After a while, Xu Qingzhi finally cleared the thoughts in her mind.

She changed her clothes and was ready to go out.

She did not forget that today is the day she participated in the preliminary round of SUMA.Mrs. Li also told her repeatedly in advance not to be late.

She couldn't imagine that if she was late... maybe Mrs. Li would be able to peel off a layer of her skin.

After washing and grooming, Xu Qingzhi was about to go out with her bag, but she didn't expect to face an unexpected situation before her feet had time to step out of the threshold.

"What did you say?" The woman frowned and asked, "I can't leave here? Why?"

"This is Mr. Yu's order." The person who spoke was a servant of the Yu family, and right now, he said anxiously, "Mr. Yu said that even if you have been discharged from the hospital, you still need to recuperate in the villa. Without his instructions , you are not allowed to step out of the villa."

"I haven't heard of this at all." Xu Qingzhi's complexion became more severe, her eyes were condensed and sharpened, "Where's Yu Yanchen? I want to find him."

"Miss Xu, I really didn't lie to you..." Faced with such a serious look, the servant felt like crying, "Mr. Yu is busy now, so I probably won't answer your call, but we definitely don't have any Lie to you. If you don’t believe me, you can ask other servants, they all know. If it still doesn’t work, why not wait for Mr. Yu to come back and ask him?”

During this time, they could see what happened in the villa.

As a servant, the most important thing is to be quick-witted.Because of this Xu Qingzhi, Miss Lin Yingying, who was originally very favored, disappeared. How could they not understand at all?
Even if this Miss Xu is a down-and-out daughter with no support behind her... she can still keep them at a respectful distance.

Seeing the down-to-earth look of the servant, who couldn't find any fraud, Xu Qingzhi's expression restrained.

She naturally knew that the reason was not with them.

She won't bother them either.

"Don't be nervous, I didn't mean to embarrass you." Xu Qingzhi hesitated and said, "But I have something urgent, can you accommodate me? I promise, I will return to the villa before Yu Yanchen returns."

"Miss Xu, you are trying to ruin us!" The servant sighed, "After all, Mr. Yu is our boss, even if we sincerely want to let you go, we don't have the guts. You just pity us, Just go back to the house and stay."

The woman's temples were throbbing, and finally, she walked back into the house.

The door was closed, and there was no sound immediately.

Xu Qingzhi was fidgeting, and the anxiety in her heart almost rushed out of her throat. The importance of SUMA is well known, if she really missed the preliminary round, then...

Thinking of this, her heart tightened a little.

But didn't Yu Yanchen ignore her long ago?Why is she not allowed to go out all of a sudden?
Could it be, what happened?
There were a lot of thoughts in her mind, and then she smiled self-deprecatingly.

It can't be because you are worried about yourself, right?
Time passed by minute by minute, and Xu Qingzhi felt pain like being cut by a knife every bit of time that passed.She was about to stand up hesitantly, when suddenly someone knocked on the door: "Xu, Miss Xu, are you in?"

An uncomfortable voice.

Xu Qingzhi hurriedly opened the door, and there was a little girl with a familiar face standing outside the door.Xu Qingzhi remembered that she was a newcomer, and she seemed to be called Xiaojiao. When Wang Ma bullied her a long time ago, she seemed to have persuaded her a few words.

It didn't work, and it didn't change anything in the end.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

Facing Xu Qingzhi's inquiry, Xiaojiao's face was both surprised and happy, her little brows were knit together, she didn't know what she was timid about, making Xu Qingzhi almost think that she was a ferocious beast.

"Miss Xu... Do you want to go out?" Finally, Xiaojiao said softly, "I can let you go out."

Xu Qingzhi's eyes lit up: "What you said is true?"

Xiaojiao nodded again and again: "Everyone is busy now, I will take care of you and deliver meals to you. As long as I don't tell you, no one will find out. But you must return to the villa before Mr. Yu returns, otherwise if you are caught If I find out, I will be punished."

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back as soon as possible." Xu Qingzhi hurriedly said, "It's just...why did you help me?"

The appearance of this frightened little white rabbit is really unimaginable, she would make such a bold move.

Xiaojiao bit her lower lip tremblingly, clenched her two slender hands tightly, and even she seemed to muster up her courage to speak: "Before that Wang Ma bullied you...I didn't stop it, and I felt quite guilty. Now, just Take it as an apology."

"But you must promise me, don't let others find out."

Xiaojiao's eyes are exceptionally clean, as if all emotions can be seen in those eyes.

Nothing to hide.

Xu Qingzhi thanked her, and then sneaked out of the villa under Xiaojiao's leadership.

the other side.

The backstage of the SUMA preliminary round.

In the spacious lounge, a woman was standing among the crowd with a gloomy expression.She looked at the flickering mobile phone screen with dark eyes, and her whole body was filled with an unpleasant low pressure.

This woman is indeed Mrs. Li.

Only 10 minutes to go!

Mrs. Li was pinching time in her heart, and the anger in her belly became more and more intense.

Xu Qingzhi had been reminded a long time ago that she must be there in time. Now that she is in this state, is she going to let her pigeons go again?

Does she know how important this game is? !

No wonder Esseria didn't want this student. If he knew that she was such a character that mud can't support the wall, he would definitely not agree to accept her as a student.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

"Hey, isn't this Stuart Lee?" A stylishly dressed and stylish woman walked towards her in high heels, the heels landed on the ground, and every sound of hitting the ground was full of momentum.

This person is no stranger to everyone, and it is Ruth who met on MAZ not long ago.

This time, Ruth also signed up for SUMA, but naturally she won't come to participate in this kind of rookie competition in person.The reason why she signed up was entirely for her apprentice—that is, the woman standing by her side.

Ruth's apprentice is called Ye Liuqing, who is 25 years old this year and majored in art. After graduation, she successfully joined Ruth's name.She is young and beautiful, and not long after entering the circle, she met many big figures in the circle under Ruth's leadership.In addition, he is indeed talented in this area, and he can be said to be a rising star in the design circle.

Still the most dazzling one.

Ye Liuqing's level is not low, and even surpassed the level of newcomers long ago.Today, the reason why Ruth let her participate in SUMA is just to make her resume more beautiful.

However, what Ruth didn't expect was that in this kind of rookie competition, she would encounter her old enemy - Ster Lee.

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