me that Mr. Yu has not come back, so I can only trouble my mother to send me to the training camp!" "What? Yu Yanchen didn't come back all night? Xu Qingzhi was stunned for a moment, but she quickly regained her senses, and at the same time, she also felt a sense of joy: "I see, wait for mom, mom will change clothes now, and then send you to training Camp, okay? "Although she didn't know why Yu Yanchen didn't go back to Yu's house, she couldn't help being happy when she thought that she could send Xu Xiaochen off.

Sure enough, good things will only happen if this man is not around!After freshening up and eating breakfast, Xu Qingzhi walked out of the villa with the child in one hand and a small suitcase in the other.

Because the driver at home happened to be on leave, she said she could drive the child.

So, she drove a small Bentley from Yu's garage, and took the child to the training camp.

Along the way, Xu Xiaochen chatted non-stop.

I don't know if it's because he hasn't seen his mother for a long time, his small mouth is like a small trumpet, and he doesn't stop for a moment.

Xu Qingzhi smiled happily while driving.

Even yesterday's depression was swept away.

In order to keep confidentiality and isolate the flow of people, the coordinates of this training camp are somewhat remote. The car drove out of the bustling commercial area, and the passing vehicles and passers-by also decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Mom, won't I be able to see you after entering the training camp?" Xu Xiaochen said in a childlike voice while kicking his short legs, "It was so hard for me to see my mother, why did I lose sight of you so soon? .

If she can't see her mother, Chenchen will be very sad, and she will have nightmares when she sleeps at night! "" Nightmare? ""yes!nightmare!There is no mother in the dream, only Mr. Yu.

"Xu Xiaochen nodded seriously, "Isn't this a nightmare? "Hearing this, Xu Qingzhi couldn't laugh or cry.

If Yu Yanchen heard these remarks, he would probably mock him with a black face for not educating his children well? "However, since mom wants Chenchen to enter the training camp, Chenchen will work hard.

"Xu Xiaochen pouted, "After all, Chenchen is mother's child, so she can't embarrass her.

Chenchen is so smart, does mom want to praise Chenchen? "Because she had to drive, Xu Qingzhi couldn't look at the child's expression.

But without looking, one can guess that the current Xu Xiaochen must be blinking his starry eyes, and the word "expectation" is almost written on his little face.

"Okay, as expected of mother's good child, the most well-behaved child in the world, Chenchen is really amazing..." Xu Qingzhi smiled, and suddenly, something flashed by outside the car window, causing her expression to change, "Huh?" Then , she quickly realized what it was!At this time, her body speed exceeded the reflex arc of her brain, and she subconsciously stepped on the brakes!The car made a piercing and long brake sound, and the car that was driving almost stopped.

And Xu Xiaochen who was sitting on the seat was almost thrown out due to inertia.

"Mom, what's the matter?" He rubbed his nose, which was almost hit, with lingering fear.

Then, after following her mother's gaze and looking out the window, she stared, "Huh? Mama, isn't that..." Before Xu Xiaochen finished speaking, the mother and son hurriedly opened the car door.

The two got out of the car, looked in front of the car, and there was a bunch of small things curled up there.

It was very close to the car, if Xu Qingzhi was slower, the two would collide hard.

One can imagine the thrill just now.

As if sensing someone, the furry little thing that was trembling crazily finally moved.

She slowly raised her head, timidly showing a fair little face.

And Xu Qingzhi also called out her name in surprise: "Chu Qingqing?"That's right, this little girl is exactly the young genius Chu Qingqing who challenged Xu Xiaochen before but faced a fiasco.

Just now, she appeared out of nowhere and rammed directly into the car.

If Xu Qingzhi hadn't reacted in time, there might have been a car accident.

Chu Weiwei was obviously also frightened, her face carved in pink and jade was pale, without a trace of blood.

Her eyes were full of tears, and her face was still stained with wet tears.

After seeing the two of them, she blinked pitifully, and then opened her pink mouth: "Ma Baonan!" The words were amazing.

Xu Xiaochen froze.

Then, Chu Qingyuan turned to Xu Qingzhi slowly, frowning, as if thinking about how to give her a nickname.

But soon there will be an answer.

She pointed with her little finger: "Evil mother-in-law who abuses her daughter-in-law!" Xu Qingzhi:? ? ? "never mind.

"She collapsed quickly again, still squatting on the ground, but patted her stomach pitifully with her little hands, "Auntie, I'm hungry, take me to eat quickly!"Just take it as compensation for the loss you bumped into me just now! "Xu Qingzhi was in a mess in the wind.

Not to mention that at this time, this little girl still has the mind to give herself a nickname.

Also, does such a young child really know what a mother-in-law is?Half an hour later, inside the nearest KFC.

Sitting in front of a table in the corner, Chu Qingqing was holding a hamburger in one hand and an unfinished chicken wing in the other, her little pink mouth was stained with oil.

She was obviously very hungry, and she ate extremely fast. It was surprising that a child who was only a few years old could eat a hamburger in a few bites.

However, no matter how fast she swallowed, she didn't eat like an ordinary child, spitting and greasy, and she could tell that she had a good upbringing.

Here, Chu Qingwei was eating happily, and Xu Xiaochen who was sitting opposite was drinking hot milk listlessly: "I want to drink Coke..." Xu Qingzhi refused righteously: "Children can't drink Coke.

"Xu Xiaochen became even more listless: "Then why can she drink it?" " Pointing to Chu Qingqing.

Realizing that they were talking about herself, the girl raised her head proudly from the food, without the trembling look she had before: "I'm older than you!" Xu Xiaochen was not to be outdone: "That's only one year older!" "Mom Baonan, what do you know! One year older is also one year old! You should call me sister!" "You give me a nickname, so I don't want to call you sister.

"Xu Xiaochen curled his lips and muttered softly, "And you are not as smart as me.

"Although I lowered my voice, it was a pity that Chu Qingqing still listened to me seriously.

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