After realizing this problem, Xu Qingzhi began to kick the door unceremoniously.

She didn't hit it a few times, but a servant's voice came from outside the door: "Miss Xu, don't hit it..."

"Open the door."

The people outside seemed to sigh: "Sorry, Ms. Xu, this is Mr. Yu's order. He said that without his order, no one is allowed to open this door, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you can guarantee it, you won't step out of this villa."

Hearing these words, Xu Qingzhi's eyebrows twitched, and she felt like gnashing her teeth.

She directly took out her mobile phone and made a call. The moment the call was connected, she gritted her teeth and said, "Yu Yanchen, are you only doing this kind of trick that can't get on the stage now?"

"Who allowed you to talk to me like this?" Yu Yanchen's cold voice came from the other end of the phone, "If you were more obedient, you wouldn't end up like this."

"Be obedient? Do you think I'm your dog?" Xu Qingzhi sneered.

On the contrary, the man over there spoke contemptuously: "Do you think there is any difference between you now and that creature?"

Yu Yanchen!
Xu Qingzhi shouted the name in her heart full of anger, she hung up the phone angrily, her eyes were indescribably gloomy.

And the servants outside the door were paying attention to the movement in the house. Seeing that there was no sound coming out for a long time, one of the servants called Xiaolan said: "Why is there no sound inside?"

"Maybe he gave up?" Another person said, "After all, this is Mr. Yu's order. Even if Ms. Xu wants to come out, she won't be able to."

"Isn't Mr. Yu doing too much?" Xiaolan asked softly.

The other looked at her in surprise: "Why do you have such an idea? This is Yu's family, and everyone in this family must obey Mr. Yu's orders. I think Miss Xu is doing it on her own. Who told her not to listen to Mr. Yu?" What about?"


"Don't pity her, she is the one who wants to stay in Yu's house. By the way, maybe you don't know what happened back then? This Ms. Xu is not a good person, and she wanted to kill her best friend back then! Otherwise, how could Mr. Yu would do this to her?"

Is that right?

Xiaolan blinked blankly, staying at Yu's house these days, she often sees Xu Qingzhi.She always felt that this woman was not as cold as she looked on the outside.

"Okay, since there is no sound, let's do our own thing..."

Before the servant could finish his sentence, a crisp crackling sound suddenly erupted from the room. Even though there was a door, it didn't weaken the intensity of the sound.

And that voice didn't mean to stop at all, it kept crackling.

It looked like a large piece of china was broken.

"What noise?" Xiaolan asked hastily, "Did something happen to Ms. Xu?"

"No way?" Another person said, "Maybe it's because you were angry and threw something in it? Yes, I guess that's the case, let's leave it alone."


Xiaolan hesitated to say something, but after a series of noises, the room returned to silence.The other person breathed a sigh of relief: "Look, I'm right, right? I think she's just losing her temper..."

"Wait a minute!" Xiaolan suddenly thought of something, "Did Mr. Yu say earlier that we should lock the doors and windows to prevent Miss Xu from climbing the windows..."

"Miss Xu isn't... smashing the window, is she?"

"Impossible?" The servant's expression changed, "This is the third floor!"

It was very soon, and she was a little lacking in confidence.

It's only on the third floor, so it's easy to escape, right?

"Open the door!" The servant immediately panicked, "If she really runs away, Mr. Yu will definitely be angry!"

The two quickly took out the key and opened the closed door.

Originally, I thought that what I saw would be smashed windows and a mess.As a result, when the door was pushed open, only a small piece of water stains on the ground and several broken teacups were in sight.

And Xu Qingzhi was standing on the side unharmed. When she saw the door was opened, she picked up her bag and walked out.

"Miss Xu, where do you want to go? You are not allowed to go..." The servant wanted to stop him, but he saw the woman suddenly stretched out her hand, and there was a fragment of a teacup between her slender fingers.

Apparently picked up from the ground.

The servant immediately didn't dare to move, and his words became intermittent: "Xu, Ms. Xu, you can't leave. If Mr. Yu finds out, we will definitely..."

"Don't stop me." Xu Qingzhi raised her hand, and pointed the broken tip at the outsider, "You tell Yu Yanchen that I escaped by myself, so what is the blame for me?"

The woman's voice was cold, and there seemed to be something hidden in her eyes.

That irresistible gaze made the servant's body go limp.

And Xu Qingzhi didn't say anything, turned around and left the villa.

Because of this twists and turns, she was already late when she arrived at the store.

"Azhi, why did you arrive so late?" Qiaoqiao asked anxiously.

Xu Qingzhi replied: "Something happened at home."

Although it was understandable, obviously, not everyone was willing to let her go so easily.

"Qiaoqiao, what are you doing after listening to her talk so much?" Yuanyuan interrupted the two of them, "I was late on the second day of work, and I was late for half an hour! Don't you have a sense of propriety? I don't think she Don’t pay attention to our shop!”

Qiaoqiao frowned: "Yuanyuan, what nonsense are you talking about, Ah Zhi said that something happened at home..."

"What's going on at home? If there's something to do, can't you tell me in advance? I'm late, so I just said it because I have something to do?" Yuanyuan said, "I've been in the store for so long, but I haven't seen anyone late! But But she came to do such a thing the next day, I'm afraid it's because she is a paratrooper playing big cards!"

"Azhi is not such a person!"

"You know her face but you don't know her heart. You've only known her for a few days. How do you know she's not?" Yuanyuan snorted coldly.

She looked jealously at the calm Xu Qingzhi, who was still undressed, with no trace of makeup on her face, and even a little bit of sweat.

But that's just how it is, and she is so beautiful that people can see her at a glance.

If it was said that after going through that incident yesterday, she was afraid of Xu Qingzhi.So now, jealousy has completely buried her reason, and she only wants to embarrass others!

"The store manager!" Yuanyuan turned her head and pretended to be aggrieved, "Our store rules are so strict, and our colleagues strictly abide by them. Who dares to do something wrong? Why did she just come here the next day? Bad rules? I'm afraid it doesn't make sense, does it?"

Yesterday, it was this woman who embarrassed him.

The store manager is here today, but she wants to see what kind of waves this bitch can make!

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