"Dongfangxue doesn't know because she is not from the company, but you are! How could you not know." Yue Lingshan's eyes turned red anxiously.

Yu Wan took a deep breath, looked at Yue Lingshan, "I don't know if you don't tell me, do you want me to tell you?"

This sound made Yue Lingshan's eardrums buzz.

She and Yu Wan have already broken each other, how could Yu Wan be merciful.

What's more, she really likes... Yufeng...

The atmosphere was at a stalemate, and the host inevitably couldn't host the show smoothly, so he smoothed things over with a smile.

Yue Lingshan looked at Dongfang Xue who was like a shit stick, and hated her heart. She shouldn't have called her up just now to make things difficult for him.

"Miss Dongfang, I've finished asking questions, you can go down now."

"It's really cold-blooded and ruthless. She drives people away after asking questions." Dongfang Xue looked at Yue Lingshan jokingly, and gently stroked her thin white chin with her fingertips. At that moment, she was full of charm.

Yue Lingshan was annoyed, so she kept silent.

The host smiled and said, "Then Miss Dongfang, please go to the audience for a rest first."

Dongfang Xue stood up slowly and walked off the stage.

As the show continued, Yue Lingshan continued to press Yu Wan, one question was more tricky than the other, and at the end she implied that Yu Wan and Yu Feng were deceiving the world, they were not siblings, but they were siblings.

Yu Wan explained lazily, but she didn't know what to say, even if she didn't lose her memory, she always treated Yu Feng as her elder brother.

"Yu Wan, it doesn't really matter whether you are siblings or not, what matters is why you deceived the audience and concealed this matter." Yue Lingshan looked at Yu Wan's silence and let out a light snort.

Yu Wan raised her eyes and looked at her aggressive appearance, "If you don't use such an excuse, I'm afraid the scandal between me and Yu Feng will have been spread on the Internet."

"I don't think so! You heard that you were married and had a child. The child that was secretly photographed by the reporter is actually your son!"

What? !Yu Wan was married and had children?
Oh my God!is this real?
There was an uproar in the audience, and even Producer Cai and others in front of the broadcast camera dropped their jaws in shock.

Audiences at today's show were all searched and asked to enter the venue. They were not allowed to bring any recording equipment, and even mobile phones were prohibited from being brought into the venue.

It is to prevent someone from secretly taking pictures and posting them on the Internet.

Yun Xin gritted her teeth angrily, and was even more shocked in her heart that Yue Lingshan even knew about this!
Yun Xin stared unkindly at Zhou Jing who was sitting in the corner, Zhou Jing turned pale, and was also shocked in her heart, she looked at Yun Xin's cold gaze, and helplessly spread her hands, "I don't know what's going on ..."

Yu Wan looked at the camera and brushed the loose hair around her ears. The gentle light fell on her fair and delicate side face, and a touch of anger and restlessness appeared on her beautiful and compelling face.

A Li is her back lin, she can endure all the insults to her from outsiders, but she doesn't allow Yue Lingshan to involve A Li in it.

"What, don't talk anymore? That's not okay. I prepared Yu Wan's questions in advance and asked you to clarify them on the show. Why don't you answer them!"

Yue Lingshan looked at her stiff face, and reached out her hand to Yu Wan's shoulder with concern.

Almost subconsciously, Yu Wan stretched out her hand, slapped Yue Lingshan's hand off her shoulder, and then said in a gloomy voice, "It seems that you have put in a lot of effort."

"What's the matter? Are those rumors true?" Yue Lingshan covered her mouth in surprise, looked at the camera, showing a panicked expression, and looked at Yuwan with self-blame.

If you are too delicate and artificial, it will make people sick, and Yue Lingshan's performance at the moment is like this.

The audience in the audience looked at her hypocritical appearance.They all frowned.

"I was forced by you to appear on the show and accept questions. I will pay back your favor. You shouldn't make trouble with Ah Li."

"Ye Li is the child of you and Ye Zhensheng! Your face is exactly the same as Mrs. Ye's six years ago! There is almost no difference. You are already married, and you lied to everyone!"

"Oh my god!" There was a gasping voice from the audience.

Dongfang Xue's red lips parted slightly, and she froze in place in shock.

Yun Xin secretly gritted her teeth, thankfully that it is forbidden to carry mobile phones and other objects at the recording site of today's program, and no one can take these videos, otherwise there will be a huge wave.

Yun Xin beckoned to the staff, and asked people to arrange many security guards outside to strictly prevent any photos and videos from being leaked.

Yue Lingshan's eyes were scarlet, looking at Yu Wan's calm face, she wished she could rush up and tear her apart.

She has already revealed Yu Wan's deepest secret, why is she still so calm!
"No comment." Yu Wan's sternness swept over her beautiful eyes, instantly enveloping her whole body, leaving only these four words, which kept thinking back in the hall.

Yue Lingshan smiled gloomyly, and she asked faintly, her face full of disappointment, "If not, why did that child keep clinging to you and call you Mommy, and why did Ye Zhen keep pestering you? Yuwan, you are so shameless, You deliberately interfered with Mr. Ye and Ms. Su, and held on to Mr. Yu."

"Where did you hear these nonsense words? Ah Li is just a simple child, I don't want him to be stressed and nervous because of me!" Yu Wan took a deep breath to suppress the burning pain in his heart.

"Where do I need to listen to this? After a little investigation, the truth will come to light, right, Miss Shen..."

That sentence "Miss Shen" called back Yu Wan's long-lasting memory. At that time, she was still Shen Wanqing, not Yu Wan.

The supporters on the stage were so shocked that they didn't dare to speak, they simply sat silently on the side, acting as a background board.

Yue Lingshan couldn't help thinking that when no one knew about Yu Wan's miserable past, he would still love her, but when everyone in the world knew that Yu Wan and Shen Wanqing were alone, and knew her miserable past all the time, Can Yufeng still bear the mocking eyes and contemptuous insults from the world?

Is it worth it for a woman who is married twice and has a child?
"This is my personal matter. I have nothing to say. You like to talk about private matters. I don't like it." Yu Wan folded her hands on the beggar, entangled her fingers uneasily, and looked at Yue Lingshan with obvious anger. meaning.

"Okay, let's not mention this matter, Mr. Ye and Ms. Su are already engaged, and you and Mr. Yu are also a fiancée relationship, so isn't it too shameless for you to meddle in your ex-husband's relationship?"

Yue Lingshan's words were heart-wrenching, and she refused to let go, like a wolf that has been hungry for more than ten days, clenching its prey tightly and refusing to let go.

Yu Wan's heart was disturbed, her mind was full of shadows of the past, she reached out her hand to take out the medicine for depression, but before she forgot to record the show, her baby was with Yun Xin.

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