Han Yichen said as soon as he entered the door.

"How are things going?"

"If there are no accidents, everything will be fine."

Ye Zhen didn't look back, and said directly with her back to Han Yichen.

Han Yichen was a little curious and asked.

"How did you convince the official people?"

It turned out that Ye Zhen's long phone call was to the official, and the purpose was to catch Anderson today.

Only Han Yichen and Ye Zhen knew about this matter, while Shen Wanqing and Yufeng were completely kept in the dark.

"It's been a long process, but the results are pretty good."

Ye Zhen said.

Hearing what Ye Zhen said, Han Yichen became even more curious. At that time, he called the official people, and they refused to let Yufeng go to the deal.

When Ye Zhen knew about it, she only said one thing.

"I'll do it."

Not long after that, Han Yichen heard that the officials let go, which really surprised Han Yichen.I was even more curious about what Ye Zhen said to them.

"Ye Zhen, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Zhen interrupted, seemingly unintentionally.

"I don't know if Yufeng will be in danger."

This sentence immediately distracted Han Yichen's attention, and he was not at all curious about how Ye Zhen persuaded the official people, so he asked.

"Should we go in and catch Anderson after my brother leaves with w, or go in and catch him directly."

Ye Zhen didn't speak, showing that you are an idiot?the meaning of.

Han Yichen was looked at by Ye Zhen, and swallowed Ye Zhen's eyes. In fact, he was a little stupid when he said it just now.

Not to mention anything else, w and Yufeng were inside, how could he bring someone in, if Anderson misunderstood that it was arranged by Yufeng, and then arrested him and W, they would lose more than they gained.

"Ahem, Ye Zhen, when are we going?"

"We'll go there to ambush at four o'clock, and see if Anderson and the others will play tricks."

"That's needless to say, it will definitely be bad!"

Han Yichen patted his thigh and said with certainty.

"Then it's settled. I'll come to see you at four o'clock, and I'm leaving."

After speaking, Han Yichen went out, ready to go back and see if there was anything he could do to help Yufeng.

After Ye Zhen watched Han Yichen leave, a kind of envy welled up in his heart, it was envy for Yufeng.

Seeing Han Yichen rushing in and out for Yufeng, Ye Zhen felt a little jealous of Yufeng.

I am the only one in my family, it can be said that Ye Zhen has never experienced the feeling of a brother.

In a blink of an eye, it was around four o'clock, and Yufeng had already set off. Of course, he would not go directly to the destination. Just like what Ye Zhen and the others thought, Yufeng also suspected that Anderson would play tricks, and planned to go to see in advance.

As soon as Yufeng left the house, Han Yichen ran towards Shen Wanqing's house to look for Ye Zhen.

And Anderson also packed up and was ready to go, Belit was holding Anderson's coat by the side.

W has already been taken to the car. W saw Anderson's big battle today, and was a little confused. Moreover, there seemed to be a part of the crowd missing today, although he was not confident and couldn't see it, but. W has been locked here for so many days and can't get out. When passing the time, W likes to count the men in black who come and go.

It can be said that w can find that there are fewer people, which is purely coincidental.

W didn't know where Anderson was going to take him, but he knew that he must be used as a bargaining chip by Anderson, otherwise how could he let him go after that escape! !

And the only reason I can think of is that Anderson wants to use him to ask Yufeng and Shen Wanqing to do something, or exchange something, and the most likely reason is the vaccine in Yufeng's hand.

. There was a person sitting next to w, w's hands were shackled by them, and even his clothes were changed for him, for fear of hiding things by himself, just like the piece of glass last time.

After a while, Anderson came out, Belit followed behind Anderson as usual, and Anderson took a look. The direction of the car where w is located.

"Let people watch closely, don't let anything happen at this juncture!!"

Anderson frowned.

Bailit nodded and asked a man in black next to him to speak.

When the two men in black heard about it, they went directly to make a guarantee, promising not to let w escape, and then... they got closer to w.

W feels a little short of breath......

In this deal with Yufeng, Anderson only brought Belit, Yufeng, and the two bodyguards who guarded Yufeng on the surface, but he didn't know about it secretly...

After Yufeng arrived at the location, he first looked at it with a telescope on a slope, but he didn't see anything suspicious, and everything around looked normal.

Yufeng thought suspiciously.

"Maybe I'm overthinking myself?"

Does Anderson really want to make a good deal this time?

Finally at five o'clock, Yufeng went inside the abandoned bus station, where Anderson had been waiting for a long time.

And Ye Zhen, Han Yichen and the officials also occupy a favorable position to see what's going on inside.

Behind Anderson are Belit and a pale w in chains.

Yufeng originally thought that Yufeng had lost a lot of weight when he saw the photos, but what he didn't expect was that W's current situation was a bit paler and thinner than it looked in the photos.

And before... like two different people...

"Yufeng, you saw it too, I want to see my things too."

Anderson said, using his eyes to test Yufeng to get the vaccine out.

Yufeng saw that the two men in black next to W seemed to be protecting Anderson, but they were watching his every move from the corner of their eyes.

Yufeng took out the vaccine from his arms, shook it in his hand, and said.

"There is an old saying in our country, when you pay with one hand, you deliver with one hand."

It means that when I give you the vaccine, you also give me w.

Anderson naturally listened a lot, he said with a smile.

"Of course, as long as I get what I want, I won't defraud you."

Of course, Anderson didn't say a word.

I just don’t know if you still want it underground…

Yufeng was a little surprised to see Anderson so easy to talk, and felt a little more vigilant in his heart.

"Anderson, there is a wooden box over there, you let W stand there, your people go back, and I will go and leave the vaccine there."

Yufeng said.

Anderson was a little hesitant when he heard that, Yufeng saw it and said.

"Why do you have any hesitation? Even if I want to lie to you, I will bring one that looks like this. W, how could I outrun your men?"

As soon as Anderson thought about it, he used his eyes to find out what Yufeng said to do.

Those two people took w to the back of the cardboard box, then unshackled and retreated to stand beside Anderson...

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