Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 168 The Composition Surprisingly Got 0 Points

No matter how Chu Qingyuan forced herself to concentrate, the speed in her hands still slowed down.

As time passed, Xu Xiaochen, who was immersed in writing, suddenly raised his head and put down the capacitor pen: "Report teacher, I'm done!"

Chu lightly held the pen in his hand for a moment.

This idiot who was looked down upon by him was faster than him again!

However, this is a difficult test paper for junior high school!
Yes, this Xu Xiaochen must be scribbling.How old is he?How could you be smarter than yourself and write such a difficult paper?
Chu Qingqing's thoughts were messy, she was in a daze, and she didn't even know how she finished writing these papers.

After the exam was finally over and she put down her iPad, she was already sweating profusely on her palms.

It took half an hour for the test results to come out, and several people began to wait as before.Only this time, the atmosphere of waiting was significantly more anxious than last time.

"Qingqing, tell me, are you sure this time?" Mrs. Chu looked down at her daughter with a seemingly peaceful expression, but her words could not hide the extreme.

Chu slightly pursed her lips, clutching the hem of her clothes with her hands, and remained silent for a long time.

"Gently! I'm talking to you!" Mrs. Chu scolded, "Why are you such a naughty child? You don't even answer your mother's questions?!"

Chu Qingwei finally whispered: "I...I don't know."

"I don't know?" Mrs. Chu subconsciously glanced at Xu Qingzhi, and seeing that the other party didn't pay attention, she lowered her voice, "I told you before, this time only success is allowed, no failure is allowed!"

"Do you want to admit that you can't even compare to an uneducated five-year-old child? I have spent so much time cultivating you, I didn't want you to come here to be ashamed!"

"But, but..." Chu Qingwei whispered, "He handed in the test faster than me..."

"So what if you're fast? In the end, it's the grades that count! Gentleman, remember, you are a genius of the Chu family, and you are also a gifted child that cannot be surpassed in the capital."

Anyway, she didn't believe that a child with no experience could surpass her carefully raised daughter!

However, Chu Qingyuan listened to her mother's words, her eyes gradually became confused.

Is it really?

Why, she always felt that things were not as simple as mother thought?

Half an hour, whether it was long or not, arrived in a blink of an eye.The staff brought a few people back to the classroom. Xu Qingzhi took Xu Xiaochen's hand, chose a seat and sat down, then squeezed his soft flesh encouragingly: "Chenchen, are you nervous?"

Xu Xiaochen shook his head: "With my mother here, I won't be nervous!"

Xu Qingzhi smiled: "Then do you think you did well in the exam?"

"Chenchen is fine!" He puffed out his chest, then blinked, "Mum, if Chenchen fails in the exam, will you miss Chenchen?"

"What are you talking about?" Xu Qingzhi smiled even more, "You are mother's child, no matter what your grades are, mother will never let you go. In the eyes of mother, Chenchen is the smartest child in the world."

"Mom is so kind to me!" Xu Xiaochen stretched out his short hands and happily wrapped his arms around his mother's waist.

Xu Qingzhi hugged him, and suddenly noticed that there was a gaze cast on him. When she looked up, she happened to see Chu Qingqing's dodging gaze.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but she seemed to see a flash of... envy in that child's eyes?
"Chu Qingqing." The staff member said, she called up the screen and showed the results on it, "You did well in the exam."

Several people looked at the screen, which showed Chu Qingqing's test results impressively.There are five exams in total, each with a full score of 120 points.This time, although Chu Qingqing didn't have a perfect score, she averaged around 110 in each subject, which is definitely an excellent score.

I thought that seeing this result, the mother and daughter of the Chu family would be overjoyed, but I didn't expect Mrs. Chu not only not to be happy, but also frowned in displeasure: "Why is it not a perfect score?"

"For Ms. Chu, this result is already very good." The staff member hurriedly said, "Chu Qingqing is still studying junior high school courses, right? This test paper is the upper limit of junior high school knowledge. It is already very good to be able to pass this level,"

"Really?" Mrs. Chu still had a straight face.

The staff breathed a sigh of relief: "The next thing is Xu Xiaochen. Ms. Xu, I hope you can be mentally prepared..."

As the staff spoke, they showed some embarrassing expressions.Xu Qingzhi was stunned, could it be that Chenchen did very badly in the exam?
As for Mrs. Chu, she also showed a proud look.

Even if my daughter doesn't get full marks, don't even think about this wild child!

"To be honest, we were very surprised when we saw the results." The staff member said, "Because, generally speaking, his grades are very good. However, a certain test...his grades surprised us even more. .”

The results are shown on the screen.

Now... everyone was stunned.

Five subjects, with a total score of 550 points, Xu Xiaochen actually scored [-] points.

On average, 110 points per subject!
On par with Xu Qingqing!

And these are not enough to shock the staff.

The reason why I was astonished was that, except for Chinese, all the other four subjects got full marks!
That's right! 120 points!Full marks!
"How is it possible?!" It was Mrs. Chu who exclaimed first. After she regained her senses, she confirmed the results over and over again.

How could this child be smarter than his own daughter?

He's only five years old!
This is still a junior high school exam paper!

"Ms. Xu, Xu Xiaochen got full marks in all four subjects of mathematics, English, physics, and biology. Therefore, the fifty points deducted from his total score are deducted from Chinese." The staff member looked strangely and called out Exam paper, "According to our marking, the questions on the Chinese paper are all answered correctly. Therefore, the only point of for the composition."

"The full score for the essay is [-] points, and he... deducted [-] points."

Xu Qingzhi was stunned.

She blinked her eyelids ignorantly.

Who will tell her what's going on? !

"By the way, the reason why the composition is deducted [-] points is because Xu Xiaochen digressed." The staff continued, "The composition requirement is to write about the truth, goodness and beauty of the world, and to promote moral culture, and Xu Xiaochen wrote a full [-] words... ...a compliment to you."

Xu Qingzhi was dazed, she lowered her head, and saw the little guy raising his head proudly.

Not only did it show no signs of shyness, but its waist was thrust forward, like a puppy wagging its tail waiting for a compliment.

"Mom, mom! Look at me, I'm not very good!" He put his starry eyes on his face, "Actually, I want to write more, but I can't write too much!"

"I was thinking, when the grades come out, I will read the composition to you! If you hear it, you will be very happy!"

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