Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 199 Yu Yanchen, you are a little lighter

Yu Yanchen's face was not pretty.

He even wondered if it was a mistake for him to let this woman stay.

"If you really reject me, you can call the nurse over now." Xu Qingzhi continued, "Oh, Miss Lin is also fine, I guess she is outside right now."

"Shut up." Yu Yanchen squeezed out syllables from his jaw, he raised his hand, and started to unbutton the neckline.The buttons were undone one by one, and the man's wheat-colored skin was exposed inch by inch.

The hospital gown was casually thrown at the end of the bed. With his chest bare and his back turned to her, he said every word: "Use, medicine!"

Still smells like gnashing of teeth.

Xu Qingzhi sighed, while unscrewing the plaster, she looked at Yu Yanchen.

The man's back was wrapped with bandages, and instead of covering up his figure, the bandages made the tight muscle lines more clear, even with a morbid aesthetic.

She stepped forward and gently unwrapped the bandage.

As the bandages were removed bit by bit, the scars on the man's back were also revealed.

The moment Xu Qingzhi saw the wound, Xu Qingzhi gasped.

That scene was horrible.

She had known for a long time that Yu Yanchen was seriously injured. When she was dressing up in the cave, she was too hasty and the light was dim, so she didn't look carefully.Now that there is enough light, under the light, the shocking sight penetrated into her eyes unsuspectingly.

Although it was treated professionally, the wound was still terrifying.

One after another, countless incisions/interlacing, shapes, lengths, and depths, one can imagine the scene when those glass shards pierced the flesh and the flesh was ripped open.

For some reason, looking at it like this, her hand subconsciously landed on the man's back.

Her movements were soft, falling gently, like a feather sweeping across the surface.However, no matter how light the movement is, the touch of those wounds can still be felt.

Even, it seems that there is pain passing from the fingertips.

Obviously, it wasn't her who got hurt...

Xu Qingzhi's eyes dimmed.

The scene of the man hugging her in his arms and blocking the glass before was vivid in her memory, and she could even remember the scene of the blood lingering around the tip of her nose and the bright red blooming.

At that time, how much she wanted to ask him.

Why do you want to protect yourself so desperately?

Why do you want to protect yourself so much at the expense of your life?

Yu Yanchen, what purpose do you have for Ah Zhi?

Xu Qingzhi's eyelashes trembled, she closed her eyes in pain, and it took a long time to open them again.

At that time, the pain in her eyes had dissipated, leaving only a forced calm.

It's a pity that these tenderness and treatment are only a strange woman.

Not the real Xu Qingzhi.

Xu Qingzhi didn't know how painful the wound was, but from the beginning to the end, Yu Yanchen didn't groan as if he lost his sense of pain.On the contrary, she was obviously the easiest way to apply the medicine. Xu Qingzhi didn't know how much effort it took to do all of this well.When she saw the man put on the hospital gown again, she obviously felt her hands go soft.

She put the ointment away: "Mr. Yu, is there anything else? If there is nothing necessary, I won't disturb your rest..."

"Wait." Yu Yanchen's voice came, "Did I let you go?"

She could only stand where she was, and then saw the man pull open the cabinet, pull out a new tube of ointment from it, and smash it unceremoniously at her face.

She quickly caught it, and after a closer look, it turned out to be a plaster used to reduce swelling.

"Put the medicine here." Yu Yanchen said coldly, "You want to go out with this face, do you want to embarrass me outside?"

These words naturally referred to the slap marks on Xu Qingzhi's face.

She woke up like a dream, and only then did she feel the faint pain coming from her cheek, even a little hot.

Even without looking in the mirror, she could guess that her face was probably swollen.

After all, Liu Yan didn't mean to be soft-hearted in the slightest.

She glanced at the ointment in her hand and said calmly, "Even if it's embarrassing, this slap print is thanks to your cousin. If you teach me here, you might as well teach someone else a lesson."

After she finished speaking, without looking at Yu Yanchen's face, she directly threw the ointment back: "I'll take care of it myself when I get back, don't bother Mr. Yu."

She doesn't want to use Yu Yanchen's stuff.

"Stop." Yu Yanchen said unceremoniously, "Do you dare to refute my order?"

"Give me the medicine immediately, or you don't even think about leaving here." His eyes were full of oppression, "You try to leave here, if you have the courage to leave, I have the ability to get you back."

Xu Qingzhi was so speechless that she almost rolled her eyes.

What's the matter with this man?

Isn't it just that he refuses to take the medicine, why is it obstructing his eyes?
If you have the energy to teach yourself, you might as well teach Liu Yan a lesson!

Xu Qingzhi was full of slander, and in the end, she still took the plaster, unscrewed it and applied it to herself.

Because there was no mirror, she couldn't see anything, so she could only apply the ointment through her senses. If she was not careful, most of her face could be painted green.

Sure enough, Yu Yanchen's complexion became even worse: "Are you an idiot?"

The man spoke impatiently, and then, he grabbed the plaster with one hand, and grabbed Xu Qingzhi's jaw with the other: "Don't move."

If the tone was commanding, if it was normal, Xu Qingzhi would definitely resist.

But this time, she didn't know whether it was because the man's face was too close, or because of other reasons, she unexpectedly didn't move.

The faces of the two were so close.

This time without the metal mask, she could feel the heat of the other party more clearly, and even see the slender eyelashes clearly.And the slightly cold fingertips, pinching his chin, the fingertips seemed to be slowly rubbing the skin.

Xu Qingzhi subconsciously held her breath.

Obviously, she has seen Yu Yanchen's face countless times, but every time at this time, she can clearly feel that her breathing slows down, and even her heartbeat slowly speeds up.

Like a girl who has just faced her first love, there seems to be something in her heart that blooms quietly.

But soon, those pink tenderness completely disappeared.

Because... the way this man applied the medicine was too rough.

Compared with Xu Qingzhi's gentleness before, his action of applying the medicine can be called abusive, and his strength is unceremonious. She even felt that his actions were mixed with revenge, and could rub her face blue.

"Let me go!" She sucked in air faster, and after a few seconds, she finally couldn't help but make a sound.

She struggled, trying to shake off the opponent's hand.

"Don't move." Yu Yanchen said impatiently, "Can't you understand people's words? I'll tell you not to move."

Then, the strength in the hand became heavier.

Xu Qingzhi felt that she was about to vomit blood.

This man is simply a pervert!

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