Every time it is mentioned, there is pain in the bone.

"Don't call me by my name! Every time you call it, you are reminding me of what you have done!"

"How can you forgive me?" Ye Zhen took a deep breath, looked at her in pain, and her low voice trembled slightly.

There is only a short distance of one meter between them, but it seems that there is a deep abyss.

He never thought that being looked at by her cold and hateful eyes would be such a breathless feeling.

In those eyes that were once as clear as lake water, there is no love and expectation for him anymore.

Only deep hatred is left.

She looked at Ye Zhen sarcastically, and the tears in her eyes dried up at this moment.

"Unless...you die!"

Outside the window, there is a gentle breeze and the rising sun, but inside the house it is like deep winter.

Ye Zhen stood there stiffly, every pore on her body was full of remorse and pain.

He didn't know how he dragged his heavy body out of the hospital, and when he regained his senses, he was now on the side of the road full of people.

The hatred on the woman's face was engraved in his mind, vivid and obvious.He seems to have really lost her...

Shen Wanqing, she is no longer like in the past, always looking forward to her change of heart, waiting to warm the ice on his body with her fiery heart.

She has nothing but hatred for herself, only hatred...

What Ye Zhen didn't know was that after he left, she cried and passed out on the hospital bed. After waking up, she took three injections of sedatives to stabilize her emotions.

When Yunxin and Lin Xiaojiu rushed to the hospital, she had already passed out.

outside the ward.

Yufeng watched W light up a cigarette distractedly, and then extinguished it in an instant.

He scratched his head hard, and looked at Yufeng with a gloomy gaze, "Now she has changed from Yuwan to Shen Wanqing, are you happy to see Ye Zhen in a mess?"

"... But in my eyes, there is only Wanwan's painful look, w Am I doing something wrong..." Yufeng asked in a daze.

On the elegant and handsome face, there was a confused expression.

"Perhaps it's right... She can't be Yu Wan for a lifetime, she is Shen Wanqing... How can she live a lifetime in another person's body."

"But the way she was taking sedatives is very similar to when the postpartum depression broke out six years ago." Yufeng said anxiously.

"I'm only thinking about this now. When I asked me to restore her memory, why didn't I remember it? Because of the impact of the car accident, she remembered all this in advance, but it was better than us deliberately hypnotizing her to make her remember. There is no secondary hypnosis damage , and it won't let her mess up her mental state, just like a dreamer who suddenly wakes up."

W sighed, and the two looked at each other, guarding the door of the ward, not daring to leave.

The gossip about Yu Wan was quietly spread on the Internet under Su Ho's deliberate guidance.

When Ye Zhen was called back to the old house, it was already dark.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard the servant's voice.

"Mr. Ye, the chairman is waiting for you in his own study."

"...Yeah." Ye Zhen nodded in a daze, and walked into the study.

As soon as he entered the door, he was slapped heavily on the face.

"Say, what did you do outside again?!" Ye Zhen cursed angrily, his face darkened with anger.

The burning pain reminded Ye Zhen of his rationality, and his wandering eyes slowly gathered, looking at Ye Zhenxian who was full of anger.

Ye Zhen first threw the documents in his hand on his face.

"Look at what you have done! I asked you to take A Li because I felt sorry for him, who lost his mother at such a young age, so he couldn't be estranged from his father anymore!

You don't like the fiancée I picked, so you have to fight against it, which woman will you take A Li to the hospital every day to see? ! "

Ye Zhen bent down and picked up the photo that fell on the floor with pain, her eyes were hot.

These candid photos were actually one of the few photos he took with Shen Wanqing...

"He's not another woman... She is Wanqing!" Ye Zhen's throat choked.

Ye Zhen first looked at her devastated appearance, raised his hand and slapped him hard on the face.

"Look at what you look like now! Wanqing has been dead for six years, and was hidden in the Lingcheng Cemetery by that kid from the Yu family!"

"In the past, you didn't cherish and hurt her and bullied her. Now that she's gone, you feel sad and miss every day, and you even found a substitute. Don't you feel guilty when you see that exactly the same face?"

Ye Zhen smiled wryly, and pulled the corners of her lips helplessly, "No, Dad...it's Wanqing, she is Shen Wanqing!"

"I think you're stunned!" Ye Zhen let out a low growl, pointing at Ye Zhen's face, heartbroken, "Take care of the matter between you and that woman immediately, I didn't expect to see your messy gossip again! "

"Also, I've already decided on your wedding with Su Ho. I'll stay in it for three months. I..."

Ye Zhen interrupted Ye Zhenxian, "Dad, Shen Wanqing is not dead, she was hidden by Yufeng. She is Yuwan!"

She's not dead, she's not dead...

Ye Zhen froze on the spot, his eyes widened in astonishment and shock.

"You, what did you say?"

"Shen Wanqing is not dead, she is Yu Wan, she remembered, everything in the past, she remembered..."

"How is this possible!" Ye Zhen murmured first, shaking his head again and again, unable to believe it.

Six years ago, his daughter-in-law collapsed after giving birth and died on the operating table. She was pushed out of the operating room covered in blood and sent to the morgue.

Up to now, her ashes are still in the cemetery in Lingcheng. Every Qingming Festival, he would take Ah Li over there to have a look.

How could she be alive.

Ye Zhen first narrowed his eyes in pain, if he hadn't seen Yu Wan with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed Ye Zhen's words.

But it was because he had seen and knew that the two looked exactly alike that he was willing to believe it.

Only the statement that they are the same person can explain it.

"It's good to live, it's good to live..."

Ye Zhen couldn't help the corners of his eyes getting wet at first, but then he looked at Ye Zhen helplessly, "But do you think she will be with you when she is alive? She is Yuwan, or it is possible, but she is Wanqing, she won't forgive you."

Ye Zhenxian's words sent Ye Zhen into hell once again.

He remembered Yu Wan's words, unless he died, she would never be able to forgive herself...

Her hatred for herself was so hard that it made it difficult for him to breathe.

"I will do my best to make it up to her, no matter what... What's more, we still have A Li. Even if she hates me, she won't forgive me. She is true to A Li." Ye Zhen muttered to himself, as if finding hope Same.

Ye Zhen shook his head sarcastically.


She woke up from the nightmare, and the pillow was wet countless times.

The memory of six years ago clearly appeared in front of my eyes, over and over again.Constantly reminding her of what he did to her.

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