"If you are sick, you should take the medicine quickly." Xu Qingzhi continued, "Similarly, if he still doesn't answer the phone, you should run away with your things and don't be discovered by these bad guys. You can call anyone, are you Smart boy, you must let them save you, you know?"

"But..." Xu Xiaochen's hands clenched tightly, "What about mom?"

"Mom will attract those people so that they won't find you." Xu Qingzhi said these words almost calmly.

"I don't want it!" Sure enough, Xu Xiaochen screamed, "I don't want it! I want to be with my mother! I don't want to run away alone!"

Even if he is a child, he also knows that if he is caught by these bad guys, his mother will definitely end badly!
"Xu Xiaochen! Shut up!" Xu Qingzhi's voice became high and stern. This was the first time she treated her child with such a fierce attitude, "Chenchen... Mom can only protect you like this."

"Only if you escape, can you find someone to save your mother."

Xu Xiaochen's eyes were red, he wanted to refute, but he finally closed his mouth.

His short little fingers quietly grasped the medicine bottle and mobile phone in his hand, his little face was full of stubbornness.

"Chenchen... Got it."

In the end, a compromise was made.

Xu Qingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on her lips deepened.

After this conversation, the forest also appeared in front of my eyes.

"Chenchen, get ready!" Xu Qingzhi roared, she stepped on the accelerator even harder, and the car rushed into the woods in one go.

The car hit the branches and leaves, and scattered branches and leaves fell down, blurring the windows.

She slowed down the speed of the car, and after counting a few seconds silently in her heart: "Chenchen, jump out of the car!"

Xu Xiaochen gritted his teeth. He took a deep look at his mother, then pushed open the car door and jumped down!
The little child was directly rolled into a haystack, and his figure completely disappeared.

"Goodbye, Chenchen." Xu Qingzhi's eyes were filled with water, and tears fell like crazy beads.She accelerated again, gray exhaust from the rear of the car.With the sound of racing cars and collisions, the woman's slight words were buried.

"Mom loves you."

The fuel tank was in a complete emergency, Xu Qingzhi closed her eyes, and let the car hit a tree hard!

With a bang, it seemed like the sky was falling apart.


Several cars stopped.

Several people got out of the car, and they looked at the tragedy in front of them in shock.

"Damn, is this bitch really fierce? Does this mean that even if you hit her to death, you won't let us catch her?"

I saw Xu Qingzhi's car crashed into a thick tree, the trunk was broken by the huge impact, but fortunately it didn't hit anyone, and it narrowly fell to the side of the car.The car was directly hit and dented a large part, and the front window of the car was also broken, and a unconscious woman could be faintly seen in the driver's seat.

Fortunately, she was lucky, and the airbag also protected her. Except for a bloodstain on the top of her head, there seemed to be nothing unusual.

"Okay, don't let her die, I still have use for this woman." A woman's shrill voice sounded, "See if she is dead?"

Someone went up to check, and then pulled him out: "It's not dead, it's just passed out."

"It's fine if she doesn't die. I'm afraid that she will die. Such a simple death can't solve the hatred in my heart." The woman sneered, "By the way, where is her child? Don't say she didn't die, but that bastard died gone."

Who knows, the man shouted: "It's bad, there is no one else in the car except her!"

"What?!" The woman screamed, "She obviously brought the child into the car!"

"But there's no one in the car!" the man said, "The door is not closed properly, so maybe he escaped at some point."

"Bitch!" The woman cursed angrily, stepped on her high heels angrily, and slapped Xu Qingzhi's fainting face, "Find it for me! I want to find that bastard!"

"Okay, people run away, isn't it just a child? It's enough for the protagonist to catch it! There has been such a big commotion, and if we stay here, I don't know if anyone will be attracted. At that time, None of us can escape!"

The woman's face was livid, but in the end, she swallowed her words angrily.

She gave Xu Qingzhi a hard look with her eyes.

Forget it, even though a bastard escaped, she was not wasting her efforts!

No one saw, a small voice was curled up in the crowded grass.

After all, he jumped out of the car with momentum. Even though he was relieved a lot by the hay, there were still many scars on his small face, and even a few pieces of skin on his arms were worn off.

If it was an ordinary child, he would definitely be crying in pain at this time.However, Xu Xiaochen's face was white, his bloodless lips were pursed, his eyes were red, and he didn't make a sound.

Mom said, don't let them find out...

Yes, they must not be discovered by them... He still has to find someone to save his mother...

Xu Xiaochen wrinkled his small face, enduring the pain, and felt that he had never been so painful before when he was sick.

Sensing the strangeness coming from his heart, he quickly swallowed a few pills.

Chenchen, you have to work hard, you have to persevere, you must not get sick at this time...

I don't know how long it took, but finally, he saw several cars driving out of the jungle from a distance.

It's the bad guys!
Xu Xiaochen's heart skipped a beat, what about her mother?Is my mother captured by those bad guys? !
Yes, I still need to call...!
Xu Xiaochen took out his mobile phone in a panic, he didn't know anyone else, so he could only call Yu Yanchen.

Mom said, Mr. Yu can save them.

Obviously, he hates that man so much on weekdays, but now, Xu Xiaochen wants him to appear in front of his eyes like never before.

"Mr. Yu, answer the phone quickly... If you save mom, Chenchen won't hate you..." Xu Xiaochen's eyes became more and more moist, and the huge and unprecedented sense of fear finally made him unable to hold back his expression.

Dou Da's tears fell down and wet his face.

He is just a child, a child under five years old, how can he bear this?
However, he still stubbornly made calls again and again.

Mr. Yu, why don't you answer the phone?Hurry up and save mom, if you save mom, Chenchen will definitely be a good child...

The beating speed of the heart is gradually abnormal, and even drugs can hardly suppress this discomfort.Xu Xiaochen's breathing became more and more difficult, and he noticed that his vision was gradually blurring, and his eyes were about to lose sight.

But he still stubbornly stared at the bright screen.

I... am I going to die?

But Mr. Yu hasn't answered the phone yet, and he hasn't saved his mother yet...

If he died, would there be no one to save his mother?
If he died, would he still be his mother's child in the next life?

Xu Xiaochen gradually became confused.

Suddenly, it seemed like a light appeared in the dark night, like the dawn broke.

The waiting tone on the phone disappeared.


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