Shen Wanqing was thinking in her heart,

"Zhou Xiong seems like a big-hearted guy, but in fact he is very tactful, and he doesn't offend many people. Besides, Zhou Xiong can only be regarded as a small shrimp compared to the people who participated in this banquet! He can't be ranked at all. What, the sudden disappearance...the only possibility is...Anderson did it!"

Seeing Shen Wanqing's constantly changing expression, Yue Lingshan felt scared in her heart.
Recalling Shen Wanqing's warning to herself before, she said, "It may be life-threatening! Please don't run around."

I was very scared at the time, and kept hiding in the room and did not come out. Since this is the case, will Zhou Xiong...

Thinking of this, Yue Lingshan said with a trembling voice.

"Zhou Xiong... nothing will happen to Zhou Xiong, right?"

Shen Wanqing's eyes turned cold!explain.

"Go out later, shut your mouth and pretend you don't know anything."

"En." Shen Wanqing saw this, Yue Lingshan nodded hurriedly.

Shen Wanqing thought about it.

"It must be that Zhou Xiong accidentally discovered something and was controlled by Anderson."

Thinking of this, Shen Wanqing said to Jiang Rou and Yue Lingshan, "Let's look around. But don't be too obvious, so as not to be seen."

When Yue Lingshan heard Shen Wanqing's words, she became scared and quit, thinking that something might have happened to Zhou Xiong, in case she...

"I'm not going, I have to go by yourselves. I'll just stay in the room." Yue Lingshan shook her head like a rattle.

"Okay, just take it here, be careful that someone will catch you. I won't care about you then." Shen Wanqing looked at Yue Lingshan and said angrily.

Although she knew that Yue Lingshan had no feelings for Zhou Xiong, she never thought that she would be so ruthless... Zhou Xiong was still very kind to her.

"Jiang Rou, let's go and have a look. Let's go."

Although Shen Wanqing said this to Jiang Rou, she was also confused at this moment, wondering where Anderson would let his subordinates hide Zhou Xiong?
So many people of status are here tonight, and Anderson will definitely not hide Zhou Xiong in a place close to everyone's bedrooms, otherwise Zhou Xiong's casual movements are very likely to be discovered.It's too risky.With his wily and calculating temperament, he would never do unsafe things.

Yue Lingshan saw that Shen Wanqing and Jiang Rou left without even looking at her, recalling what Shen Wanqing said just now, she was too scared to stay in this room alone.

Seeing them walking farther and farther without turning her head, Yue Lingshan gritted her teeth, got up from the bed, and hurriedly followed them.

Shouting "Hey, you two wait for me."


While walking, Shen Wanqing was thinking quickly, is the kitchen?No... No, there are so many people there, it's easy to be spotted!
Anderson will definitely hide him in a hidden place that is not easy to be found, but there is only such a small place on the cruise ship, where can Zhou Xiong be hidden?
Suddenly, Shen Wanqing had a flash of inspiration, remembering that when he met Yufeng before, Yufeng mentioned a word when talking to himself.

At that time, Yufeng told himself that before he came to look for him, he went to investigate around the cruise ship. Although he was afraid that Anderson's men would find his whereabouts, he just glanced at him briefly and left, but he still had a rough overview of the cruise ship. The environment is recorded.

Shen Wanqing recalled what Yufeng said, and thought of a place that could meet her own statement...that was dark and difficult to be found. When Yufeng told herself at that time...there happened to be a place that met the was the boat warehouse.

" must be there." Shen Wanqing's eyes lit up.

Unconsciously murmured.

"...Where is it?" Jiang Rou asked.

"It's the cabin!" Shen Wanqing relaxed a little, and said in a more relaxed tone.

It is usually a place where sundries are piled up. Even the crew members on cruise ships rarely go there. I heard from a retired crew member before that it is full of dust, pitch black, and things are piled up in disorder. A pile of cobwebs, nothing can be seen!Even the mice don't bother to patronize.

Although Shen Wanqing didn't know if the cabins on every ship were like this, it shouldn't be much different.

Anyone who came to the banquet tonight is not a multi-millionaire tycoon. I am sure that I rarely clean the table by hand, let alone clean up, let alone go to such a dirty place.

Anderson must have thought of this, so the cabin is the most suitable place.

The more she thought about it, the more certain Shen Wanqing became.

Turning around, she said to Jiang Rou and Yue Lingshan behind her, "Let's go to the cabin!"

Jiang Rou looked at Shen Wanqing's confident eyes, and nodded in confidence.Yue Lingshan bit her lip, wriggled her mouth, wanted to say something but couldn't say it, hesitated for a moment, but still followed them.

... The sky gradually darkened, the sound of seagulls came from the sea, the sun began to set, the moon slowly climbed into the sky, and the stars began their own banquet.

Looking around, the surroundings are pitch black, which further highlights the luxury of the cruise ship.

As time passed, the time of the banquet also advanced step by step...

Shen Wanqing's heart felt heavy again
Shen Wanqing saw that the sky had completely turned dark, the security on the ship was getting stricter, and even the bodyguards were rotating more frequently...

Although Shen Wanqing knew that Zhou Xiong might be in the cabin, she didn't know the location of the cabin!

At that time, Yufeng did not mention the location of the cabin!

Since Anderson dared to put people in the cabin, he must have greeted the crew on the ship, and he could not ask.

Anxiety flashed across Shen Wanqing's cold eyes.

"The longer I delay, the more dangerous Zhou Xiong will be." Shen Wanqing thought.

Although I don't like, or even hate Zhou Xiong's kind of man.

But after all, he still has a part of his own reasons for going on board.

If Yue Lingshan didn't want to compete with her, Zhou Xiong wouldn't be on the boat either.

Thinking of this, Shen Wanqing said to Jiang Rou and Yue Lingshan behind her:
"It's too slow to search together, the three of us will search separately, and the time will be faster."

After finishing speaking, Shen Wanqing turned and walked in one direction. Jiang Rou gave Shen Wanqing a worried look, and finally walked in another direction. Before leaving, her gaze shot towards Yue Lingshan like an arrow.

Yue Lingshan didn't notice Jiang Rou's gaze. At this moment, she regretted for a while, regretting why she came to this poor banquet, her eyes flickered, and she walked towards a safer place.

"Whether Zhou Xiong lives or dies has nothing to do with me, my life is much more important than his!" Yue Lingshan thought.

But he still pretends to look for Zhou Xiong.

... Time passed by every minute and every second.

The three of them didn't have any clues about the cabin, Shen Wanqing looked at the two on the opposite side and said, "Let's go back first."

But there was still a big stone stuck in his chest.

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