Sure enough.

Xu Qingzhi sighed: "Explain? What explanation?"

"This is not the capital city at all, why did you appear here?" Yu Yanchen's eyes were dangerous, "How did you get in? How did you know my room number? You gave me the medicine, right?"

"A few years ago, I warned you to take back those shameful little thoughts, and I will not let you go a second time."

His voice grew colder.

"Now, are you forgetting what I said at the beginning?"

Xu Qingzhi only felt a headache.

She knew that after Yu Yanchen woke up, he would definitely question her again and again, and suspect that she was the mastermind behind it.

She can naturally tell her own analysis, but will he believe it?
"Believe it or not, I didn't do all of this anyway." She said, "I don't know how I got here, it was Lin Yingying who made me faint and brought me here. She wanted to treat me Hit me, but I escaped in the end. Your door lock is broken, so I broke in."

"You mean, Lin Yingying did everything?" Yu Yanchen said, "Including me being drugged?"

"That's right." Xu Qingzhi said, "Including your room number, I overheard it when I was running away. I just wanted to come to you for refuge, but I didn't expect that when I came in, I would see you who had traditional Chinese medicine."

After all, Yu Yanchen should also thank her.If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't know where he was burning with desire and fire.

Xu Qingzhi complained.

But the man obviously didn't know what she was thinking.

"Oh." Yu Yanchen sneered, "Your lies are getting more and more absurd."

"If you don't believe it, you can look it up yourself."

Yu Yanchen took a deep look at her, then took out his mobile phone and made a series of calls.

The phone was connected quickly, and Lin Yingying's voice came from inside: "Hello? Yan Chen? What's the matter?"

"Where are you now."

"I'm at Yu's house, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Yu Yanchen said calmly, "Just asking you."

"Really? Did you miss me?" Lin Yingying seemed to smile coquettishly, and then remembered something, "By the way, I haven't seen Miss Xu today, and I don't know where she went. "

"I see, you don't need to worry about this." Yu Yanchen said, looking at Xu Qingzhi meaningfully, and hung up the phone, "Now, what else do you want to say?"

The latter sentence was obviously addressed to Xu Qingzhi.

Xu Qingzhi's blood gas rose, and he felt his head hurting: "Yu Yanchen, are you playing me for a fool? Or are you, the person in charge of the Yu family, just a fool?"

Who would call the mastermind so bluntly?
To put it bluntly, this man just doesn't believe her!
"Really?" Yu Yanchen said coldly, he seemed to have sent a text message on his mobile phone, and within a few minutes, the phone rang, and it was a call from Assistant Aiwen.

When he answered the phone, he also clicked on speakerphone.

"Boss, I called the servants of Yu's family. Ms. Lin is indeed in the villa, and Ms. Xu is indeed out. I also checked the ticket from Beijing to City A, and saw Ms. Xu's name on the passenger list. "

Xu Qingzhi's face turned dark.

what's the situation? !

Yu Yanchen hummed, then hung up the phone: "Now, what else do you want to say?"

"Framed? I don't know? Everything is someone else's conspiracy?" He sneered, "I'm curious, what reason do you have?"

"I said, I really didn't do all of this!" Xu Qingzhi took a breath, "She wants to frame me, and all of these can be prepared in advance. The people who bought Yu's family can testify, including the ticket, or they can use my Buy it in advance in name."

"Continue." Yu Yanchen crossed his fingers.

This posture is obviously to see how she quibbles!

Xu Qingzhi bit the soft flesh on the inner wall of her mouth.

However, what she said was clearly true!

Helplessness welled up from the soles of her feet and cluttered her head.

She was all too familiar with this feeling.

Once, she faced the man who questioned herself in this way.

No one believed her, and evidence after evidence overwhelmed her.

Obviously, she didn't do anything.

Xu Qingzhi clasped her hands unconsciously, and there were bits and pieces of pain in her palms.

"You don't believe me that much?"

she asked.

The man raised his eyebrows and replied, "What do you think?"

"Why should I trust a woman who is full of lies?"

"I said, I didn't do anything! I'm innocent!" Xu Qingzhi said angrily, and she looked into the man's calm eyes.

Those eyes, obviously without any emotion, seemed to have finalized everything.

For example... her crimes.

Ridiculous, too ridiculous.

"Okay, Yu Yanchen, you don't have to believe me." She said, "I don't want to explain anymore, anyway, you won't believe me anyway."

"You can think that I planned all of this, that I framed Lin Yingying. No matter what you think, I will not argue." She straightened her clothes, as if she wanted to cover up her embarrassment with her movements.

"However, if you still have some brains, you should be clear. If a person really wants to do bad things, how can he not be prepared?"

As she spoke, she walked towards the door.

"You can doubt me and think that I did everything. But you should be clear that there are some things that I can't do if I want to."

"If I really did it, how would I know your location and room number in my current capacity?"

"You came here to attend a banquet, right? How could I sneak into the banquet and drug you smoothly?"

"Perhaps, a few years ago, you doubted me because I could do this." She walked out of the room and turned her head. "But you know very well that now I can't do this at all."

The woman's voice fell, and then left the room.

She didn't look back.

The door was closed, Yu Yanchen looked at the closed door quietly, not knowing what was brewing in his eyes.

Finally, he took off his bathrobe and changed into clean clothes.As soon as he left the room, he met a familiar person.

"Cousin?" Liu Yan looked him up and down, "You look a little pale, are you feeling unwell?"

"No." Yu Yanchen said lightly, "I just took a shower and changed my clothes."

"Really..." Liu Yan said thoughtfully, "You went back to the room suddenly, I thought you were not feeling well, and my mother urged me to come and see you. It's okay, otherwise the family will definitely be worried. "

"En." He responded casually, "Liu Yan, I remember, you handed me the wine I drank before, right?"

Liu Yan was taken aback for a moment, only feeling that the air condensed for a moment.

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