Her sudden sharp voice woke up Ah Li who was sleeping. Ah Li opened his wet eyes, looked at Yu Wan anxiously, and softly called out: "Mommy..."

Yu Wan immediately took a deep breath, and slowly closed her eyes. When she opened them again, all the emotions in her eyes were completely subdued, leaving only the tenderness towards Ah Li.

Ye Zhen looked at Yu Wan with a bluish face, and saw that she was still so gentle when she faced A Li, and felt less uneasy in her heart. As long as she still cared about A Li, he still had a chance. After all, he is A Li's father, the two of them are constantly breaking up, and the relationship between him and her can always exist.

Even hate is fine.

Ye Zhen moved her lips, "In my heart, you have always been Shen Wanqing."

"So do you think I still love you?" Yu Wan's tone was cold, and hatred was suppressed in her trembling voice.

Ye Zhen was silent and did not speak, while A'Ali tugged Yu Wan's hand anxiously.

Yu Wan glanced at him, looked at his face, and said firmly, "Ye Zhen! I don't love you a long time ago. I don't have the slightest feeling for you. Even if I do, it's just hatred!"

"A Li is my son. After getting back the custody rights, I will change his name to Shen. From now on, he will be a child of the Shen family and has nothing to do with your Ye family!"

"Ah Li has my blood on his body. Even if you change his name, there is still a blood relationship between him and me. This is a fact that you can't change..."

Ye Zhen gave a low laugh, his handsome face was covered with rain, because of her ruthless words, he even felt an urge to confine her by his side.

Whether she hates or loves her, he just wants to keep her firmly by his side and never let her leave for a moment. He can build her the best golden cage in the world and give her the glory and wealth she wants. , but I just don't want to give her freedom.

As soon as this crazy idea came out, Ye Zhen shuddered and shook her swollen head.

Yu Wan looked at him disappointedly, "Yeah, no matter what I do, Ah Li is bleeding from your body, and I can't change that."

She muttered to herself in a low voice, her mood seemed depressed.

"Mommy..." Ah Li yelled in fear.

Yu Wan didn't want to argue with Ye Zhen, she gently touched Ah Li's cheek, and said in a sentimental tone, "A Li, Mommy is leaving, don't worry, I will come to pick you up soon."

"Mummy, don't leave today, okay? Stay with Ah Li, Ah Li is afraid." Ah Li opened his eyes like a bunny, and looked at Yu Wan with aggrieved eyes.

Yu Wan's heart suddenly softened, and Ye Zhen followed closely, "There is a guest room upstairs, it's getting late, you can stay with Ah Li for a night..."

Ah Li's eyes were too soft and cute, and his pink face was still stained with tears, which made Yu Wan's heart tighten.

The scene of Ye Zhen rushing to Moon Bay to take A Li away could not be stopped in her mind, and the uneasiness in her heart grew stronger. After a long silence, she finally nodded.

"I stayed here only for Ah Li."

"I understand." Ye Zhen slowly loosened his clenched palms, a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

Yu Wan ignored him, Ah Li held her hand and said happily, "Thank you, Mommy!"

Ye Zhen struggled to stand up. In order to help him deal with the wound, the originally good white shirt was cut into tatters. It was fine when he was lying there on his side. Now he stood up, it was suddenly funny and ridiculous.

A Li laughed immediately, and the corners of Yu Wan's mouth twitched accordingly.

"Ahem... I'll take you to the room." Ye Zhen said, tore off the tattered shirt on her body, and walked upstairs half naked.

Under the dim and ambiguous light, his slender figure and thin waist were outlined, but in an instant, he turned around, and the eight-pack abdominal muscles that appeared in front of his eyes disappeared, leaving only the hideous scars on his back.

Yu Wan's eyes flickered, she suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and followed Ye Zhen upstairs.

Seeing that the layout was still the same as it was six years ago, Yu Wan's mood fluctuated slightly, painful memories came one after another, and her breathing gradually became heavy.

A Li held Yu Wan's hand, and after feeling the slight trembling from her body, he shook it sensiblely.

"Mum, are you afraid of the dark? A Li is not afraid of the dark, A Li will be with you at night."

"Mummy is not afraid." Yu Wan shook her head, feeling warm in her heart.

Ye Zhen listened to the movement behind him and remained silent. He walked to a room and stopped, Yu Wan's eyes suddenly changed, it was her former room.

She thought that after so many years, this room would become a utility room with her disappearance, but she didn't expect it to remain.

Ye Zhen pushed open the door and turned on the light with a "snap".

Familiar decorations came into view, and the pot of orchids I once kept in front of the French windows were still alive and well.

"Why haven't these things been thrown away?" Yu Wan asked with red eyes.

"Because it's your room." Ye Zhen said calmly.

Ah Li dragged Yu Wan in, the whole room was cleaned up, it could be seen that someone was cleaning it every day, Yu Wan lowered her eyes, unable to figure out what Ye Zhen was doing this for.

He obviously hated himself so much, tortured himself for so many years, made her leave him ashamed, why did he keep everything she had, as if he was remembering her.

"If Ye Zhen in the past could be like this, maybe we wouldn't have come to this day." Yu Wan looked at him sadly, and suddenly, the hatred in her eyes dissipated, revealing a shallow smile.

Ye Zhen looked at her in a daze, her heart was swollen, and she felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

At last he said nothing, turned and left the room.

He leaned against the door, heard A Li's childish voice from inside the room, and Yu Wan's gentle answer, and smiled bitterly.

"If... If six years ago, I could have a little trust in you, if I could listen to your explanation..."

"Sorry, it's all because of me..."

The tall body collapsed, and Ye Zhen squatted decadently at the door, leaning against the door, greedily listening to the voices in the room.

The girl he once had had a whole youth, from being ignorant to ashamed.

He failed her affection, ruined her vision for the future, and ruined their home...

Regret, hatred, constantly tormented his heart, the only comfort in his heart was that she was still alive, the only luck.

After Yu Wan simply washed up, she hugged A Li and lay on the bed.

After tossing and tossing all night, Ah Li fell asleep drowsily as soon as he touched the pillow, but Yu Wan couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Everything that was familiar in front of her gave her an illusion, as if nothing had happened before, she was still Shen Wanqing, Ye Zhen's wife, and she was still living in the room that she once regarded as a cage.

But this time, there was an extra A Li by her side.

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