inside the room.

Xu Qingzhi lay softly on the bed, fumbling with the phone in her hand.

The events of the day had already exhausted her physically and mentally. Fortunately, Xia Mingxuan would send her news about Xu Xiaochen every day, which finally relieved Xu Qingzhi's bad mood a little.

After replying to the message, she was about to change her clothes when she stopped abruptly.

Something is wrong.

She subconsciously pricked up her ears.

It wasn't once or twice that Lisa brought the bed guest back. The sound insulation of this room is not good. Normally, she could hear the sound from the next door even if she covered her ears with a pillow.But tonight was different, the other side was quiet, without any sound.

Could it be that that person left?
Xu Qingzhi frowned.

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door, but out of safety habits, Xu Qingzhi had already locked the bedroom door, and the other party probably knocked on the door discouragedly because she couldn't open it.

"Who?" She asked vigilantly, and Lisa's voice came from outside the door: "Rose? Are you inside?"

Lisa didn't know her real name, and even when she left the nightclub, she was called by her code name.

"What's up?"

"Mother Li asked me to talk to you about something. Have you locked the door? Open the door first, and I'll go in and talk to you."

Xu Qingzhi subconsciously refused: "Don't bother, just tell me at the door."

"What do you mean? Are you looking down on me?" Lisa's voice became sharper, "Open the door for me, or I will just break open your broken door! What do you think you are, dare to lock me out?"

Before he could finish speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Xu Qingzhi's temples twitched, and the woman's intuition made her subconsciously feel that something was wrong.She finally responded, but she didn't rush to open the door, but quietly pulled out the lamp on the bedside table, held the lamp in one hand, and walked cautiously towards the door.


The door opened.

The door had just opened a thin crack before it was slammed open by a force.A black shadow suddenly entered, and it was indeed not Lisa who appeared at the door, but a strange man, who was the rascal from before.

"Little beauty..." Upon seeing Xu Qingzhi, Lai Zi's muddy eyes lit up immediately, and an obscene smile appeared on his pimple-covered face, "Little beauty, you finally opened the door, let my brother take a good look at you." ..."

"Lisa's mother-in-law told me that you are also from a nightclub, and you were kicked out of the nightclub recently. I guess you didn't find a good home? Don't worry, as long as you serve me well, my brother will guarantee that you will be popular and spicy... ..."

The words sounded, and a pair of greasy hands stretched out towards Xu Qingzhi. Xu Qingzhi panicked, and before she even had time to react, she subconsciously raised her hand and smashed the desk lamp in her hand at the man's head!
With a bang, although Lai Zi dodged, the desk lamp was lucky enough to hit the opponent's shoulder.

"Ah!" There was a heart-piercing cry of pain, and the lust on Lai Zi's face disappeared immediately, leaving behind a vicious look, "Stinky bitch, how dare you fucking hit me?!"

It was you who hit!
Xu Qingzhi cursed in her heart, she didn't dare to slack off, and waved the desk lamp again, striking this man hard.Then, taking advantage of the slack, he rushed out of the room!

"Lisa, catch this dead woman for me!"

Lai Zi yelled again, and Xu Qingzhi ran towards the gate while taking out her mobile phone from her pocket, intending to call for help.It's just that as soon as she opened the address book, someone hugged her waist tightly.

I saw Lisa jumping out from nowhere, and directly pressed her to the ground with the weight of her body.Her face with makeup was full of ferocity, but her mouth was chanting intermittently: "Ye Meigui, I am also doing it for your own good, I don't know what to do if you give me less..."

When she learned that Xu Qingzhi was being taken care of by Yu Yanchen, her eyes were almost red with jealousy!
He's just a hypocritical bitch, why should he live a good life?

Why, she can only sleep with a scum like Lai Zi.But this woman can get rich?

Isn't it because you have a good face?She wanted to see if Mr. Yu would continue to cherish this woman after Xu Qingzhi was defiled by others!

Xu Qingzhi was pressed to the ground by Lisa. She couldn't see the phone screen, so she could only press a few buttons indiscriminately, but before she could confirm whether the call was dialed, her hand was shaken violently, and the phone went straight out of her hand. Throw it out!

A sense of desperation emerged, and seeing the rascal walk out of the room, walking towards her step by step, she was shocked, grabbed Lisa's arm, opened her mouth and bit down hard!
There was another scream, only this time it was a woman.

Lisa, a person who holds her own gold, has never been bitten by someone like this. Now, the bite marks that were skinned and fleshy let her hands loose, and Xu Qingzhi took the opportunity to turn over and rush into the distance. My nearest bathroom!
As soon as she entered, she quickly closed the door with her back foot and locked the door tightly!
Never let those two people in!
As long as they come in, they are finished!

Xu Qingzhi knelt softly on the ground, her black hair was disheveled, cold sweat had already wetted the cloth on her body, and the wet, thin cloth was sticking to her body.

Outside the door, there was the sound of knocking on the door.

"Damn it, how can this stinky bitch run away so well? Now she's hiding in, what should I do?"

It was Lai Zi's voice.

"Ye Meigui, come out for me! Aren't you just a salesman? What are you pretending to be? Let me tell you, you'd better come out honestly, or we'll smash the door!"

It was Lisa's voice.

Xu Qingzhi's heart tensed up again, and Lisa really didn't tell the truth, and within a few seconds, the door slamming sound became more intense, obviously the two of them had changed heavy objects.

How to do?
The heavy three words condensed in Xu Qingzhi's heart, she curled up in the corner, her whole body trembling uncontrollably.A sour taste rose to the tip of her nose, and she clenched her lower lip with her teeth, intending to dispel her intense fear.

If this continues, sooner or later, he will fall into the hands of these two people.

Then what he ushered in would be endless torture and humiliation...

Instead of being insulted by this group of people, she would rather die.

However, if she died, what would Xiaochen do?
When she fell down earlier, she just twisted her ankle, and the tingling pain in her ankle accompanied by a feeling of helplessness exhausted Xu Qingzhi's limbs.She heard the continuous banging on the door and covered her face.

The quality of the door of the rental house was not good. Under the joint attack of the two people outside, it didn't take long for it to be knocked open.

Lai Zi put down the chair in his hand with a grin, and looked at Xu Qingzhi in the corner with greedy and resentful eyes.He was gearing up and grinning: "Little beauty, here I come—"

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