Lin Dongxu looked at her confused look, feeling angry and distressed in his heart.

Xing Pei looked him up and down and asked, "Are you her boyfriend?"

Lin Dongxu asked back, "I'm not you?"

Xing Pei raised his eyebrows, and was about to speak, when he saw a charming man in a red suit walking behind Lin Dongxu, his expression changed slightly, and he called obediently, "Brother!"

Xing Que responded lightly, and when his narrow fox eyes saw Yun Xin leaning against Lin Dongxu's arms, he flickered slightly, "It turned out to be Lin Special Assistant and Director Yun who are beside President Yu."

Lin Dongxu looked at the strange man in front of him in surprise, "Do you know us?"

Xing Que's tone was indifferent, "We met once."

At a reception two years ago, he followed Ye Zhen to join in the fun. He met him at that time, and when investigating Shen Wanqing's matter for Ye Zhen, he also investigated a lot about Yun Xin who was beside her.

Therefore, the two of them don't know Xing Que, but Xing Que is very familiar with them.

"Director Yun is drunk, take her back." Xing Que glanced at Xing Pei coldly, then looked at Yun Xin who was blushing.

Lin Dongxu looked at Xing Que in silence, and left with the drunken Yunxin in his arms.

As soon as the two left, Xing Que stretched out his hand and mercilessly twisted Xing Pei's ear, "Stinky boy, what are you doing so close to that woman?"

"Didn't you see that you hid a lot of photos and materials in your drawer, brother, I really don't believe you said you didn't have a crush on her!" Xing Pei immediately complained.

Xing Que rolled his eyes immediately. All the photos in the drawer were obtained when he investigated Shen Wanqing. Because of Shen Wanqing's relationship, he also checked Yun Xin's affairs to the bottom. Those materials were all thrown in the drawer. After a long time, he forgot about it. He didn't expect to be seen by Xing Pei, and he once thought it was his crush.

"How many times have I told you that I have no interest in that woman!" Xing Que let go of the hand that was twisting Xing Pei's ear, and explained viciously.

"I didn't believe it at first, but today I saw your dead face with no emotion, and I believed it." Xing Pei nodded while rubbing his ears.

Xing Que stared at him warningly, "Don't forget what you are here for this time."

"I know, I know, isn't it just to attend the Ye family's wedding? Do you think Ye Zhen will listen to Uncle Ye and marry that woman surnamed Su?" Xing Pei muttered impatiently.

"Whether you marry or not is not your business, you just need to listen to your parents and come here on their behalf." Xing Que patted him on the shoulder, walked to the edge of the wine rack, picked up a bottle of whiskey, and turned to go to his rest room on the second floor room.

In the noisy environment, Xing Que's words were heard in Xing Pei's ears. He drank a sip of wine depressedly, and looked at the bodies writhing crazily on the dance floor, feeling dull.


the other side.

Lin Dongxu hugged Yun Xin on the co-pilot, and was about to get up when her slender arms wrapped around his neck, and the refreshing body fragrance penetrated into his nostrils.

Lin Dongxu's heart seemed to be fanned by a feather, and there were dense itches.

Yun Xin raised her head, opened a pair of wet eyes, and stared at him complainingly, "Lin Dongxu, why have you ignored me for so many days! Even if you reject me, there must be an answer!"

"You drank too much." Lin Dongxu pulled Yun Xin's hand away and sat in the driver's seat.

Unyielding, Yun Xin wrapped her hands around his arms, leaning into his arms, writhing restlessly, "I'm not drunk! I know exactly what I want to say and do now!"

"Tell me why you don't like me, why you ignore me for so many days!"

Yunxin's arms were tightly hugged, and Lin Dongxu couldn't break free, so he could only sit helplessly on the seat, watching her acting like a cat, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but draw a smile, and then comforted her, "I I didn't ignore you, it's just that there are too many things in the company recently, and I can't take care of you."

"Aren't you Yufeng, and are you so busy?" Yun Xin obviously didn't believe it, and muttered.

The breath of midsummer is extremely hot and dry. Even though the air conditioner is on in the cramped carriage, it still makes people feel hot all over.

Yun Xin blushed, and tugged at the neckline indiscriminately, revealing her fair skin. Lin Dongxu's eyes were dim, and his slender fingertips had already landed on the neckline she pulled open, and then tightened it and fastened it.

"Don't move around, I'll take you home first."

"Go home? Why go home? If you don't tell me clearly, I won't let you go!" Yun Xin took Lin Dongxu's hand shamelessly, and rubbed his shoulder uneasily.

"What do you want me to say?" Lin Dongxu turned sideways, looked at her flushed cheeks, and the smile in his eyes grew bigger and bigger.

Yun Xin looked at him dazedly, his handsome cheeks were reflected in his dark jewel-like pupils, her tone was anxious and fearful, "Then you like me, do you want to date me?"

Lin Dongxu grinned, raised his hands to hold Yunxin's cheeks, and said very seriously, "Okay."


Yun Xin was stunned, her mouth widened in surprise, and she woke up a little bit from the alcohol. She grabbed Lin Dongxu's hand and faltered and asked, "What did you just say? I didn't hear you clearly. Say it again?"

"I said, let's date!" Lin Dongxu smiled, tender and doting.

These days, he thought a lot, and finally decided to obey his heart.

He likes Yunxin, so much that he wanted to express his affection at one point, but he didn't expect her to say it out more anxiously than himself. Romantic relationships between company employees are forbidden.

He once hesitated and endured for her, but when she impulsively confessed to him, Lin Dongxu's heart became firm.

No matter what they will face in the future, he wants to be with her, even if it means leaving the job.

"Did I hear you right!" Yun Xin pinched her thigh fiercely, her cheeks twisted in pain, and she couldn't help gasping.

Lin Dongxu frowned distressedly, looking at her surprise, it was both funny and distressing.

"If you want to pinch, pinch mine, it's all red."

"It doesn't hurt to pinch you! How do I know if it's a dream or real!" Yun Xin's eyes were red with joy, and she jumped into Lin Dongxu's arms in surprise.

This was a scene she had imagined countless times!

What made her even more unexpected was that after a boring meal at the Arc de Triomphe, what she wanted came true!

"Then do you still think it's a dream?" Lin Dongxu asked with a smile.

Yun Xin leaned against his chest, listened to his strong heartbeat, sniffed, and smiled contentedly, "It's not a dream! We are really together!"

Lin Dongxu pulled her hand away with a smile, and fastened her seat belt considerately, "Then Miss Yun, can your boyfriend take you home?"

"To your house or mine?" Yun Xin blushed slightly, staring like a curious baby.

Lin Dongxu was helpless for a while, raised his brows slightly, and smiled half-smile, "You can go to my house."

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