Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 109 This guy still wants to replace me

Li Qingjiu: "Can't you?"

"What do you think?"

"I think it's pretty good." She patted Xu Qingzhi's shoulder, "Look at this face, this figure, oh yes, and this temperament, even in the entertainment industry, she is popular."

"Oh yes, if you are not satisfied with your height, don't you still have high heels? You can always meet the standard if you are not tall enough for the heels."

Arthur had a strange look on his face.

I have to say that Li Qingjiu was right.Xu Qingzhi is indeed good-looking, unlike the stereotyped plastic surgery face, her beauty is extremely iconic.Especially those peach blossom eyes with amber pupils, charming and pure.

Then there is the natural temperament, although it is as calm as a chrysanthemum, but it also reveals the nobility like a peony.

Even the designer Arthur, who is extremely picky about beauty, admired Xu Qingzhi's beauty very much.

But he still sighed: "Sake, that's not the case. She is indeed pretty, and she is also a clothes hanger. But she is an amateur, right? I guess she is not even an insider. How can such a person go on the catwalk? They are already in the company. I don’t like our private show, if this show fails, you know the consequences, probably a lot of people are waiting to see our jokes.”

"Then what can we do?" Li Qingjiu frowned, "It was supposed to be Angel's appearance, but it was fine if he ran away, and the originally arranged logistics and substitutes also had accidents, so we couldn't be in line at all! The ghost knows us Just holding a show can cause so many disasters."

Arthur looked even more strange: "Aren't you ashamed to say that Angel was not recommended by you?"

"What do you mean by my recommendation?" Li Qingjiu's face turned blue, "She came here for Eseria! Before, she took the initiative to find me and said she wanted to participate. I think her qualifications and qualifications are good, so I thought she was a good person. It's reliable, let her come to the show, but the show is about to start, tell me that I won't do it if I can't see Eseria!"

"Then you call and ask Eseria to come over!"

"Bah! It's not like you don't know about Eseria's broken problem. If he refuses to come, even if the Heavenly King calls him, he won't come!"

Based on what the two said, Xu Qingzhi managed to figure out the ins and outs.

Today is the day when Li Qingjiu and several other brand designers hold a high-end clothing show. Because it is a show separated from the company, the backstage work is in charge of the designers alone.But a few people who only focus on design have no background experience, so something went wrong.

If it's a small matter, it can be made up for, but I didn't expect that at the most critical moment, the most important c model would quit!

The model was named Angel, a popular star in the modeling circle. When she knew that Li Qingjiu was going to hold a show, she took the initiative to ask for cooperation.It was only later that she found out that this Angel liked Eseria and wanted to use Li Qingjiu to climb up on a man.

Seeing that Li Qingjiu rejected the job, he quit in a fit of anger.

There is such a situation.

Seeing Li Qingjiu who was suffering from a headache, Xu Qingzhi also raised her eyebrows: "Sake, why don't you try to find other models and force me into the battle, that's not the way."

If it's to watch a show under the stage or to comment on the design, Xu Qingzhi still has some knowledge.But it is really difficult for her to go to the catwalk.

"Qing Zhi, I beg you." Li Qingjiu frowned, "If I can find someone, I won't force you to fight, isn't there really no other way?"

"This show is a private show for us to break away from business and showcase our talents. It is very important to us. If it fails, the group of old men in the company will definitely laugh at us."

Xu Qingzhi's temples throbbed.

She naturally wanted to help her friend, but...

Seeing Xu Qingzhi's face was silent, Li Qingjiu sighed and was about to give up when the door of the dressing room was pushed open.

A tall and beautiful woman walked in, her delicate face bloomed with arrogance, like a rose with thorns: "Hey, designer Li Qingjiu, it seems that you haven't given up on this show yet?"

Seeing the person coming, Li Qingjiu's face darkened immediately: "Anjier, what are you doing here?"

"I can be regarded as the model of this show anyway, why can't I come?"

Arthur's eyes lit up when he heard Angel's words: "You mean, are you willing to participate in this show?"

Even Li Qingjiu was a little surprised.

Unfortunately, Angel glanced at the corner of his eyes with disdain: "Of course not."

She looked at Li Qingjiu with a half-smile: "I said, as long as you introduce me to Eseria, I will help you support this show."

Li Qingjiu replied decisively: "Impossible!"

"You are so stubborn, can you really watch your show fail?" Angel snorted coldly, "Don't forget, I am the main show model, without me, your show will basically be ruined Already!"

"I won't agree to your conditions. Similarly, even if this show loses the protagonist, it may not necessarily fail." Li Qingjiu said, "Because, I have already found someone who can replace you."


Angel was taken aback, her eyes swept over, and soon saw Xu Qingzhi standing aside.

When she saw Xu Qingzhi's face clearly, she couldn't help but paused, and then she seemed to see a big joke: "Li Qingjiu, the person you said could replace me, wouldn't it be this woman? Are you kidding me? "

As the saying goes, laymen watch the fun, and professionals watch the way. Angel, who is an old man in the modeling circle, can naturally tell whether a person is a model.

Coupled with the fact that Xu Qingzhi was still wearing professional attire, she could tell at a glance that she was a layman.

"She is still wearing your MIKIA work clothes, right? Let me guess, it can't be the staff in your store, right? I didn't expect you to be so downcast that you couldn't find a replacement, so you pulled the staff Play?" Angel's contempt was even worse, "Then you are too pitiful, right? Besides, do you think this kind of thing can take my place? Forget it, just treat it as me pity you."

"Li Qingjiu, as long as you find Eseria, I will help you finish this show."

Angel's joking voice sounded, and Arthur's face was full of hope: "Sake, everyone has said so, don't be brave, tell Eseria about it. For your sake, he will definitely came."


Li Qingjiu answered neatly.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Arthur hated iron and steel, "Have you ever thought about what will happen if our show fails?"


"There's nothing to worry about, Sake, even if I beg you, we can't afford to lose!"

Li Qingjiu's eyes were dark, she bit her lower lip with her white teeth, and her lips gradually lost their color.

Time passed slowly, and finally, she made a decision and raised her head: "Okay, I promise..."

"and many more!"

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