In a corner of the cabin, there was a pillar full of dust lying on it, with a thick layer of spider webs on it, but Shen Wanqing's eyes lit up when he saw this pillar! ! !For the current Shen Wanqing, this is a life-saving straw.

Shen Wanqing watched the two people's steps approaching and at the same time looked at the pillar from the corner of her eye, and slowly moved her hands... Finally Shen Wanqing held the pillar! !

Those two people looked at the empty cabin in front of them, relaxed their vigilance, put the dagger back into their clothes, turned around and walked up, Shen Wanqing saw their movements, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Ding." It was the sound of the pillar hitting something. the s
Shen Wanqing narrowed her gaze. Sure enough, the two of them also heard the sound, turned around immediately, made a posture ready to fight, and quickly took out the dagger that was just put in their arms...

The two looked at the place where the sound came from, and their eyes met. One of them waved his hand in the direction where Shen Wanqing was, and the other nodded and walked towards Shen Wanqing's place quietly... Don't look at these two big and three rough , with a hunchback and a tiger waist, but walks like a cat...

Shen Wanqing's back was pressed against the sundries, her head was raised high, she tried her best to take a deep breath, she tilted her head, watching the shadow on the ground getting closer and closer to her through the bright moonlight.

Shen Wanqing tightly grasped the pillar with ten fingers, all of which were white.

...the footsteps stopped.

Shen Wanqing looked at the shadow on the ground just one foot away from her, and felt that she could hear the other person's breathing in her ears.The light from the dagger was reflected in his own eyes.

As soon as the face of one of them appeared, Shen Wanqing vigorously swung the pillar and threw it at that person's head.

But... How can a person who has never done high-intensity exercise compare to a person who has crawled and rolled in the bloody storm.

That person quickly turned his head to avoid Shen Wanqing's attack, and the other person quickly stepped forward after seeing the turn.

"Don't move... boy, this Chinese girl is mine." Seeing his companion approaching, the man hurriedly stopped her.

He looked at Shen Wanqing's face, and bloodthirstyly licked the chapped corner of his mouth...

Shen Wanqing carefully watched his movements, aiming the pillar in his hand at him.

Suddenly, the man moved, stretched out a tiger paw and grabbed Shen Wanqing violently, Shen Wanqing quickly dodged, waving the hand holding the pillar wildly! !

The man didn't expect to be lost, but he touched Shen Wanqing's dress and pulled it hard. The high-quality high-quality dress was torn apart, revealing Shen Wanqing's slender white legs...

The man looked at Shen Wanqing's legs, a trace of desire and pity flashed in his eyes.

"It's a pity that such a beautiful woman is going to die here today." Thinking of this, the man said out loud.

At this time, his companion said impatiently, "Hurry up, finish things early and go back to drink."

"Got it." The man said back.

Shen Wanqing seized the opportunity and hit the man's head with a pillar. In an instant, blood flowed out. The man covered his head, looked at Shen Wanqing full of murderous intent, and spat out a sound.

"Bitch!!!" After speaking, his body fell limply, and he fell limply to the ground.

Seeing this scene, his companion rushed over immediately, no contempt for Shen Wanqing in his eyes.

This is bad news for Shen Wanqing, which means that it is impossible to rely on the other party's carelessness...

It can only be head-to-head...

The other party was not overly frightened by the pillar in Shen Wanqing's hand, but he still looked at the person lying on the ground with disdain, and spit out two words.


The dagger was spinning rapidly in his hand, like a glowing flower.

Then he approached Shen Wanqing... This time, Shen Wanqing was not so lucky, every stick failed, his arm was scratched with a long bloodstain by the dagger, and the whole arm became a world of blood.

Shen Wanqing felt that this arm of hers was going to be useless due to the pain, but she still held on to the pillar tightly. Due to the excessive blood loss, Shen Wanqing felt her eyes began to dizzy, and the other person's face also began to blur...

But Shen Wanqing still gritted her teeth and held on, but the pillar could no longer be swung, her jet-black hair stuck to her face, and her lips lost their color.

Seeing that Shen Wanqing was at the end of his strength, the man bent his lips, grabbed Shen Wanqing's hair without hesitation, and dragged her towards the cabin door...

Shen Wanqing only felt her scalp go numb, her whole body was being dragged on the ground, she let go of the pillar weakly, and reached out to grab the man's hand that was grabbing her hair...

Shen Wanqing felt a pain in her stomach, it was the man who kicked her mercilessly in the stomach... Shen Wanqing's eyes went dark, and she fell into a coma completely.


Shen Wanqing felt that her arm was in pain, her stomach was in pain, her head was about to explode, but she felt that someone had applied medicine to her arm.

As soon as Shen Wanqing opened her eyes, she was stung by the strong light in the room, and her only memory was that time in the darkness.

Shen Wanqing was still confused, "Didn't I get caught by Anderson's people? Why...was it Yufeng and Ye Zhen who saved me?"

After Shen Wanqing got used to the bright light in the room, she looked at the person sitting next to her. It was a fair and refined was w.

He was bandaging himself with his head down, and there were slowly medicines beside him. No one else was there, including Anderson.

Shen Wanqing looked at her clothes, the dress that was tattered due to the fight was also replaced with clean and tidy clothes and pants.

"...Did you save me? Your injury..." Shen Wanqing asked.

W didn't look up, he bandaged Shen Wanqing and said to her again and again.

"I didn't save you, you were kidnapped by my adoptive father, I just helped you treat the wound." W didn't say his injury.

After listening, Shen Wanqing frowned, "I still haven't escaped."

At this time, the door opened, Shen Wanqing and W both looked at the door, the door slowly opened, and an old figure appeared in their eyes... It was Anderson.

W stood up, and respectfully called out "Father."

Shen Wanqing's hands hidden under the quilt tightly held the sheet, and a big wrinkle appeared on the sheet.

Anderson glanced at W, and said to Shen Wanqing.

"Miss Shen Wanqing, welcome to my banquet, are you satisfied with everything I have arranged for you?"

Shen Wanqing raised her injured arm and said sarcastically.
"If your banquet is like this, then I... am very satisfied!!"

Shen Wanqing deliberately emphasized the tone of the word "satisfaction".

For a while, the smell of gunpowder in the room spread and grew.

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