clap clap clap...

It was a series of applause.

At first there was pattering applause, and then it gradually became louder and thicker. In the end, all the judges in the judges' bench applauded except for Iseria.

The contestants in the audience all stared in disbelief.

Isn't it just that you have discovered the blind spots of the topic and the design is a little bit better?Do you need to be so excited?

"No. 14 Azhi, isn't it?" The judges dug out a piece of information, "I just read your resume, and your resume can be said to be blank. Originally, I thought that you were the least interesting person in this competition." player. But now, I have to admit, you surprised me."

"Although it can be seen from your workmanship and other aspects that you are a novice, but you are right in saying that it is what a designer should do to bring surprises and memory points to others."

The judges grinned and smiled:

"You are very smart and can make use of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses. Similarly, you are also very lucky. I can tell you now, congratulations, that's the bonus point."

The contestants looked at each other in blank dismay: bonus points, what is that?
They have watched so many sessions of SUMA, but they have never heard of this!

"From outsiders' perspective, SUMA is a picky place that requires perfect works. But they forget that the reason why SUMA is a platform for newcomers is to find more auras and people who are willing to use their talents to create surprises."

"Even if the contestant is a rookie in design, as long as she has enough talent, aura, or can create surprises that ordinary people can't give, it means that she can continue to stand here."

"And the extra points are for those who can create surprises."

The judges nodded: "Actually, the loophole in this topic was deliberately set up, but unfortunately, you are the only one who can use it reasonably. Maybe some people have discovered it, but their self-confidence and too rigid cognition make them give up pursuing the meaning behind it. "

"So, congratulations, you have succeeded." The judges said as they lit up the scoring board, "Although you are not the best, this time, you are the most special one in the audience."

Scores displayed on the scoreboard:
Eight points.

And other judges also showed their results one after another.

There are highs and lows, but on average, there are eight points.

Perhaps, this result is not too special, not even as impressive as Ye Liuqing.But don't forget that Xu Qingzhi they were facing was a rookie who had just entered the design world, and she could barely finish the finished product within five hours.

But she managed to beat most scores.

"No, it's impossible..." The one-point players were completely dumbfounded. On the strict SUMA, the average score of eight points is already excellent, and they can even directly enter the next round of competition.

And this kind of achievement was actually created by a rookie she looked down upon.

No,'s all fake.

The one-point contestant only felt that all her pride was shattered at this moment, and she held on to her emotions, trying to piece together those fragments.

"Yes, there is also Eseria..." The man scored himself a point.

So what if Xu Qingzhi is opportunistic?How could someone as unpredictable as Eseria care about any extra points?

At this time, it seemed that everyone had this idea in mind, and looked at Eseria in the guest seat with a tacit understanding.

But the moment they saw Eseria, everyone was stunned.

Because, they are not fools.

They didn't miss the scorching light that belonged to the man's eyes.

Like people in the desert looking for water, like people in desperate pursuit of hope.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Eseria showed the scoring card:
Nine points.

He's the best score ever, ever.

"No, it won't be like this!" The one-point contestant couldn't hold back anymore and shouted, "Cheating! She cheated!"

How could a work that was obtained by chance get such a high score? !
If she also catches the blind spot of the topic, she will definitely complete it even better!
"Cheating?" Eseria narrowed his eyes like a beast, "This contestant, are you questioning me?"

This look made her feel cold from head to toe.

"No, that's not what I mean." The first-point contestant gradually calmed down, "But, but... this work has no skills at all, and even has many flaws. It is obviously a rush work. Such a work ...doesn't deserve such a high score."

"It seems that you haven't understood what the judges said before." Eseria said coldly, "Where do you think this is?"

"This is SUMA, a stage for miracles."

"Music, like design, is pursuing miracles. But the premise of miracles is surprises." He tapped his finger on the table, "And you, a bunch of stubborn and self-righteous waste, don't talk about miracles, even surprises." Can't bring it to me."

"Why I gave such a high score, you should know best. If you don't even understand this, you can get out of SUMA completely." His eyes slanted, "Yes, I almost forgot, you were I hit the guy with a point, right?"

"Scores like yours are destined to get out of here."

The first-point contestant trembled all over, her face was pale, as if she had been completely hit.

After a while, she wriggled her purple lips: "But, even Ye Liuqing is only seven points..."

"She only has seven points, so others are not allowed to have high scores? What is she?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Eseria's mouth, "Her seven points is just a mature skill. Come on, just to save face. Only number 14 can let me see something special, so I am willing to give her nine points."

With just a few words, even Ye Liuqing was completely damaged.

What Eseria said was completely denying her talent.

It's just a matter of saying it bluntly, without skill, her designs are nothing.

A group of people subconsciously looked at Ye Liuqing, only to see Ye Liuqing standing there calmly, his posture was still elegant, and there was no displeasure on his delicate face.

Everyone couldn't help feeling: such a steady breath, it really is a real genius.

"Is there any point?" The judges looked at the troublemaker with displeasure, "Go down if there is no point, and don't disturb the subsequent competition."

The one-point contestant didn't speak, but bit his lower lip firmly.

She knew that she was impulsive.

Likewise, with this release, she's afraid... she will never have anything to do with SUMA.

The game continued, not surprisingly, the following designs were all ridiculed by Iseria, and each score did not exceed five points.

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