After Shen Wanqing managed to get rid of Yue Lingshan, she hurriedly walked towards the banquet hall. As soon as she entered the door, Shen Wanqing immediately looked around, looking for Han Yichen, but after a while, she found Han Yichen in an inconspicuous corner. At the same time, Han Yichen also discovered her...

Shen Wanqing calmed down for a while and her breathing was a little disordered due to walking fast, she walked towards Han Yichen's side at a seemingly calm pace but at a fast pace, Han Yichen also took advantage of the trend and moved to the side to make room for Shen Wanqing.

Shen Wanqing just sat down...

"Have you rested yet?" Han Yichen immediately asked her in a low voice.There was a hint of worry in the voice.

"It's okay... By the way, has Yufeng contacted you?" Shen Wanqing asked hastily.

As soon as this was mentioned, Han Yichen's eyes showed deep worry, but he was also afraid that Shen Wanqing would be worried, so he forced a smile to Shen Wanqing... said.

"No, brother Yufeng didn't contact me, Wanwan, don't worry, don't everyone say that no news is good news? We have to trust Brother Yufeng."

"En." Shen Wanqing also saw Han Yichen's far-fetchedness, and echoed to comfort him.There is also a hint of worry hidden in the depths of the glasses.

Meanwhile... the other side of the deck

In stark contrast to the bright splendor inside the ballroom in the middle of the cruise ship was the dark night outside, a dead sea and... a man in black standing on the deck.

It can be seen from the figure that it is a man, wearing a black mask and a black peaked cap, only revealing a pair of light-colored gentle eyes, if someone who is familiar with Yufeng can tell at a glance that he is Han Yichen and Shen Wanqing just now Worried Yufeng...

He carefully avoided the patrolling bodyguards on the deck and the hidden cameras on the bright side. After finally finding a blind spot for monitoring, he looked around vigilantly with his eyes, making sure that there was no movement. When it was safer, he took out his phone Send Shen Wanqing a message.

...Shen Wanqing's cell phone vibrated, and she immediately lowered her eyes to see that it was the message from Yufeng that she and Han Yichen were worried about! !
"Wanwan, I'm in a corner with a few small wooden barrels on the west deck. After reading the news, come quickly."

Han Yichen at the side also saw the news, and after confirming that Yufeng was fine, his brows and eyes were tinged with joy, and he immediately said to Shen Wanqing decisively.

"Wanwan, hurry up and find Brother Yufeng, I'm watching here! Brother Yufeng must be inconvenient to show up, and what did you find that made you so anxious to find him!!"

Shen Wanqing also thought so in her heart, nodded, and whispered to Han Yichen, "I'll be right back, be careful. If anything happens, wait until I come back and discuss it together before making a decision. Don't be tempted by yourself." After finishing speaking, Shen Wanqing listened After receiving Han Yichen's guarantee, he hurriedly walked out to the west deck.

No one around noticed this little episode...

Shen Wanqing walked carefully to a corner of the deck according to the address Yufeng gave her.Carefully looking around while walking...

Suddenly, Shen Wanqing was pulled into the shadows by a force. She was startled and let out a low voice, but the other party covered her low voice with his hand.

In just a moment, Shen Wanqing smelled the familiar aura, and when she looked up, she saw those familiar light-colored eyes, and she felt relaxed, it was Yufeng, only he had such gentle eyes!

"Yufeng, you scared me to death." Shen Wanqing took away Yufeng's hand, pretending to complain.His eyes are full of smiles, his eyes are like two curved moons!
In fact, Shen Wanqing felt relieved when she saw Yufeng appearing in front of her unharmed.

"Well, it's my fault for scaring Wanwan. I'm sorry." Yufeng stared at Shen Wanqing gently and said.

He stretched out one hand and took off the mask and peaked cap, and with the other hand, he rubbed his hair that was messy and shattered because of wearing the peaked cap.

Although Yufeng seemed to be concentrating on Shen Wanqing, in fact, he didn't relax at all, and carefully listened to the movement around him with his ears up.

Being stared at by Yufeng like this, Shen Wanqing felt very uncomfortable, her eyes were busy looking at the dark sea not far away, and she quickly changed the topic.

Seeing Yufeng wearing a waiter's little black dress, Shen Wanqing asked with some doubts.

"Yufeng, why are you dressed like this?"

When it came to business, Yufeng also became serious, and said to Shen Wanqing.

"I don't have an invitation letter, so I can only sneak in by pretending to be a staff member on the cruise ship, and it's not easy to arouse the suspicion of Andre and his men!"

Yufeng paused, organized his words again, and opened his mouth slightly.

"By the way, Wanwan, I just sneaked around. Dr. Zhang of the research institute was divided into rooms on the fourth and sixth floors by Andre. There are many people in the place. They are strict!" Yufeng said to Shen Wanqing with narrowed eyes.

When Shen Wanqing heard Yufeng say this, she thought in her mind, "Is Andre planning to force Dr. Zhang and the others to submit?"


"I can only see Dr. Zhang and the others through a little gap, and I don't know what's going on inside!" Yufeng was slightly annoyed when he mentioned this.

"It doesn't matter. Didn't they all say that the soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth? We will have a solution, and the solution is all thought up by people," Shen Wanqing said.

After Shen Wanqing finished speaking, Yufeng and her were silent for a while, and the sound of the wind blowing across the sea and hitting the cruise ship rang in their ears.

Yufeng remembered something and told Shen Wanqing.

"Wanwan, after the banquet starts, you, and Yichen, you two should avoid direct contact with the people in the research institute and try to avoid them to avoid danger, you understand?"

"By the way, the room on the first floor of the cruise ship is where Andre and some of his subordinates live. There will definitely be a lot of people guarding it. It's best for you two not to get close to it!!"

"Okay." Shen Wanqing agreed without the slightest hesitation.

"Wanwan, then I'll leave first, so as not to be suspicious if I leave for too long, careful." Yufeng said worriedly.

"Well, don't worry, we will act carefully." Shen Wanqing said with a smile.

After Yufeng took another deep look at Shen Wanqing, he put on his hat and mask again, turned around and walked into the darkness, his clothes blended into the night.

Suddenly, Yufeng turned around and said to Shen Wanqing.

"Andre will organize an auction tomorrow night, and will take some of the research results of LifeCountinues to the public and trade them on the bright side."

"Can these things still be traded?"

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