It's nothing more than saying that she is bold and reckless, and by the way, don't be proud of her temporary achievements.

Knowing that the other party was worried about her, Xu Qingzhi didn't care about her sharp mouth anymore.

As soon as Xu Qingzhi sneaked into Yu's villa through the small door, Xiaojiao rushed over: "Miss Xu, you are finally back, go back to your room! Mr. Yu's car has already stopped at the door!"

"If Mr. Yu finds out that you have gone out, it will be bad luck for both of us!"

Xu Qingzhi hurried back to her room, and just as she sat down on the chair, the door was pushed open by Yu Yanchen.

Looking at the man who broke in suddenly, she felt lucky for a moment.

Seeing the familiar figure in the room, the man frowned: "You didn't go out all day today?"

questioning tone.

It's okay if you don't talk about it, but as soon as you talk about it, Xu Qingzhi's anger rises.

"Yeah, I haven't gone out all day." She sneered, "Why don't I go out, Mr. Yu knows best? Why are you asking here now? Or do you think that a big Yu's family, even a little woman like me Can't stand it?"

It seems that I really can't stand it.

Yu Yanchen obviously didn't believe her, and asked the servants one by one. After hearing the servant's confirmed answer, he didn't know what he was thinking, a little confusion appeared in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed it.

When he turned his head again, his complexion improved a lot: "This is the first time you have been so obedient."

"Do I dare to be disobedient? It's you, Yu Yanchen, how long do you want to imprison me? The ancient landlords were not so feudal, and they have no right to imprison others like this." Xu Qingzhi sarcastically said, "Don't fool me with asking me to recuperate. , do you think I'm a fool?"

"I advise you to be more careful in what you say." Yu Yanchen said coldly, "Since you know my character, you should also know what will happen if you disobey me."

"What about my child? Chenchen is still in the hospital. Even if we sign an agreement, I can still see my child."

"Chenchen's condition is stable, and she's recuperating now, so it's not suitable to see anyone." Yu Yanchen said, "Besides, you just brought your child through such a thing, and you still want me to allow you to see the child?"

These words made Xu Qingzhi grit her teeth: The culprit in this matter is not her!
He turned his shoulders: "In short, without my permission, you just stay at Yu's house obediently, and you are not allowed to take a step, understand?"

Xu Qingzhi was inexplicably confused by the man's words, and the woman's intuition told her that there was something behind it that she didn't know.

But... what exactly?
"Yu Yanchen, do you have something to hide from me?" She raised her head, her eyes were clear, "If you are raising a woman, then there is no need. Anyway, this is not the first time for you, so why bother to fight this kind of underground war."

Yu Yanchen's face darkened for a moment, he left the room after saying "Stop talking nonsense".

And this strange attitude made Xu Qingzhi's mood worse.

She stared at the direction where the man disappeared, and she held the fabric on her chest with her fingers and squeezed it.

She was sure that this man definitely had something to hide from her.

Not only her intuition...but also, after so many years of love, she knew him.

After Yu Yanchen came back to confirm that she was in the villa all day, she left and did not come back until the evening.Although Xu Qingzhi was suspicious, she didn't want to care about it, so she went downstairs to get some unfinished sweet soup to satisfy her cravings.

When she walked into the kitchen, she saw servants busy in the kitchen.It's just that it's past dinner time, logically, they should rest.

"What are you doing?"

The woman's voice suddenly sounded, which startled the servants.Seeing that it was Xu Qingzhi, the servants breathed a sigh of relief, and continued, "It's the nourishing soup that Mr. asked us to make before he left. His assistant will come and get it later."

Nutritious soup?
Xu Qingzhi stared at the thick soup that was gurgling and bubbling because of boiling, and was stunned for a moment.

You know, Yu Yanchen is a full-fledged workaholic, and his appetite is not heavy, so it is thankful that he eats three meals regularly, not to mention taking extra time to eat nutritional supplements.Back then, it seemed like I liked soup very much, so I often made these.But sometimes even if it seems like sending the soup made by himself, he may not have time to eat it.

Xu Qingzhi pursed her lips, she stopped asking questions, took out the sweet soup left over from the refrigerator last night, and tasted it.

The ice-cold sweetness should make people feel happy.

But it made her feel a little heavy.

Because the second round was a week later, during these seven days, in order to dispel the doubts of those servants, Xu Qingzhi stayed in her room obediently, it could be said that she never went out.With this habit, in the end, except for Xiaojiao, the other servants didn't find it strange even if they didn't see Xu Qingzhi.

She thought that the second round of the competition would be held locally, but she did not expect that three days before the start of the competition, she received a call from Ste Lee.

Only then did I find out that the next match will be held in the next city, including the match time, it will take at least three days.

"It seems that SUMA has suddenly received a big-name investor and wants to make SUMA more public this time." Mrs. Li said on the phone, "But you are worried, you are wearing a mask, as long as there are no accidents, you will be fine. identified."

Xu Qingzhi wanted to cry but had no tears, that's not what she was worried about!
However, the competition was to be participated in after all. A week later, Xu Qingzhi could only sit in the car heading to the next city, hoping that Xiaojiao would successfully hide it from her.

When she arrived at the destination city, Mrs. Li did not take her to the competition site, but took her to a local luxury hotel.

According to Mrs. Li's words, the investor this time was particularly generous, not only holding the competition outside the city, but also contracting the entertainment content for the players before the competition.The game will be the day after tomorrow, but before that, the players can play as they please, and all expenses have been contracted.

Hearing these words, Xu Qingzhi's heart jumped with fear: Where did this local tyrant come from?Do you dislike too much money and no place to spend it?
As soon as the two arrived at the hotel, they met their old enemy unfortunately.

That is Ruth and Ye Liuqing.

The two pedestrians just collided and got out of the car one after the other.

"Hey, isn't this our famous Ster Lee?" Ruth spoke first as always, her words were full of provocation.

Mrs. Li didn't look sideways: "It seems that luck is not very good today, I ran into a dog when I went out."

Also as venomous as ever.

After so many years, Ruth has not been able to resist Mrs. Li's temper, and now she explodes at the first provocation: "You call me a dog?!"

"I'm sorry." Mrs. Li apologized quickly this time, "The dog is so cute, you can be regarded as a beast at best."

Ruth: ...

"Ster Lee, don't be so arrogant to me!" Soon, she scolded angrily, "Don't think that your student is great after passing the first round of the competition! Don't forget, Liu Qing was No.1 in the last competition !"

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