Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 240 Be My Woman, I Will Give You Everything

A sense of embarrassment was in the air.

It's like trying to tie a woman's limbs.

Xu Qingzhi clumsily picked up the bathrobe and put it on again.When he raised his head, Yu Yanchen was staring at him.The eyes of the two also coincided with her movements, and she seemed to see the strange flickering in each other's eyes.

"you hate me."

The man spoke first.

In his words, there was no doubt or apprehension, but an unquestionable affirmation.

Xu Qingzhi felt her throat choke for no reason, and she didn't know how to speak for a moment.

This strange sense of embarrassment permeated her heart.

"Since you hate me so much..." Yu Yanchen continued, staring intently at the mask on the woman's face, "Then why did you save me in the first place?"

After so many days and nights, he couldn't forget the feeling of this woman hugging him in the sea water...

It was the only warmth in the cold.

What's more, in the dark cave, she slowly took off her clothes, revealing her white and flawless back.

As if immersed in a dream, the original softness and warmth covered the whole body.It injected vitality into his body, and at the same time melted the coldness of his body.

This feeling seems to be entangled in his fingertips until now.

"Yeah——" Xu Qingzhi finally spoke, and the woman's voice was alienated, "Mr. Yu, I really hate you."

"Please don't get me wrong. The reason why I saved you at the beginning was only because you were the person in charge of Yu's Group. If something happened to you under my nose, maybe someone would blame me for it. I just He's a nobody, and he can't bear the charge."

Her answer can be said to be very formulaic.

It also made Yu Yanchen frown as he wished: "Just because of this?"

"Otherwise?" She chuckled, as if she had thought of something, and the teasing in her eyes became even more serious, "Mr. Yu, you don't naively think that I saved you because I like you, do you?"

No one answered her.

There was just an eerie silence in the room.

After a while, Yu Yanchen let out a chuckle from his throat.

Before the thin syllable fell, Xu Qingzhi's body was hugged again, and the familiar heat rushed to her face, pressing her down on the velvet bed again.

"I have always been a person who repays kindness." Yu Yanchen's black eyes were bright, and his slender fingers seemed to deliberately lift the neckline of the bathrobe, touching the delicate milky white skin again, "Since you saved me, I will Will repay you..."

"As for how to repay?"

With a hook of his fingers, the bathrobe was drawn out in an arc, revealing a piece of snow white, which deepened the color of the bottom of his eyes.

"Why don't you promise me with your body?"

Something seemed to explode in Xu Qingzhi's mind.

The man's provocative movements seemed to be teasing her nerves.

Make her heart beat wildly faster.

"Wait!" Feeling that the other party was about to make a further move, Xu Qingzhi quickly recovered and grabbed his hand, "I don't need any reward!"

"Since you helped me block the glass on the yacht back then, I should have saved you. Just treat it as retaliation." She stumbled, "Please get away from me quickly, or I will call the police immediately and say you were molested." !"

"You women only use this method?" The corner of Yu Yanchen's mouth revealed an inexplicable arc, his face moved closer, and the distance between the two shortened.

The delicately curved thin lips seemed to fall on Xu Qingzhi's side face through the mask in the next second.

"You are the first woman I have ever seen, who tried every means to distance herself from me."

His lips parted, exhaling hot air.

Make her tremble like an electric shock.

"Before I came, I heard that you made a bet with Ye Liuqing from the Ye Family to get SUMAN No. 1?"

Xu Qingzhi clenched her teeth, and she freed her other hand, intending to push the man's face away, while mockingly said: "I didn't expect Mr. Yu to pay so much attention to gossip."

"I don't like to pay attention to these things." Yu Yanchen said, "But if it's your business, I don't mind knowing more about it."

Xu Qingzhi hesitated.

"I know Ye Liuqing." Yu Yanchen continued, "The Ye family is a design family. Although she is not the only child, she has devoted a lot of effort. At your level, even if you are taught by Ster Lee, you can't beat her. .”

She sneered: "So you're here to tell me bad news?"

Yu Yanchen squinted at the woman with a cold expression.

I just feel that the guy under him looks like a cat with fried hair.

Even the angry appearance reveals a delicate taste.

"That's not what I mean." He said, "However, if you want to beat Ye Liuqing, it's not like you have no chance at all."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you really want to win against Ye Liuqing?" He lightly pushed the woman's hand away, and put his lips close to her ear, "If that's the case, it doesn't matter if you sacrifice something, right?"

There was a thunderous bang in Xu Qingzhi's ear, as if it wanted to destroy the fragile eardrum.

"Be my woman."

She heard Yu Yanchen say.

"As long as you become my woman, whether it's winning the SUMA championship or dealing with Ye Liuqing, I can fulfill your wishes."

Words knocked off.

Xu Qingzhi's eyes widened.

Her body was visibly stiff, and she was quickly captured by the man on her body.

"This is a fair deal." Seeing that she was silent, Yu Yanchen said, "Not everyone is qualified to stand by my side. Similarly, if you choose this opportunity, I will let you get the best everything."

As he spoke, his fingers picked up the hair hanging from the woman's ear, and he brought it to his lips and kissed him lightly.

At the same time, he used his movements to cover up the sharpness in his eyes.

In the silence, suddenly, there was a chuckle from below.

That is a woman's laughter.

The laughter didn't stop, but became louder and louder, until finally he was choked by the laughter, and even the area around his eyes turned a faint red.

Yu Yanchen looked at this seemingly happy woman, his eyes flashed with emotion, and he was about to kiss her lips, but saw the spotless red lips gently opened:

Before his kiss could fall, it stopped in mid-air.

And Xu Qingzhi didn't know where the burst of strength came from. The originally weak and helpless woman suddenly showed strength and pushed him off the bed.

As a result, Yu Yanchen fell directly to the ground, and it was the first time that the mighty business emperor showed such a distressed appearance.

He looked up suddenly.

"Yu Yanchen, you heard correctly."

A woman wrapped in a bathrobe sat on the edge of the bed, her lower jaw was raised, revealing a white swan neck.The woman's attire was still full of temptation, but there was a deep repulsion and coldness in those amber eyes.

"I said you, disgusting."

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