At this time, in the same place, under the same sky, in the same city, Yu Feng and Shen Wanqing, who were worried, also did not fall asleep.

In the past few days, even though W has been staying in his room obediently, except for eating and sleeping, he has no idea of ​​running away on the surface, but in fact, he has secretly taken all the maps around here in the past few days. Keep it in your mind, ready to escape at any time.

W has been expressing that he does not want to escape, but in fact it is just to relax the vigilance and sight of Anderson and Belit. Of course, fortunately, he has also done it. Belit and Anderson have indeed guarded him more than before. It's a lot easier.It also made W see the hope of escaping...

At the same time, the men in black standing guard outside W's house and patrolling around are also much less.

Besides. w After this period of training and conditioning, although he still suffers from illnesses from time to time, making him look like a human being, and his life is worse than death, but he is much better than when he was used as a test subject before.

Although W didn't know that Anderson was going to exchange himself and Yufeng for the vaccine, but Anderson suddenly stopped torturing himself and instead kept letting the doctor take care of him carefully. Obviously there was a fraud in it, but W didn't know that Anderson was playing. What the hell idea.

But no surprise, this self-cultivation and conditioning made a great contribution to his escape, otherwise, with his body tortured by Anderson before, he would have no possibility of escaping at all! ! !

And tonight, w sees the hope of escaping... Anderson and Belit have something to go out, it is the best time for w to escape! ! !

W took out a shard of glass from the pillow, which he secretly hid after deliberately breaking a glass not long ago.

I have been hiding it in the pillow, so that it was not found by Anderson's people, just when w was about to escape.

Suddenly, w's body froze, and then! ! !

W Meng's eyes widened, the veins on his neck and arms bulged, his expression was ferocious, his fists were scrambling together, his body was bowed like a lobster, trembling slightly on the bed.Even the feet are curled up...

It was the illness that began to torment W again.Every few days or hours, w would be tortured to death like this. W couldn't bear it and rolled on the bed, and the things on the bedside table were thrown to the ground.The sheets were ravaged beyond recognition...

The two men in black who were on duty outside didn't come in, they were used to the situation like w...

I don't know how long it has passed... Finally, the pain dissipated, w was like a fish just taken out of the water, sweating profusely, the pajamas on his body were soaked, he was lying on the bed panting loudly, his limbs were weak...

Although the illness brought unbearable pain to w, it also provided motivation for w to escape.

"Come in alone, I want to take a shower!" W yelled at the man in black outside.

Because w is often tormented by illness, w will be drenched every time after being tortured. At this time, w will take a bath.

And w is going to escape on the way to take a bath today.

Someone outside heard W's shout and opened the locked door.

That's right, the doors of w are locked in Anderson and Belit when the doctor is not prevent. w playing tricks.

W took the clothes to be changed to the direction of the bathroom, followed by a man in black, and the other was still standing at the door of W's house.

While walking on the road, W secretly observed the surrounding environment and whether there were other men in black with his eyes. After confirming that there were no other men in black, he breathed a sigh of relief and went into the bathroom.

W directly turned on the shower head, put water on it, sat on a chair by himself, adjusted the temperature of the water to the maximum, and filled the bathroom with mist as close as possible, guessing that it was almost time for him to take a bath, W held the glass piece in the Put it in your hand and say it in your mouth.

"I forgot to take my clothes, pass them to me, I forgot to bring them in."

Because W started preparing for escape a long time ago, and often used the excuse of forgetting to take his clothes to tell the man in black that the man in black was also vigilant and suspicious from the beginning, cautious and cautious, and now he doesn't care at all. He just took his clothes and walked towards the bathroom impatiently.I didn't think too much about it...

As soon as the man in black opened the curtain, his eyes were blinded by the white mist in front of him, his eyes were white, and he was talking.

"What about your clothes!"

I didn't suspect anything else, and I didn't even know that I had faced death face to face...

At this time, W, who had been clinging to the wall at the door after yelling, quickly grabbed the man's collar, dodged behind him, and cut the vein on the man's neck.

Just a few breaths and it's done...

Blood flowed out from the neck of the man in black, and the smell of blood spread in the bathroom. The man looked at W in disbelief, because his throat was cut, he couldn't speak, he could only see his lips moving... Then his body slowly softened Collapsing on the ground, blood flowed down the neck to the ground, forming a long red water column...

W also panted loudly, his current body is completely incomparable to before, the action just now has already exhausted his physical strength, because of too much force, W's hand was also scratched by a piece of glass, and there was blood on his clothes, But W couldn't care less, lifted his feet and ran directly to the door...

W ran desperately, he had to hurry out now, otherwise if the people guarding the door of his house found him missing and the body of the dead man in black, they would definitely wake everyone up...

At that time, if I want to escape again, I will suffer...

"Ah!" W let out a painful murmur... It was the attack of the illness that had been tormenting W all along! ! !
W said in his heart.


In the eyes of the current result, W thought violently...

Waves of this severe pain rolled in w's body, making it almost impossible for w to move an inch. W breathed loudly, adjusted his breathing, bent his body and supported the wall, and walked towards the door step by step...

"Did dong beep !!!" is the sound of the alarm! ! ! I know, the man in black must have found the body of another man in black! ! !

Now it is obvious that he cannot continue to run towards the door, or he will be stopped by other men in black who are chasing him! ! !
If it was the previous self, he could still have a try with them, maybe he would have escaped, but in terms of his current physical condition, w didn't need to think about it to know that this was simply impossible...

Now, I can only find a place to hide...

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