Until the rear of the car could no longer be seen, Yufeng walked out from the dark corner, looked at the dark and deep distance, and fell into silence for a while.

Yufeng walked into the research institute, swiped his ID card and fingerprint information, and went directly to the research room on the ground floor.

He has been living here all this time, the most dangerous place is the safest.

Anderson never imagined that the real research room had always been here.

Yufeng walked to the cabinet, took out a batch of instant noodles, boiled hot water, and made a bowl of instant noodles.

While waiting, he walked to the side and called Han Yichen.

When the phone rang, Han Yichen was in a meeting. When he saw the string of unfamiliar numbers, Han Yichen immediately terminated the meeting and walked aside.

"elder brother?"

"it's me."

When Yufeng's steady voice came, Han Yichen breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes sparkled.

"You've been gone for a month! Finally you know how to contact us!" Han Yichen suppressed the excitement in his voice, looked at the closed door with vigilant eyes, and said.

"You thought I didn't want to contact you guys. I've been followed too closely recently, and I almost exposed myself several times." Yufeng pinched the center of his brows with a headache, and what W kept repeating was recalled in his mind.

"How is your side? Is it safe? If it's really not good, come back quickly! After all, there is only you over there, and if something happens, we won't have time to find you..." Han Yichen frowned when he heard Yufeng's words It became a pimple, and his face was a little ugly.

Yufeng is his only relative.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, I've seen the news on the Internet, and now many media are staring at the company, you and Lin Dongxu be careful, I'm not the only one here..." Speaking of this, Yufeng's There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Han Yichen was startled, "Who else?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Yufeng didn't say clearly that the instant noodles were ready. He sat in front of the table, picked up a fork and ate while saying, "The banquet at the end of the month, try to get Wanwan not to go."

"How is this possible! Brother, do you think I can stop her? What's more, don't forget, she also has an invitation letter. If Anderson didn't invite her, she wouldn't be able to get on the boat without us stopping her, but now... ..." Han Yichen knew the result without even thinking about it.

How could Shen Wanqing not go, she wished so much to end all this...

"Try your best, it's too dangerous, if it's not necessary, I don't even want you to go, even if it's Anderson's trick, as long as you don't jump in, he can't force you to board the boat, but now..."

But they had to go.

"I see." Han Yichen nodded, thinking in his heart how to leave Shen Wanqing behind and prevent her from getting on the boat.

"The matter about Fang Mo...is he really dead?" Yu Feng suddenly changed his voice, thinking of the news he had seen, he felt a little suspicious in his heart.

"Fang Mo? We haven't found any real clues yet, but there's a greater chance that he's not dead at all." Han Yichen frowned when he thought of the burnt corpse beyond recognition.

"Will it be suspended animation?" Yufeng asked thoughtfully.

"It's very likely that this is the case. The fire came out of nowhere. Fang Mo is the most cunning person. He didn't escape at the moment of the fire, but was burned to charcoal. There was no trace of struggle in the room. He looked like a dead ghost. The real Fang Mo might have left long ago." Han Yichen's eyes deepened as he thought of the simple information he found earlier.

"Don't worry about Fang Mo's affairs for the time being. If Fang Mo fakes his death, it proves that he doesn't want to help Anderson, but just wants to leave. What about Shen Qiao?" Yu Feng suddenly thought that Shen Qiao and Fang Mo had a close relationship. Fang Mo can probably find where Joe is.

"Shen Qiao? As early as the day when the company was attacked, Shen Qiao disappeared completely. At that time, I suspected that I left with Anderson, but after thinking about it, how could an old fox like Anderson bring a worthless person with him? For them, it has no use value, and it is more likely to bring Shangmo.”

"But Fang Mo was left behind, and Shen Qiao disappeared..."

Han Yichen's head was a little dizzy, there were so many things involved in this incident, he had even forgotten that there was such a person as Shen Qiao, if Yufeng hadn't mentioned it, he would not have remembered to investigate Shen Qiao at all.

"Send someone to look for her. If Fang Mo fakes his death, he must go back to find Shen Qiao after he escapes. Fang Mo is hard to find, but Shen Qiao will be much easier." Yufeng said, clenched the plastic fork in his hand, and his mind was getting more and more calculated. many.

The matter dragged on for too long, and it was time to settle it. Shen Qiao owed Shen Wanqing too much, and so did Fang Mo, she was wronged.He must find it for her.

"I'll send someone to pay attention, but brother, when will you come back? Leave the matter over there to other people to handle! It's too dangerous for you to be there!" Han Yichen asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, we'll see you at the banquet." Yufeng curled his lips, a smile appeared in his eyes.

"Are you going to the banquet too?" Han Yichen exclaimed.Thinking about it later, how could Han Yichen miss such a good show.

"But you don't have an invitation letter, how do you go? Anderson's people have been looking for you, as long as you show up, you will be caught by their people, it's too dangerous!" Han Yichen disagreed, hoping Yufeng be able to come back sooner.

"Anderson wants me to go to the banquet. Everyone will fall into his trap. I will protect myself, not to mention that with W around, he will not let me die easily." Yu Feng narrowed his peach blossom eyes, thinking of What W said to him tonight.

He knew that they had different positions, but W didn't use them as he thought before.

He can seize this and buy himself some chances...

Just like W keeps using himself...

"W? He's from Anderson, do you believe him?" Han Yichen's face became more and more wrinkled.

"It's to use him, to use his little guilt. Yichen, I know that you have been living under another identity incognito for so many years, just to avenge your parents, just to wait for this day, I dragged you into the water, you don't have to ..."

However, before Yufeng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Han Yichen's displeasure, and his angry voice was somewhat full.

"What do you mean don't use it? Are my parents not my parents? Even if I was adopted, so what, my parents gave me a second life! Yufeng, are you speaking human language? Why don't you want to recognize me? This brother? Don’t forget, now the entire Yushi Group is in my hands, and the shares in my hands are not lower than yours. If you dare to say such things again, I will completely let you down and replace me Be the president of Yushi Group!"

Han Yichen gritted his teeth and said in a vicious tone.

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