Ye Zhen rubbed the center of her brows, "Call Lin Xun to tell him that he is not allowed to go to Ye's house after returning to China, but come directly to the company to see me."


Jiang Rou nodded, Ye Zhen waved her hand, Jiang Rou put down the document and left.

Nuo Da's office fell silent in an instant, and the golden sunlight fell from the floor-to-ceiling windows, hitting the sofa and coffee table for the guests.

The man sat in the shadows, his fine hair covered his forehead, covering his sour and red eye sockets.

After a long silence, he still couldn't help taking out his mobile phone and dialing the number he knew by heart.

For a moment, Ye Zhen's heart trembled violently when he heard the gentle voice on the other end of the phone. He was silent and did not dare to speak. He quietly listened to the shallow breathing sound on the other end of the phone, as if he was listening to the world. As obsessed as the most moving music.

Yu Wan pinched her phone, looked at the strange caller, frowned, shouted a few more times, and finally hung up.

The sound of "beep beep beep" interrupted Ye Zhen's trance, he dialed back as if obsessed, and after hearing the sound again, his mind was heavy.

"it's me."

Almost as soon as the voice fell, the voice on the other end of the phone became extremely indifferent, even filled with disgust.

"I have received the notification letter from the lawyer." Yu Wan said sarcastically with provocation in her determined tone.

Ye Zhen replied sullenly: "Yes, I received it."

"So you made this call to declare war on me?"

"No, I just want to tell you that if you want the right of inheritance, I can give it to you, I..."

"Stop it!" Yu Wan's voice suddenly became sharp, like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, "A Li is my son! What right do you have to say these things to me! Ye Zhen, you really make me sick!"

Ye Zhen, you really make me sick!
This sentence sent him to hell. Ye Zhen never thought that her sharp sarcasm would cut his heart so painfully.

At that moment, he thought of what he had said to Shen Wanqing so many times, and he spoke out because of the pain.

It turned out that she used to be in such pain.

"Lin Xun has returned to the country. With him here, you can't win this lawsuit." Ye Zhen suppressed the pain in his heart, frowned, and spoke softly, without any anger because of her words.

Yu Wan's heart was extremely tormented, she wished she could have a big fight with Ye Zhen, as if torturing herself, she wanted to hear him say cruel things to herself like in the past, and she didn't want to hear such a gentle tone from him.

Yu Wan spoke sharply and ironically, "So what if it's Lin Xun! I won't keep Ah Li by your side, and I won't give up custody unless you have the ability to drive me out of Lingcheng and make me completely disappear!"

"I won't let you disappear!" Ye Zhen said anxiously, with fear in her trembling voice, "Shen Wanqing, I will never let you disappear again, you want the custody of Ah Li, you don't need to go to court, I I won't argue with you, as long as you are still in Lingcheng, as long as you don't leave."

" really make me feel ridiculous! You were not like this back then. You pressed me every step of the way, wishing to tear my bones apart and peel off my skin. The you in the past wished I could die!
The Shen Wanqing six years ago is dead, and now I am the reborn Yu Wan, Ye Zhen, you said you regret it, do you regret that I didn't die back then, or do you regret that I turned into Yu Wan and came back? "She smiled lowly, her tone was crazy, and she was serious with him like a lunatic.

Ye Zhen shook her head, "I never thought of killing you."

"You haven't thought about it, because you have been putting it into action! You forced my father to death, forced me to have an eight-month miscarriage, you took my kidney and my life, and you ruined everything in the Shen family! You ruined me! Where is your beloved Shen Qiao now? She was sent to prison by your own hands just like me back then!"

"Your heart is the same as before, even more ruthless!"

Every word sees blood, every word is heart-piercing, without saying a word, those dark years will emerge in Yu Wan's mind, such despair and helplessness are all deeply engraved in her bones.

The old wound on her heart was aching, and she still couldn't forget the feeling of the scissors piercing her heart, her heart had felt its sharpness and sharpness.


Ye Zhen spoke thousands of words like a stick in his throat, and finally merged them into these short three words.

It is also the most weak three words.

"I'm's really the three most useless words in this world."

Yu Wan smiled, and tears fell out. She lifted her wrist, wiped away the tears, and cursed at Ye Zhen with all her strength: "I will never forgive you in my life! Even if you don't want to go to court, you can It can't be avoided, Chairman Ye will not give up custody, so what if Lin Xun returns to China, if one lawyer can't do it, then two, three, four, if I lose the case, I will continue to appeal, and I will continue to fight with your Ye family to the end!"

"Didn't you say I was cheap back then? After so many years, I haven't changed at all. I'm still as cheap and persistent as before! But you have changed, and you have become even more cheap!"

Her masochistic answer hurt Ye Zhen's heart, and hearing one more word made him suffer.

"I never knew that these words would hurt so much." Ye Zhen said in a low voice, with a bit of weakness in her hoarse voice.

Yu Wan was startled, and sat on the bed in a daze.

Ah Li walked in with water, and saw Yu Wan pinching her phone, with tears on her face and hatred in her eyes.

"Mummy, why are you crying!" Ah Li ran over with water in his hands, and the medicine on the bedside was scattered all over the floor, the white pills were bright and glaring.

Ye Zhen on the other end of the phone heard A Li's words and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

However, he couldn't wait for a reply, so Yu Wan hung up the phone.

Yu Wan looked at A Li and smiled, her smile was mixed with tears, looking sad and tormented.

A Li held her hand anxiously, "Mum, did A Li do something wrong?"

Yu Wan hugged A Li tightly, shook her head, "No, you did nothing wrong, don't care about your business."

"Did Daddy call just now?" A Li threw herself into Yu Wan's arms sullenly, and asked in a quiet tone.

Yu Wan's body stiffened, she responded, and asked him: "A Li, if you had to choose to live with only one person, would you like to live with grandpa and dad, or just with mommy?"

As Yu Wan said, she pushed Ah Li away, held his shoulders tightly, and looked into his star-like eyes.

A Li Nuo Nuo said, "Mum, do I have to choose?"

"Yes, you must choose." Yu Wan nodded, pampering Ah Li's chubby cheeks.

As she said, she respected A Li's choice, would fight for him, and would give up for him.

If Ah Li chooses Ye Zhen, then she will give up everything, even give up revenge, and leave here.

A Li nodded understandingly, "Is Mommy going to compete with Daddy for the custody of A Li?"

"Yes." Yu Wan didn't hide anything.

Ah Li held Yu Wan's cheek in her soft hands, and kissed it affectionately, "A Li wants to be with Mommy."

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