"What, Han Meifang's tongue was cut off! When did it happen?" Shen Wanqing asked in surprise.

"Today, when I found Han Meifang, her mouth was covered in blood and she couldn't say anything!" Jiang Rou said with a serious face.

In fact, when Jiang Rou just finished speaking, Yue Lingshan's figure suddenly appeared in Shen Wanqing's mind.

Her obsession with Yufeng has made her fall into a demon, and she can't extricate herself, but... this is not love, but a sick psychology...

Even though she believed in her heart that Yue Lingshan did it, Shen Wanqing still wanted Yue Lingshan to tell it herself.

Picking up the mobile phone on the desk, calling Yue Lingshan...

"Yue Lingshan, Han Meifang's tongue was cut off, you did it." Shen Wanqing said with certainty.

"That's right, I did it. She's an insatiable woman. If she doesn't do anything, she doesn't know what to do! If she can exchange one of her tongues for Yufeng's safety, she's still a bit useful."

Yue Lingshan directly admitted what she had done, without feeling that she was at fault.

"Yue Lingshan, you are too insane, she is not an item, she is a real person!!" After finishing speaking, Shen Wanqing hung up the phone.

"Bitch, Shen Wanqing is a bitch, what right does she have to say about me, she doesn't like Yufeng at all, yet she still hangs on to him."

Yue Lingshan slammed all the cosmetics on the ground, vented her anger, her chest heaved violently, thinking of the banquet in a few days, and she would see Yufeng.

When the time comes, I must expose Shen Wanqing's true face in front of Yufeng! ! !Yue Lingshan smiled ferociously.

The assistant looked at Yue Lingshan who was already a little crazy, and her body trembled violently.

She didn't understand why Yue Lingshan insisted on making things difficult for Shen Wanqing...


Shen Wanqing sat on a chair thinking about Han Meifang.

It seems... It was her own words that Yufeng was in danger that made Yue Lingshan hit her hard! !Shen Wanqing thought about it.

But Shen Wanqing didn't feel guilty towards Han Meifang in her heart,

I am just an ordinary person, not the Virgin Mary.

I just want to protect the people I care about.

Besides, both Yufeng and Han Yichen had warned her severely at that time, but she still did not repent. First she broke the news, and then she traded photos with Yue Lingshan.

No regrets at all!
This matter, Han Meifang could be regarded as her own fault, Shen Wanqing sighed inwardly.

After Jiang Rou left the office, Shen Wanqing sighed, stretched out her long and slender hand to pinch the frowning brow...

Shen Wanqing's eyes flashed slightly.

Unexpectedly... Yue Lingshan became more and more ruthless,

Shen Wanqing thought, "Looks like I need to remind Yufeng, Yue Lingshan...has changed too much..."

Jiang Rou found out that Han Meifang bought the earliest ticket back to her hometown, and went to the sports car station without stopping.

Since Yue Lingshan has already approached Han Meifang and made her suffer so much, presumably she must have been warned, so she can ignore Han Meifang's leaking of Yufeng's whereabouts...

The banquet is still a few days away,
Shen Wanqing stared at the bustling world outside with her black eyes closed,
A bitter battle is coming...

On the eve of the banquet, after Shen Wan took a shower, she picked up the banquet list sent by Jiang Rou and looked carefully...

The phone rang, it was Yufeng.

"Wanwan... are you nervous?" Yufeng looked at the phone gently, as if Shen Wanqing was right in front of him, and said.

"A little bit..." Shen Wanqing said truthfully.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Yufeng comforted softly.

"Well, it's getting late, go to sleep." Shen Wanqing replied in a low voice, muffled.

"Okay," Yufeng on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, then hung up the phone.

Shen Wanqing stared at the phone with a complicated heart. It's not that she didn't know what Yufeng was thinking, but... she only regarded him as a friend and family member.

So much has happened during this time,

Shen Wanqing felt that her head was getting bigger.

He closed his eyes and pressed his temples.

The phone rings again...

Shen Wanqing was puzzled thinking that it was so late, who else would call her.

When I saw it, my eyes became sharp, and my heart became mixed.
It's W calling!
no doubt! !Shen Wanqing was very grateful to W. At that time, she was hurt by Ye Zhen and couldn't get out of it for a while. It was W who kept enlightening her and let her get out of the shadow step by step.

But W has always stayed by her side purposefully. Thinking of this, Shen Wanqing's back felt chills.

"Hello" Shen Wanqing calmed down and answered the phone.

"Wanwan, do you... have to go on a cruise?" W asked tentatively.

Shen Wanqing was silent for a while, "...well, I have to go." Not to mention myself, even if it's for Yufeng, I still want to go on a cruise!

"Wanwan, it will be very dangerous tomorrow, promise me, don't go, okay? Let Yufeng not go!" W said eagerly, without the calm feeling that Shen Wanqing usually saw.

As long as they don't go to the banquet, even if Anderson has ten thousand tricks, he won't be able to use them.

"You know... Yufeng and I will definitely go back, W... In view of the past relationship, can you promise me not to involve Ah Li." Shen Wanqing said.

"...OK" W hung up the phone.

After hearing W's promise, Shen Wanqing let go of one thing in her heart.

Although Ah Li is protected by Ye Zhen, it is inconvenient for him to feign death now!With the promise of W, I will feel at ease a lot.

At this time, W, who was already on the cruise ship, was standing on the deck, enjoying the sea breeze, silently looking at the sea... After standing there for an unknown amount of time
He returned to the bedroom expressionlessly.

After returning to the room, W looked at the screen that had already been blacked out and smiled wryly.

I know it well, I know that these two people are not people who will change their minds easily, but there is still a glimmer of hope.

As Shen Wanqing said, Yufeng would not let her parents' blood feud go unrevenged, and Shen Wanqing would not let Yufeng do such a dangerous thing alone.

But they don't know, and they won't let the two of them get hurt, even Andre!
In fact, sometimes he wondered more than once why the person who saved him was the cruel, cold-blooded and boring Andre?
The grace of saving my life... the grace of nurturing, made W so overwhelmed that I could hardly breathe...

W sometimes thought, at that time, he might as well not come back with Andre.

After a while, W cheered up
I made a phone call, but after a while, the phone was connected, and a rough male voice came from inside.

"Yes, no matter what happens tomorrow, we must protect the safety of Shen Wanqing and Yufeng,...Be careful, don't let them find out."

After hanging up the phone, W slammed himself on the bed, looking so lonely...

W knew that he would never betray Andre. Similarly, he could not watch Shen Wanqing and Yufeng get hurt. The only thing he could do was to secretly protect them...

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