Xu Qingzhi's pupils shrank.

"Use all your means to please me in front of everyone. As long as you do what you want, you will have everything you want." Yu Yanchen said condescendingly, "Including that money."

"I think this kind of thing is not difficult for a wine companion, right?"

Seeing that Xu Qingzhi didn't move, Yu Yanchen continued to speak: "If you don't make a choice, then I don't think such a person with professional quality will stay here any longer."


Xu Qingzhi's eyes widened, and he looked at the man in front of him who looked like an emperor.

That's right, this kind of Yu Yanchen is dignified and proud, and he can get her out of the nightclub completely with a flick of a finger.

"Why should I believe you." After a while, she sneered.

Before she finished speaking, Yu Yanchen waved his hand, a bodyguard walked out from the darkness, and dropped a metal box on the ground.Xu Qingzhi opened it with trembling fingers. Inside the box, rows of red banknotes hurt her eyes.

Even if she didn't count, she could tell that there was at least 10 yuan in it.

"Is it enough now?" Yu Yanchen glanced at her sarcastically, "Do you still need me to help you make a choice?"

Either take the money or leave.

Xu Qingzhi's fingers clenched tightly. If she had faced such humiliation a few years ago, she would have thrown money at this man's face without any scruples.

But now, she can only close the box silently, raise her eyes to look at the person facing her: "I see."

Who would have thought that the former eldest lady of the Xu family would be reduced to this point?

She looked at the vodka on the table, and then at Yu Yanchen.His eyes were still pale, but a professional smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Mr. Yu, don't you know what I choose?"

As she spoke, she stood up.

The woman approached again, twisting her waist, every step was full of charm.It's just that such beauty, in Yu Yanchen's eyes, there is only endless rejection.

And a few days ago, when the woman was dragged out of the house, that desperate and beautiful face still came to mind.

At that time, Yu Yanchen really thought that she needed something.

Just like five years ago, that heart-piercing oath made his heart seem to be pierced by something in an instant.

But now, when he looked at the woman who was walking towards him step by step, that strange emotion was completely shattered.

Yu Yanchen, what are you thinking about?Don't you know this woman?She is an unscrupulous and promiscuous poisonous woman!

Just when Yu Yanchen was about to speak, wanting her to get out, the woman suddenly stopped, and then turned around suddenly.

She even rushed to the glass table, picked up a glass of vodka, brought it to her lips and drank it all in one gulp!

After drinking a glass, she even turned the empty glass upside down and smiled contemptuously at Yu Yanchen.

At this moment, she seemed to see the flash of astonishment in the man's eyes.

Yu Yanchen, do you really think you can humiliate me? !
It's impossible for her to admit defeat!
Xu Qingzhi's movements were quick, as soon as one drink was poured down, a new one was taken.In a blink of an eye, she cleared most of the wine on the table.

Vodka is a well-known strong alcohol, and the alcohol is very strong. In a blink of an eye, the woman's pale face is covered with bright red.

Her head hurt more and more, her body became hotter and hotter, and at the end, Xu Qingzhi didn't even know how she swallowed those glasses of wine.Her consciousness has been blurred for a long time, and she can only move mechanically, swallowing vodka.

The last glass of vodka was finally finished, Xu Qingzhi let go of her hand and let the glass fall to the ground.She turned to Yu Yanchen with a ferocious but beautiful smile: "Mr. Yu, I won."

It was difficult for her to speak, she didn't even have time to look at the man's expression, her legs gave way, and she fell directly to the ground.

She has already reached her limit.

However, what greeted her was not the cold and hard floor, but a strange warmth.

The familiar breath lingers on the tip of the nose, which is exceptionally clear in the strong alcohol smell.

In a trance, it seemed that someone was hugging her.

Who is it?Could it be Yu Yanchen?

Xu Qingzhi was thinking in a daze, her eyes had turned white and she couldn't see anything.But soon, the remaining sanity made her smile wryly.

How could it be him?This man, I'm afraid he can't wait to die...

She felt that her consciousness became more and more blurred, and her body gradually lost the last trace of strength.She gritted her teeth and instinctively grasped a piece of thin fabric.

"Qian... Yu Yanchen, ten... 10 yuan..."

The woman's originally bright red lips gradually turned into a bruise, she seemed to be out of consciousness, only her lips moved slowly, murmuring something constantly:
"Yu Yanchen...you promised me..."


Xu Qingzhi didn't know how she woke up.

The headache was about to split, his whole body seemed to be run over by a wheel, and his abdomen seemed to be burned by a ball of fire.

She struggled to open her eyes, and what she saw was not the extravagant buildings of the nightclub, but a snow-white ceiling, and the indelible smell of medicinal water in the air.

It seems that he was sent to the hospital.

Xu Qingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, she was about to get up, but when she saw the person beside the bed, she stopped suddenly.

"Are you awake?" Yu Yanchen stood beside the bed, looking at her coldly.That elusive gaze swept across his body, seeming to be scrutinizing.

"What are you doing here?" Xu Qingzhi's face suddenly turned cold, why is this man here?

He couldn't be the one who sent himself to the hospital, could he?

"Xu Qingzhi, is this how you treat your savior?"

The man's words made her sneer: "Savior? Yu Yanchen, don't forget, who is the culprit for me lying here!"

"Yu Yanchen, you really put a high hat on yourself!"

"You!" Yu Yanchen uttered angrily, but was interrupted impatiently by the woman: "Okay, I don't want to argue with you either, I've done everything you asked me to do, what about the money?"

Bitten by a snake for one year, and afraid of well ropes for ten years, she was afraid that Yu Yanchen would play tricks on her again.

"You only have that 10 yuan in your mind?!"

Yu Yanchen's voice became more angry.

He still remembered the diagnosis given by the doctor after sending Xu Qingzhi to the hospital: fever and alcoholism.Only then did he know that this woman had already had a fever!

Knowing her physical condition, but still insisting on drinking so much vodka, is this woman desperate? !

Even Yu Yanchen himself didn't know why there was so much anger in his heart.He stretched out his hand and grabbed Xu Qingzhi's jaw, forcing her to look at him: "Xu Qingzhi, you'd better tell me the truth, why do you want that 10 yuan?!"

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