"That's right, I hit you!" Mrs. Li put her arms around her shoulders. Facing the woman's glaring gaze, she showed no signs of timidity. Are you ashamed to pick on my aesthetics? You don’t think about yourself before you satirize me, what do you really think you are?”

"St Lee!" Ruth roared, "You...!"

"What are you? You can't even speak well. Do you think you are a child in kindergarten? The five-year-old girl of my relative's family can speak more fluently than you." Mrs. Li sneered, "Oh yes, I didn't want to criticize Yours, it turns out you don't have eyes to pick on my model?"

"Sure enough, no matter how many years have passed, your vision is as superficial as before." Mrs. Li said, "I don't know where you have the face to criticize my model... Tsk, I remember your model is the daughter of the Liu family, right? So what about the daughter? Do you really think that if you come from a wealthy family, you will be excellent?"

Liu Yan obviously didn't expect the flames of war to turn on her, her face was full of bewilderment.

"It's good looking, and the figure is good, but in this industry, there are countless people who are outstanding in these two aspects. Ruth, is your level of picking models so superficial?" Mrs. Li looked up and down a few times, and then quite Wei frowned in dissatisfaction, "There are no characteristics or memories all over the body, and even the temperament is not the most outstanding. Like this kind of model, if you put your face covered in the crowd, you can't find it for a long time."

"Oh, by the way, Ruth, you won't forget that the essential requirement for us to find a model is to show the charm of the clothing and make the beauty of the clothing perfectly blend with the model, right?" Mrs. Li stretched out her hand, pointing her fingertips lightly, "A woman like this is nothing more than a clothes rack. I can get her effect by spending a few dollars on the street."

Mrs. Li's speech was fast, like a machine gun, and there was no pause in the series of words, and there was no room for interruption.

And Liu Yan, also under this long period of irony, turned paler and paler.

When was she pointed at the tip of her nose and scolded like this?It was also picked on for nothing!
If it weren't for her upbringing, she would probably rush to fight.

And Ruth's roar became even louder: "Ster Lee, stop talking nonsense to me!"

"Shut up, yelling all day long, just afraid that others will not know that you are embarrassing yourself now?" Mrs. Li cut her head, "Oh, yes, I remember you just said that she was a violinist? Is it Eseria's compliment?" Ever? Although I don’t have a good relationship with Eseria, I’m still an old acquaintance, and I don’t remember who he praised?”

Liu Yan was startled, and just about to speak out, she heard Mrs. Li's words suddenly change: "Oh——I remembered, yes. But I remember, that woman seems to be called Xu Qingzhi, right?"

"Isn't your name Liu Yan? Did you change your name? It used to be Xu Qingzhi?"

Facing this ironic question, Liu Yan clenched her fists, suppressing her anger and said, "I'm not Xu Qingzhi, I'm Liu Yan from the Liu family."

"Besides, Ms. Stuart Lee, the Xu Qingzhi you mentioned has long been rejected by Master Alseria in public. That woman is not worthy of the praise she once received."

Upon hearing Xu Qingzhi's name, Liu Yan gritted her teeth with hatred.

She didn't understand, how could there be that woman everywhere?

What qualifications does a woman who has been in prison have to be brought up by them?

On the other hand, Xu Qingzhi's body froze imperceptibly after hearing her words.

It's just that there is a quick slack down.

This kind of thing is an undeniable fact.

Now she is indeed not worthy of being a student of Eseria.

"Huh, is that so?" Mrs. Li blinked her eyes, showing surprise, "It seems that Ms. Liu understands it very well."

Liu Yan smiled: "Of course..."

But before she finished speaking, Mrs. Li continued: "But, even if she is not worthy now, she was once handpicked by Eseria, a veritable violin talent, and she is an amazing existence."

"As for you—" she laughed, "a fake who keeps putting medals on his head without any skills, what right does he have to mock others?"

Liu Yan's shoulders began to tremble. Now, she could no longer care about Mrs. Li's status: "Shut up!"

"Ruth, I take back my words. You have a good eye for models." Mrs. Li turned her head, "At least, it matches you well."

This sharp and sarcastic remark completely turned the faces of the two uninvited guests pale, as if swallowing arsenic.

However, Mrs. Li didn't know her sharpness, and waved her hand impatiently: "Really, the temper of the young people nowadays is really not normal, and I can't stand it after just a few words. Look at that face, I don't know Some thought they were going to eat people."

Xu Qingzhi: ...Is this a problem of bad temper?
"What are you still standing there for?" Mrs. Li glared at the two of them unceremoniously, "I don't know whose preparation room this is? Do you need me to ask someone to kick you out? You two are somewhat famous people, If you are really dragged out like a dog, you must not look good, right?"

Ruth's eyes were fierce enough to swallow people: "Shut up!"

"Shut up? What are you? What right do you have to tell me to shut up?" Mrs. Li sneered, "If you don't want to be taken as a joke, get the hell out, or I'll be called security. Let everyone see what it means to beat a dog in the water with a stick! "

A group of people have no doubt that Mrs. Li really has the guts to do this.

So, even though she was unwilling, Ruth still kept her mouth shut obediently.But before she left, she turned her head unwillingly: "Ster Lee, don't give me too much complacency. No matter how bad my vision is, do you think you can beat me with your model?"

"I would like to remind you that I have been preparing for this work for a full year, and I have spent so much sweat just for this MAZ." She said, "You, a person who has quit the circle for so many years, have already left If you want to save some face, you'd better give up. After all, if you make a fool of yourself on MAZ, you will no longer be the god of design in the industry, but everyone Laughing rubbish."

Mrs. Li shook her head: "You are really confident."

"You don't believe it?" Ruth sneered ferociously, "Then we'll see!"

At that time, you will know who is the loser!

Ruth left aggressively, and walked away aggressively.But when he left, there was a slap mark on his face.

On the contrary, Liu Yan suddenly stopped when she was about to leave, and took a deep look at the corner.

The masked model was standing in the darkness.

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