"I didn't expect Mr. Yu to be so handsome..." Zheng Xuanxuan's eyes sparkled, her heart couldn't help but jump up, and then she became a little jealous.

Why is it that the beneficiary who she sleeps with and sells meat is a fat pig with a fat brain, while Shen Wanqing is supported by such a handsome and wealthy president!

Shen Wanqing didn't think so much as Zheng Xuanxuan, she kept repeating Yufeng six years ago in her mind.

But it's changed, it's completely different...

His eyes are no longer as clear as they were back then, only his gentle face has become sharp and sharp after going through the vicissitudes of the world, and his gestures and gestures are all the aura of a superior.

After all, Yufeng has become an ambitious man like Ye Zhen.

He was wearing a black suit, his jet-black hair was combed meticulously behind his head, his cherry blossom-colored lips were slightly pursed, his deep black pupils crossed the crowd and landed on her body, and his palms were slightly clenched.

Six years later, he has changed, and so has she.

They have all changed their appearance back then, did she become Ye Zhen's wife after all...

In that short moment, it seemed as if centuries had passed, and a few short steps seemed as long as a lifetime.

He walked in front of her, seeing the guilt in her heart through his dark eyes, he remained silent, and with a wave of his hand, Lin Dongxu behind him immediately asked someone to turn on the big screen, while Yufeng silently walked over to Han Yichen and sat down.

The press conference officially begins.

Lin Dongxu held the microphone, "Huatian Film and Television sincerely invites all news media, thank you for your support, and we will publicly deal with the false rumors about our company's signed artist Ms. Shen Wanqing and Mr. Han Yichen on the Internet recently."

After the words fell, there was only the sound of "popping" shutters, and then a few deeply rooted photos appeared on the big screen, which were solid evidence that "fake Shen Wanqing" and Han Yichen were secretly photographed.

"It is these photos that have become ironclad evidence for netizens across the country to criticize Shen Wanqing and Han Yichen, and it is precisely because of these forged and false photos that they have seriously affected the artist's reputation and our company!"

The eyes of the reporters in the audience changed slightly, and there was a voice of rebuttal.

"After the inspection by the technicians, there is no trace of Photoshop in these photos, and there are videos to prove it! The people above are actually Han Yichen and Shen Wanqing. Is this the evidence and answer that your company wants to give us?"

"Miss Zheng Xuanxuan, may I ask you to come to the scene to clarify for Shen Wanqing just to seek peace? You clearly mentioned Han Yichen in the interview, but you have an ambiguous situation with Shen Wanqing!"


The reporter began to question her fiercely, Zheng Xuanxuan's mouth curled up, she gave Shen Wanqing a contemptuous look, then shook her head as if she was afraid, "Since Huatian Film and Television said that they have found solid evidence, let's wait patiently! "

Zheng Xuanxuan deliberately acted to excite the reporters in the audience, and whispered to each other, thinking that Huatian Film and Television coerced Zheng Xuanxuan to come forward to clarify.

The spearhead pointed out that Shen Wanqing and Han Yichen had an affair. The reporters present all sneered. Originally, they had some expectations for this press conference, thinking that there would be some turning point. Now it seems that it is just Huatian Film and Television’s dying struggle. .

Lin Dongxu ignored the uproar in the audience, and raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, "Since everyone is so concerned about the evidence prepared by Huatian Film and Television, let's get straight to the point."

Lin Dongxu smiled elegantly, raised his head slightly, and looked at Zheng Xuanxuan with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, "Speaking of which, Zheng Xuanxuan has an inescapable responsibility for this matter."

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