"what happened?"

"The real behind-the-scenes boss of Tianyu has gone to Lingcheng. These days, you must stay close to Mr. Shen and protect her closely. Don't let her go out alone."

"The boss behind Tianyu? Jiang Rou, have you forgotten W? He is in Tianyu now, and the whole Tianyu listens to him. Who is that person you are talking about?" Lin Xun frowned, feeling that his brain was not enough for the first time use.

Why are there so many people behind this scene?They popped up one by one.

"It's not W, it's the people behind W. The people who have been ordering Fang Mo and W are the mastermind behind all this. Their whereabouts are very cautious. By the time I receive the news, they have already arrived in Lingcheng. You must be careful." Be careful, I have already booked the earliest flight tomorrow to go back as soon as possible."

Jiang Rou's tone was tense and cautious, and the hand holding the mobile phone was covered with cold sweat.

"...I see, I will tell Shen Wanqing as soon as possible, take care of yourself, and come back when things over there are finished." Lin Xun's eyes were deep, and he sat stiffly in his seat with a serious face.


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Rou looked at the man beside her, "Do you want to go back with me?"

"Anderson has already gone to Lingcheng, and there is no need for me to stay in country M." The man pressed his hat brim, his tone low.

"I heard that Yufeng disappeared in country M, and it may be related to that Mr. An."

"He's not necessarily missing." The man shook his head, his eyes darkened, and his thin crimson lips curled up in an inexplicable arc.

"Then he is..."

"Don't worry about him. Since he has asked Lin Dongxu to take the things back, it proves that everything is in his plan. Let's go back to China first, and he will do the rest for us in Country M."



Lin Xun stared at the landline that had been hung up, his face wrinkled, he got up uneasily and paced back and forth in the office, looking a little impatient.

This kind of feeling that he only got rid of a layer of mystery, thinking that he would see the truth immediately, but found that the inside was full of fog made him feel that his mind could not stop.

"Md, what the hell is going on!"

Lin Xun uttered a swear word, tearing off his long-standing image of a gentle lawyer. In fact, he was not a gentle person, but he was a cynical person in private in order to make himself more convincing when he litigated. .

After pondering for a while, Lin Xun decided to call Shen Wanqing to go.

The phone was connected, and Shen Wanqing's voice came from playing with Ah Li. The tension in Lin Xun's heart eased a little, and he asked in a muffled voice, "How is Ah Li?"

"He finally spoke!" Shen Wanqing seemed very happy.

Lin Xun let go of his tense heart, and then smiled, "That's good, by the way, Jiang Rou will return to China tomorrow, she told us to be careful, the real mastermind behind Fang Mo has come to Lingcheng."

"I know." Shen Wanqing nodded clearly, her emotions were flat, without ups and downs.

Lin Xun was taken aback, "How do you know, isn't that right, your reaction is too flat, isn't it?"

"Didn't I go to Tianyu today, I met W, and I think I also met the black hand behind the scenes you mentioned." Shen Wanqing frowned, remembering her hurriedly glanced figure.

Is that old man the murderer who has been planning everything?
"You, you, you!" Lin Xun shouted three times excitedly, "You actually met him?! Do you know how dangerous this is? If something happens to you, how can I explain to him!"

"Who, Ye Zhen? He's already dead, you don't need to tell him." Shen Wanqing glanced at A Li, walked outside the door, made sure that A Li couldn't hear him, and let out a cold sneer, not knowing that he was mocking Lin Xun, Still laughing at myself.

"..." Lin Xun was silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

Shen Wanqing broke the stiff atmosphere, "I will be careful, the company will be handed over to you today, thank you!"

"I'm not working hard. I'm just busy for a day anyway. It's your job to come here tomorrow." Lin Xun curled his lips, and then asked curiously, "What does the black hand behind the scenes look like? Is it vicious?"

Shen Wanqing couldn't help laughing, "Lawyer Lin, can you gossip a little more? You really look like Yun Xin, and you don't have the rigor of a lawyer at all."

"Work is work, we have to separate, I can't live a rigorous and boring person." Lin Xun raised his eyebrows, not caring.

Shen Wanqing recalled, "It's different from our impressions. I saw that W and the others were very respectful in front of him, even scared. The old man was about 70 years old, with silver hair, glasses, and well-dressed clothes. Very gentle, very imposing."

"An old man in his 70s? You said that the person who keeps counting us is an old man!"

"Lawyer Lin, please don't judge people by their appearance. Jiang Hao is old and hot, not to mention that the other party has been planning for more than ten years, can he still be younger than you?"

Lin Xun smiled embarrassingly, "That's right."

"What time is Jiang Rou's flight tomorrow? Go and pick her up." Shen Wanqing asked. Now they know that those people have come to Lingcheng. Jiang Rou has been investigating these things in country M. If those people go to the airport to stop her, It's bad.

"She didn't send me flight information, I'll ask her later."

"Well, send me a copy after the flight is confirmed, and besides..." Shen Wanqing's voice paused, "W doesn't seem to know Yufeng's whereabouts either."

"They don't know either? Are you sure?" Lin Xun couldn't believe it. Yufeng went to country M to investigate them before he disappeared, and Lin Dongxu fled back with injuries all over his body. Who else could it be if they didn't do it?

"W won't lie to me, let alone I used that account to do business with them. If it was really related to them, I wouldn't pretend to lie to me." Shen Wanqing shook her head, thinking of W's eagerness to let herself leave Tianyu, Complicated mind.

She knew that W didn't want her to meet the old man.

She didn't know what was the relationship between W and that man, but she could also feel that W treated Ah Li differently from her, it's just that this concern has changed now.

"Mr. Shen, don't be naive, a man's mouth is a deceitful ghost! That doctor has been lurking by your side for six years!" Lin Xun immediately complained, his tone full of disgust and criticism.

"I know, anyway, it's still a first-level alert from now on, and the board of directors can't relax, so as to prevent them from messing with me." Shen Wanqing pressed her temples, feeling heavy all over her body, like an invisible mountain pressing down on her head, Make her breathless.

How long will it take for this kind of day of fear and trembling every day... She is really tired...

"Don't worry, when Jiang Rou comes back tomorrow, our burden will be lighter..."

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