Take a closer look, it is the group of people who chased Yufeng today. They were punished. In Anderson's eyes, there is only success, and failure is your incompetence! ! !
The group of people were whipped forty times each, and saw that the whip passed through the water for a while, and there were still several bags of salt beside the bucket! !That's salt water! !

After the group of people were beaten, the salt water was poured on them all at once. Everyone couldn't stop shaking, and their faces were grim and distorted because of the extreme pain...

Anderson, who was far away from Country M, looked at the dark place in a daze. At this moment, Belit came in.

"Boss, w's physical condition is not good..."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to support it until the next experiment... Do you want to keep him for a few days?"

It turned out that Anderson sent a message to Shen Wanqing to ask her to come to W with the vaccine, but secretly trapped W in the laboratory as a test subject.

Anderson knew that Shen Wanqing would not just watch W die, and neither would Yufeng, and Anderson guessed a little bit about the cruise ship.

But there is still one thing he doesn't know.

W saved Shen Wanqing, Yufeng, and Han Yichen, it's true, but the matter of the monitor has nothing to do with w, at that time w had already thrown away the monitor

It was Anderson's own preconceived decision that has completely backed him. After all, Anderson has always pursued the idea of ​​"I would rather bear the world than the world", "I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!
In Anderson's heart, he is the only person he can trust, not even Belit Anderson can trust him 100%.

"Come on, go see my child," Anderson said.

When Anderson arrived at the laboratory, what he saw was W being carried onto the bed with a pale face.

But he didn't feel the slightest bit of unbearable in his heart, and he felt a little happy in his heart, as if he wanted to make an example to the people around him, and this was the fate of betraying him.

Undoubtedly, Anderson did it. People around him saw how cruel he was to his adopted son whom he had raised for more than ten years, let alone them.

Everyone is more cautious in doing things, fearing that they will become the next Yi Shao.

"Xiao Yi, father is here to see you." Anderson said.

W heard the voice and opened his eyes weakly.The usual strong body has been tortured out of shape, and it has lost the look of the past.

If Shen Wanqing and Yufeng saw the current w, they probably wouldn't be able to accept it. The elegant and refined w in their memory had already turned into a skinny look.

"Father..." w spit out.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Anderson said with narrowed eyes.

"I'm not wrong, it's...you're wrong too much!" w gasped slightly and said again.

"Stop it, it's still too late." W didn't know anything about what Anderson did during this period.

"Hmph, I don't know how to repent." After Anderson finished speaking, he didn't bother to look at W again, and walked out.

This time it was rare that I didn't kick w, probably because I knew that with w's current body, if I kicked myself, half my life would be gone...

"Let him recuperate for a few days before continuing the experiment," Belit said.It's like talking about what to eat today.

"However, the cancer cells in W's body have spread again, and we have tried our best to suppress it." The doctor-looking man said in embarrassment.

"I don't care what method you use, he... must last until the boss's plan is completed, otherwise..." Belit was slightly dangerous, and looked at the equipment in the punishment room.

The man was frightened and lowered his head to assure.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely work hard so as not to delay the boss's plan." After finishing speaking, he ran to the laboratory and began to prepare for the next training plan for w...


Yufeng stayed in the small hotel for a few days without going out, firstly to recuperate his injuries, and secondly to avoid the pursuit of Anderson's men.

After confirming that Anderson's people were not around him or in the research institute, Yufeng sneaked into the research institute again.

As soon as he entered, Yufeng narrowed his eyes. It was obvious that the passage of the underground laboratory had been discovered, but the surrounding area had not been damaged. It may be that Anderson felt that there was no need to replace it.

After Yufeng entered, he didn't stay too long. After taking a special bottle for vaccines and a thick notebook, he returned to the hotel.

Returning to the hotel vigilantly, Yufeng took out the vaccine, divided the vaccine into one-third and two-thirds of the vaccine, carried one with him, and hid the other.

... "What about the traitor?" Anderson asked.

"The body is still slowly weakening." Belit said.

"Any progress on testing?"

"No, they can only suppress the proliferation of cancer cells in W's body."

"Tell them I'll give them another week, and if they still can't do it, they can go to God with their wives and kids."

Anderson said.It seems that the lives of those people are the existence of ants.

"Let's go." Anderson went out after saying this word.

Belit didn't ask where he was going, but followed Anderson respectfully.A look of satisfaction flashed in Anderson's eyes.

At least from now on, Belit is the dog that makes him most satisfied.

That's right, in Anderson's eyes, Belit...or all the other subordinates are just lackeys in Anderson's eyes.

Anderson came to w's room.

"W, do you regret it?" Anderson seemed to want to hear w say that I was wrong before he would give up.

But w won't let him get what he wants.

"Father, don't regret it."

"W!!! You have failed your foster father's expectations of you!" Anderson knocked on the pillar.

"But... I've never regretted it."

In the eyes of Anderson looking at W, there is no regret in W's eyes.

He really...has never regretted betraying him! !

"W, look at the few people you saved. You clearly knew that I was using you as a test subject, but you were still indifferent. If it were me, I would definitely rescue you."

Anderson said with a sneer, hoping to reveal a trace of regret from w's eyes.

When W heard Anderson's words, a flash of shock flashed in his heart, and Anderson actually sent a message to Shen Wanqing and the others.

Now W only hopes that Shen Wanqing and the others really did what Anderson said and did not come to save him..."

"Father, if you want to take this life, you can take it, and treat it as... you saved me back then." W said.

"Okay...Okay! But w, I still have use for your life, you don't have to worry about dying!!!"

Anderson left after speaking, and w looked at his back.

After these days of recuperation, w's mental state has improved a bit, and he can start working.

I don't know what tricks Anderson is going to play this time.

"Wanwan, Yufeng, don't be fooled." W said worriedly.

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